331de4708b05e1c7e3d68a6f68a1dc3c24899f06 Sahajayoga- Meditation techniques acclaimed worldwide: 2020


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Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Birth of Christ - Lessons for Humanity

Shri Mataji says that Muslims, Hindus, Christians and others have to be resurrected to a higher state to understand what is actually taking place on Earth. Shri Mataji even broke years of silence last month on Easter just to remind all Her devotees that Lord Jesus and His message must be spread to the rest of humanity. But why does She keep on telling us how important it is to believe in Jesus Christ? Extremely few know the real reasons, and by that i mean Her own disciples too. And it is only through Jesus Christ can we understand the Resurrection because by being the first to provide evidence of His own resurrection, He assures us that we too will be resurrected and attain the same eternal spirit and afterlife. Thus it is crucial for all to understand why Shri Mataji regards Jesus Christ as a pivotal figure in the Last Judgment and Resurrection: "

Merry Christmas to you all. According to Sahaja Yoga Christ is settled on your Agnya Chakra. His whole life is depicting the qualities of a person who is a realized soul.

What He has suggested in his own life is that you should not have any greed or lust.
The way these days people are greedy all over the world is really shocking. Right from the childhood our children also learn to ask for this or ask for that. Only complete satisfaction in life can give you that equanimity, that balance by which you do not hanker after things.
These days even India has become very much westernized in the sense, they are also very much wanting to have this and that. Actually now in America suddenly with this happening, people are getting to spirituality. They come to spirituality because they think they have not found any satisfaction anywhere. What we have to receive from His life, the great life of Christ?
First He was born in a small little hut. As you so many of them when you come along, very much satisfied and He was put in a cradle which was all covered with dry, very dry grass. Can you imagine? And then He sacrificed His life on the cross.
Whole thing is a story of a sacrifice because He had a power, Power of spirit that He could sacrifice anything, even sacrifice his own life. So you can understand, the greatness of Christ was coming from his great personality of spirituality.
H.H.Shri Mataji
Christmas Puja, Ganapatipule 2002🎄

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Handle your tongue properly to rise in Sahajayoga and life.

Witnessing power............

I have told you that for a Sahaja Yogi the whole thing should be decided by the witnessing power. Now the witnessing power is silent, it doesn’t talk, if you are a very talkative person then it’s not going to help you much. You have to come in balance. For the first time in towerhis incarnation I have started talking and I get so troubled because I’m not used to this kind of talking. So for you people, it is necessary that you should not talk unless and until you feel like talking. And very few sentences, conclusive. As I told you before, the tongue is the master of all the organs of distraction. If you could master your tongue, you are master of all of them, in a way. Because everything has to be palatable .... The tongue decides about it all. If you want to eat some food, if it is not palatable then you don’t want to eat that food. It has to be palatable. Then a thought also, a thought has to be palatable. If it is not palatable, you are not going to have it. So the deciding factor is the tongue, the roots of the tongue goes up to the Vishuddhi chakra, which controls your ego and superego, or you can say that the tongue is reflected in superego and ego in a way.
Through your tongue, when you speak, one can make out whether you are in the realm of the ego or superego. She expresses, she decides. But if you understand her, then you know how to handle her. She’s your friend and Saraswati herself resides in your tongue. If you know how to handle your tongue then Sahaja Yoga can rise really higher. Because when others meet you, as Sahaja Yogis, they also see how the way you talk, the way you eat, the way that things are palatable to you. It is the tongue that decides.
If you are really very much evolved, you’ll be amazed that if you eat some food that, immediately the tongue will throw it out. It won’t have it, if it is something wrong. If some prasad, so called, is given to you, which is given by some wrong kind of man, immediately your tongue will throw it out. It won’t be able to take it in. And even if you take some of the food down in the stomach, still the tongue will inform the brain that throw it out, and the brain will inform the stomach that throw it out. It will be unpalatable. So the action of Vishnu in the stomach up to the action of Shri Krishna, who is the same personality, is all just by your tongue.
You must know how pure, holy, your tongue should be. That when you take the name of your Mother with this tongue, you must know it has to be the holiest of holiest. It is very important how you use your tongue. Those who talk very bluntly are just the same as those who talk very sweetly, to get something out of you is the intention. As I have told you, it controls the ego and superego. Even if Sahaja Yogis understand that the witness is also here, at the Vishuddhi chakra. So your witnessing powers will increase and decrease according to your tongue.
Of course it controls sixteen sub-plexus. It also controls the muscles of the eyes. It controls all these muscles, it controls the palate, it controls the teeth. It controls the ears. But here, you hear something you cannot control it. Tongue you can, because that is the thing which releases, which goes out. With the ear you cannot give anything to others. That is just one way. This is double way thing, you can take in something and also can throw out. It has a double purpose, it is a very important organ. And that’s why we have to look after our tongue.
Talk to the Sahaja yogis,
Delhi, 1976

taken from facebook page of -Shri Matajis Love.

Saturday, December 5, 2020

Ritualism has no place in sahajayoga.

Though there are various rules or protocols about the pooja and dhyan and aarti of mataji nirmaladevi followed in alomost all centers world over, Mataji has specifically advised not to become the slave of any kind of ritualism.  Do anything and evrything by heart, open your heart and she likes it, god likes it.  So just forget about how many times you have uttered a mantra, or what steps you followed or missed.  Be spontaneous and free bird in the sky .  Do everything with love and that is the best practice to be followed by sahajayogis.

following are extracts from various speeched given by mataji nirmladevi on the subject. 

 Ritualism is not at all important........

First of all, we should see that how our conditioning takes over our innocence. It makes you extremely ritualistic. Even in Sahaja Yoga, I’ve seen, I’ve heard also, that people are extremely, extremely ritualistic. Now the ritualism is like this: that you have to say something three times, you say it three times, seven times like tied up people. I’ve seen some Sahaja Yogis like that. ...
So one should understand a difference between a protocol and ritualism. An innocent child knows the protocol. ... So for children, you see, innocent children, the worship, everything is not ritualistic. It is heartfelt. You feel it from the heart: how to do the worship, how to show your love. Is very sweet way an innocent person does it; while a person who is very ritualistic, he may even beat another person because, “Why did you do this? You should not have put camphor in it? Why did you put the camphor so? It's very wrong.” There’s nothing wrong. If you do it with your heart, with your open heart, innocently, anything is all right. It is the open heart which is necessary, not the closed heart — “Why did you do it? Why didn’t you do it? Where did you sit? What happened?” Nothing.
Now you are in the Kingdom of God and here there are no such rules and regulations that you should be ritualistic.
(Shri Ganesha Puja 1993)
Some people know more rituals, others know more protocol, but it does not matter. I know the one who loves me. The one who loves others, loves me the most. I don't care about your protocols and rituals. It is nonsense for me. What does it matter to me? It makes no difference wether you say good morning or good evening to me. What you say to your brothers and sisters is the important thing.
(Chelsham Road, London, 24/5/81)
Quietness within, peace within, that’s very important. If there is peace you will grow. There’s no other way out. But you see, all this ritualism, sometimes giving bandhan all the time or raising Kundalini all the time and people even would like to see the table if it has vibrations, you see. That’s going too far. There’s no need to do all that nonsense. Sahaja Yoga is sense, it’s not nonsense.
(Talk in Armonk, New York, 27/7/88)
Is not necessary to have this ritualism, this kind of a rigmarole. Oh, all the time you go on. Everyday, morning till evening, nonsensical these things and they become fanatic. They start becoming absolutely fanatic about Sahaja yoga and this fanaticism can be very dangerous because they try to remember everything by heart this and that. No, not necessary.
(Shri Adi Shakti Puja 1995)
You must know what you are. First of all introspect. Accordingly you should work it out, but this ritualism is not allowed in Sahaja Yoga all the time.
Christmas Puja 1997
taken from "Shri Matajis love" blog on facebook.

Saturday, November 14, 2020

Birth and Rebirth


Mataji Nirmaladevi has described the process of birth in one of her lectures.  As well described by Mataji human being takes birth as per own karma, in different categories of human beings.  Only when the person attends moksha, the chain or birth and rebirth is broken.  So mataji has always tought to be good, humble, noble, kind hearted, delighted, helpful, for the others , for their sufferings.  Mataji has always vouched for good condut and warned against all ailments of heart and thoughts like being angry, being crook,  being mischievous, causing physical and mental harms to others- knowingly and unkonwlingly.  

So please be guided by the lessons of Mataji Nirmaladevi. It is very hard to practice it, but we have no option. Real Sahajayogis have  to follow it without any iota of doubt. 

following is the text of her speech on birth - 

A soul is thus born again ang again.

A soul is thus born again ang again. In the mother's womb the sperm, formed by the Mahasaraswati power and containing the soul (consisting of the five elements less the earth), and the spirit enter into the ova (formed by the Mahakali power), which is the earth element, and an embryo is formed.

When the embryo fixes itself to the wall of the uterus, the Kundalini enters through the fontanel bone (Brahmarandhra) at the top of the skull. The foetus now starts growing. Actually it is the entry of the Kundalini that fixes the foetus to the uterine wall. In ordinary language, we can call the soul, spirit. The spirit properly so-called, the Atma, is actually dormant, and only manifests its light after Self-Relation has occured.

When Self-realised souls die their Kundalini stays in the soul, as the spirit (Atma) becomes one with the Kundalini. Even in this category, though, there are three or four distinctly different types of souls who take their birth according to their achievements and advancement.

Realised souls areable to see the Kundalini as twisted, coiled identities in the atmosphere. They can also see good and bad souls as round bodies, their colours expressing their quality. They do not see the body of the souls, but possessed people can see such bodies as thex belong to the subconscious strata themselves.

H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - The Book of Adi Shakti - Incarnations Chapter 5



Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Sahajayoga and Attitude towards Sin

 Being human being we and people around us often commit some form of sins.  What is a sin, it all depends upon the culture, values, ethical norms and ideology of the person concerned.  But for every person some acts are considered as sin.   Mataji Nirmaladevi has talked about the sins, and attitude towards it by different kind of people.  Folowing is the message by mataji Nirmaladevi in this regard, as seen from the post of Sean Kelly. -------

You see, there could be three types of attitudes towards sin; one could be that, you should say, “Why should I commit sins? I’m not going to commit sins.” This could be one attitude. Another could be that, “This is not sin: I’ll do what I like.” That is on the right-hand side. And the third could be that, “Yes, I know it is a sin: I’m the worst man, I’m a very bad person, I’m good for nothing – what to do? That’s why I’m doing the sins.”

But for human beings, it is necessary to know that, if you commit sins, then you go down in your Dharma. But after realization, you become really dharmateet, means ‘beyond Dharma’. Means, if you do anything wrong then immediately, you’ll have the reaction on your vibrations, on all your stomach or something will happen to you. Like for example now, supposing you eat a kind of a food which you should not eat – immediately you get diarrhoea. If you drink alcohol, you will vomit: it will happen to you automatically. That’s how you give up alcohol, smoking – all these things. You don’t even like the taste of it after some time. You just don’t want to have it. That means you have gone beyond dharma; means you do not have to establish it; it is just there – now it’s… the whole system is working. Means your attention has gone; your attention has gone beyond dharma. You don’t have to worry about keeping your dharma. Before this, you had to keep a watch as to be in the center in your dharma. Now, if you try to do anything, immediately it will show on your vibrations, or in your constitution it will show, so you don’t have to put full attention to it.

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi 12 Oct 1980

Shared with app "Every Day with Shri Mataji" for Android

Sent from my Huawei phone by 

Sean Kelly

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

How to restore Drained Physicl Energy

I sincerely thank  Sean Kelly for making the post given below on facebook.

It contain a very valuable advice by Mataji Nirmaladevi regarding regaining the energy, when one feels exhausted.  On reading this message from Sean Kelly , i now realise why sahajayogis distants themselves from people around them.  It is but natural afte knowing all these things.  

Mataji we all very grateful to you for raising our kundalini and giving  us the gyan , which very few have got. It is all the essence of divine world manifested through your various talks. Jai Shri Mataji.


The first and foremost problem we have is the physical one which comes to us sometimes from heredity, sometimes from our birth, sometimes we develop ourselves. So, we should know what is the physical problem we have and we should face it. We all can cure our physical problems but certain things people do not understand. Like you go to a big department store, a sahaja yogi especially, and he gets completely drained off. I had taken some of them with me to buy some presents and they all ran out, “Mother, we are going to sit outside. We just can’t sit here. It’s too much.” And they sat on the steps just like small children waiting for me to come out. Nobody wants to help me with things. They said, “Mother, why it happens to me? If I travel, why does my physical energy completely drain out?”

So the thing is that now as you have become the channels of God, the energy is sucked in by other people who are sitting around or those who are in that place or who are working there very hard. It’s perfectly all right because you have chosen to be the channels. But if the channel is completely dragged in the sense that if everything gets exhausted you also feel the drain for the time being. But at that time, it’s a very simple technique, a Divine technique which we should remember, that the source of our energy comes from the Spirit which resides in our heart. At this time if you say, “I am the Spirit, I am not this physical being. Why should I be drained out? I am the Spirit.” You can put your hand, if you want, on your Heart or you can [circle] your hand around your Heart like this [bandhan] so that you start bringing your Spirit into your attention and the attention that is dragged outside becomes completely nourished.

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi 28 Sep 1983

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Sahaja yoga Online Meditation


Due to wide spread covid 19 in various parts of the world, the new seekers of sahajayoga have no other alternative than , getting the knowledge of sahajayoga meditation through online courses. One can find various videos on you tube of online meditation programs by Mataji Nirmaladevi. Once the seeker gets accustomed to it, it is very easy to follow and practice it at home every day. Mataji Nirmaladevi had always emphacised the need to do meditation twice in a day - once in early morning and other in the evening.

Seekers have just to keep a photo of Mataji Nirmaladevi in front with a light between the photo and the person. And then practice the meditation technique taught online. It is very easy. If somebody has problems just seat in front of Mataji, first bow down before her photograph, welcome her in your body, and then surrender yourself to her completely and just seat quietly with two hands open in front of her photo.

Just forget everything else. You have to do meditation. It means doing nothing, just sitting quietly. Automatically you would feel the coll breeze coming towards you, on your palm, on your head, in your body. Enjoy it and seat comfortably as long as you can. As you practice more and more, it would be happening naturally and also for a longer duration.

Mataji Nirmaladevi and many others too have told that meditation is the only answer to all your problems. Just meditate.

Mataji bless you all in Meditation.

Jai Shri Mataji.

Follonwing is the record of online meditation world over in the period of covid 19. Thanks to all for participation and knowing your own roots for further personal development. Jai shri Mataji.

“Congratulations to Indian Sahajayogi Brothers, Sisters and Sahajayogis from 82 countries of the World”

On 9th May 2020, Global Book of Records has been conferred 3 World Records to H H Shri Mataji Nirmaladevi Sahajayoga Trust (National Trust) for organizing Online Meditation Programs during March 22, 2020 to May 5, 2020
1) Global Records - Largest Collective Online Meditation
Towards Golden Jubilee Year Celebration of Sahajayoga during May 1, 2020 to May 5, 2020
2) Asia Pacific Records - Most Pratctitioners Online Meditation
Towards Most Sahajayoga Practitioners from Asia Pacific regions, at online platforms from March 22, 2020 to May 5, 2020.
3) National Records- Longest Daily Online Meditation
H H Shri Mataji Nirmaladevi Sahajayoga Trust (National Trust), organized collective online Meditation sessions especially for new seekers on YouTube and Facebook platforms, every day from March 22, 2020 to May 5, 2020 to commemorate Golden Jubilee Year of ‘Sahajayaga’.
We bow down to Shri Mataji and Seek HER blessings. Let us be part of HER Vision.
Jai Shri Mataji
Dinesh Rai
Vice Chairman
H H Shri Mataji Nirmaladevi Sahajayoga Trust
Dt 09 May 2020


Friday, August 21, 2020

1973 Talks - HH Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi (Sahaja Yoga Meditation ...

Today is Ganesh Chaturthi.  The special ganesh festival lasting for over ten days starts in Maharashtra and many more places in India.  Maharashtra has a special place in India, as it has all the Swayambhoo Ashtavinayakas  in the state.  

Lord Ganesh is the god of wisdom, Gyan, Buddhi, Sanskars, Good karma.  Lord Ganesha also protects his disciples from devils, evils, demons, bad things around them.  He is also called Vighnaharta i.e. the one who ends Vighna i.e. Sankat or any kind of Great imminent danger to person or property etc. 

Adi Shakti Mataji resides in the form of Ganesha in our Kundalini.  Let us know about Ganesha as expressed by Mataji Nirmaladevi - 

 Now we have to understand the importance of Shri Ganesha. What is His significance that is expressed today?

Like I had told you earlier, ‘vinay’, which is called humility. ‘Namrata’ [humility] is His special quality. One more special quality is wisdom. I wasn’t getting an equivalent word in Marathi, they told Me the meaning of wisdom will be ‘subudhi’. O.K let us say ‘subudhi’. All these things are gifted by Ganesha’s principle.
But then one more quality is that, He is a cool headed person. He’s a very cool headed person. His walk is very cool. Like an elephant. In an elephant you see that it walks very slowly. The walk is so beautiful that if any lady walks nicely she’s called ‘gajagamini’, meaning she walks like an elephant.
Slowly lifting the legs, thinking where to keep the foot so that no ant or animal comes under its feet. They walk taking care of these things. In the front they blow with their trunk while walking so that something that come in their way may not get destroyed.
Secondly, they eat only grass. They are so strong eating only grass that wherever heavy work needs to be done, like carrying heavy load, there only elephants are used. The significant quality of elephant is also that they do thing slowly. They do not do anything hastily. And one more significant quality is that their memory is very strong. Even if they see a child in a young age, however old that person has grown, they recognize. In the same as on the left side because the working is of Shri Ganesha, you also know that when your left side becomes weak, your memory fails. That’s why we always raise the left side when the memory fails. The reason is the principle of Ganesha in you is reduced. When you become right sided, your left side Ganesha principle keeps reducing. Those people who work a lot, do this do that; their memory, you can see in their old age it becomes a question whether they will be able to recognize themselves or not. That’s why Shri Ganesha specialty is that wisdom is there but along with wisdom, His memory is excellent. He remembers everything. He has to remember. Because whatever is imprinted on the Kundalini, whatever written, all that is done by Shri Ganesha.
He has a pen in His hand and He writes with His pen. The pen is one of His broken teeth. From that He writes what type of a person you are? What difficulties have you undergone? In your seeking where all you went? What mistakes did you do? Everything He writes in it [Kundalini].
When the Kundalini begins to rise, like a tape recorder with problems squeaks, similarly you can see the squeaking of the Kundalini when She passes through your chakras. That’s how you come to know in the person this chakra is spoilt or that chakra is spoilt. This is absolutely classic scientific matter.
So, there is not only one principle of Ganesha, that you stay chaste, be without sins. There are many principles and one of them is that there should be wisdom in you, there should be ‘subuddhi’ [wisdom] in you. You should know what is good and what is bad.