" What is Sahaja yoga?
Sahaja yoga. ‘Saha’ means with you and ‘ja ‘means born. ‘Yog’ means your attention’s union with God ‘s power of love that is spread all around. This occurance itself is called ‘yog’. This is the birth right of every human being. To get it , as the other meaning of ‘Sahaj” is easy, spontaneous. For this, there is proper arrangement within us. There is nobody within whom there is no such arrangement means within your triangular bone which is called ‘Sacrum’ in English language It means that Greeks knew that the triangular bone is sacred, means it is pure. That is why its name is ‘Sacrum’ since eternity. Now this bone In this triangular bone three and half circles the power that is inherent in it, is called Kundalini in Sanskrit.
Within us God has bestowed three more powers too. One of those powers is that we desire. Our power of desire, our everyday work of the power of desire. And another is our power of action. This nourishes our sympathetic nervous system. Its nourishment depends upon these two chakras. First power, with the help of which we desire the channel through which that power is broadcasted is called Ida Nadi. And the other power that gets activated they do the work for the desire they have with their existence and their body that power which we can say is our right sympathetic nervous system. But its name is Pingala Nadi. In this way , there are two channels within us.
Ida and Pingla Nadi. Apart from these there is third channel within us. This is called Sushumna, which is in the center, is called Madhya Marg. Both these powers come from left and right and join like this. And in the center a chakra is made (Showing with Her hands) within the central chakras our physical, mental, intellectual, cultural even our spiritual, all progress is settled. When these chakras get damaged on some account, or their power recedes and is destroyed then we face so many types of degeneration, physical, mental, intellectual and spiritual. This which is built within us is like a great subtle tantra (mechanism). but the difference between tantricks and us is that tantricks don’t know anything about this mechanism and falsely they say that they are tantricks and say ‘we do this , we do that’. But mostly tantricks use Bhoot Vidya. And they mesmerize people with that Bhoot Vidya The same vidya (Knowledge) that we call Pret Vidya, Mashan Vidya etc., there are so many names.
Now the powers that are within us apart from that there is fourth power within us. Till we were not human beings, this fourth power did not evolve. Till then these three powers were implemented and whatever our progress was going on we should say that in our evolution was fully going on with the help of these three powers. For example, first power is ‘power of desire’ second is ‘power of action’. And the third power is which we can say is the cordination of the two or balance or we can say is the middle path. By and by, a human being has reached this state that he in this Kaliyuga is in hassle. Sometimes he follows a wrong path, acts wrongly and in a way destroys himself completely. Secondly, he behaves in such a manner that he becomes very wicked, is full of ego and is very agressive with the people. Its example is let us try to understand that by following both the paths we feel that we are progressing. What is wrong with this, it is good, it is freedom for us.
But it is different to know the tantra of (SAV) We are talking here about tantra of (SAV) First of all, it should be understood that if we knew only truth, knew absolute truth there would have been no disputes of the present. So, something else should be within us and because of which we will come to know that which is only ‘Truth’. After knowing all this, they will accept one thing because within them they have felt only ‘ Truth.’ Now for awakening the kundalini for the last so many years Nathpanthis did a lot of work. In this work of Nathpanthis, there was a system, a tradition that one guru would awaken only one disciple. and would work only for one disciple And sometimes these disciples would follow the wrong path and would not follow their advice. According to Me, in the twelfth century[ie 1200s] for the first time, Gyaneshwara wrote about kundalini in his commentary about Gita. In sixth chapter, has openly said as we should say, keeping in mind the conditions of that age had openly said in that period. when religious practitioners said it has not been prooved and so don’t read it. Before that, Markandeya Swamy, Adi Shankaracharya who had come in sixth century [ie 600s], told about Kundalini in Sanskrit language.
But common man didn’t know him. Secondly, which means that when only one person will work with one disciple it would spread among the ordinary people. After that there were many religions in the world. and spread also too much. But without Kundalini awakening, no dharma gets success because whatever dharma a human being does, that is just external. Every type of equipment every type of, we should say which results in too much ritualism and because of that ritualism, a human being does not get benefitted in anyway from religion. That is why we find that now a days a human being has some assumtions about dharma. One will say i am Christian, another will say i am Muslim. Now, Christian and Muslim religions are very rigid. Because in Christian religion, Christ has written that if your one eye does any wrong act, take it out and if your one hand does a wrong act break it, cut it.
But I have not seen anyone doing so among Christians. And Muslim religion is even more rigid than that. They have put such restrictions even on women. That those who are not ordinary human beings. They were, as if highly proficient for some God’s angles. The restrictions they had told about religion only they can do and nobody else. Then what it led to, was that within a human being hypocricy evolved, a religious hypocrisy. To awaken dharma inside, kundalini should be awakened. It means that when dharma awakens within a human being he becomes dharmic. He doesn’t have to be told.
The reason is that when kundalini awakens your spirit comes into your attention. In the same way, a human being does what is joy giving for him is nutritous, is constructive for him and whatever is destructible, is destrucive, (is given up). Until the light of his spirit doesn’t get awakened they do all wrong acts. It is not his fault. If anyone walks or falls down in dark he should not be blamed. In the same way within you, you should analyse first. You might say that we belong to this religion we belong to that religion and you are fighting on that account, that is wrong. All religions were beautiful flowers of one spiritual tree which were plucked. and after plucking say this is our flower, this is our flower and so are fighting among themselves. How can you fight in the name of God?
Because God is the giver of love, He is compassionate. God who is the ocean of love, people fight in His name. It is not possibe. Because they haven’t known God as yet haven’t acquired His power as yet. I have seen in Sahajyoga that thousands of people together get this power. It is very surprising. First of all, when I started this work only with one woman started and after that and twelve people got self realization. When experience takes place this all pervading power, this creation full of vibrations, is cool and very comforting power which you on your fingers can see, can know and feel. and even on your palm. Like this when Kundalini pierces six chakras and comes out of Bramharandra then its connection its oneness with all around Divine power of love takes place. "
Shri Mataji Normala Devi-