331de4708b05e1c7e3d68a6f68a1dc3c24899f06 Sahajayoga- Meditation techniques acclaimed worldwide: Aug 13, 2023


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Sunday, August 13, 2023


It is the state of mind one has to achieve. There you do not judge anyone, you don’t judge anyone. You know there is a defect, but you envelope it with your love, make a beautiful pearl out of that. Like the sun shine that is spreading everywhere, it does not see any defects and count the leaves, it just gives and gives and gives. That’s how one has to achieve that state where you just give without consideration of my-my or material considerations and other nonsensical gross methods of approaching it. Allow your heart to melt it, allow love to slip and you are enjoying it, nobody else, you really enjoy it. If others get angry with you so what, if they say anything nonsensical, so what, you are not enjoying them, you are enjoying yourself. This is real love and not a farce.

For love I have to write books. If all the oceans become the ink and the sky becomes paper, I cannot write. It is so beautiful, it is so energy giving, it is so radiant. I cannot tell you how many words one can have for that.

You achieve that love, that ‘s real love not the way human beings describe it. It gives forgiveness that you enjoy. It gives complete confidence; it gives you complete self respect and respect of another person. It is the communication of the Spirit with others, it’s not rational, it may not be logical. We cannot explain how God grace for it. For example an archbishop of black magic gets Realization. I am [?] enamored, I am enamored by the grace. Those who were going to hell are given the beauty of the Self. Can you describe it in human words, you cannot. This is love

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
Jun 20, 1989