The doctrines of Veda
When you get your Atma-sakshatkara first thing happens, that you feel the cool breeze coming out of your head.
Then you feel completely Nirvichar – first is nirvichar samadhi is established, then you feel the cool breeze in your hand – all over you can feel the cool breeze; This is the beginning. Sometimes you do feel little heat because it’s liver problem, other diseases, then you might feel little heat but after sometime you start feeling the cool breeze. Then you must use. By using this you’ll be satisfied that you have got these powers. One may go to samadhi and have bliss there …You see, Veda declared ‘Satyam Gyanam Anantam’; these are the doctrines of Veda. – That’s why, that’s why – Satya is Truth, Gyana is knowledge, Ananta means endless. This is Your state. When this is the state in the state of samadhi, one have, have a little amount of bliss while in samadhi. – When he comes back, when he comes back, you’ll have to undergo the prarabhda..
It means you have read too much but not felt anything – that’s why but now either your prarabhda and your karmas all these things can be sucked in by Kundalini – She’s so powerful. How She sucks in that there’s the Agnya chakra – you see there…. today you want to know, I’ll tell you, that on the left hand side is the Ida Nadi, the right hand side is the Pingala Nadi. Ida nadi is the power of our desire and take us to our subconscious and collective subconscious. The right side is the Pingala Nadi which caters to our supra-conscious and collective supra-conscious – the future. Now, left side is the one which is the Ichcha shakti, is the power of desire and the another one, that’s the Pingala Nadi, is the one is the reaction. So, when you’re doing something and you feel you are doing it, doing …then that ego accumulates and forms an institution, as you see there, on your head. Here all the conditionings – the kusanskaras – also form another institution which is called as superego but you can say mana, so we have two things. On one side is the superego, another is the ego. They cross each other at Agnya.
When the Kundalini rises, then She sucks these two things by which your prarabhda, your karmas, are sucked in. It actually happens because when these two are joined, this fontanel bone area becomes a calcified but then the Kundalini rises, they open out like this. The limbic area is in between this…It opens out like that and when it pierces through that, you get your Self-realization. But it cannot pierce through unless and until sucked in. It sucks in quite a lot in the first beginning but later on it goes on sucking more and more so you become ego-less and all your prarabhdas and karmas are sucked in; That’s the work of Kundalini – She does it. It’s not question of how much you have read. It’s the question of experiencing – you must experience. ..
H H Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Bangalore, India 12-02-1990