331de4708b05e1c7e3d68a6f68a1dc3c24899f06 Sahajayoga- Meditation techniques acclaimed worldwide: Apr 11, 2023


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Tuesday, April 11, 2023



You have to work it out that you should feel peaceful within yourself. It is not that if you have too much of silence outside, you feel peaceful. The peace has to be within yourself. You have it. Your Spirit is absolutely peaceful – ‘avyagra’, without restlessness. There is no restlessness in your Spirit. Absolutely peaceful and steady. It is for you to feel it. It is not for anybody else to certify you. This is one thing.

Secondly, when I am telling you something, you think I am not telling you. It doesn’t register in your brain. You think I am telling it to X, Y, Z but not to you. You are not in it. That’s another sign [that] there is no peace. Because there is no peace, there is no registration. Whatever goes into your head, that is going to work out. But what I find [is] that people [who] have concave personalities, then they receive it. Those who have convex personalities, do not register anything . The registration is so poor that whatever I say doesn’t have any effect on them. Otherwise, whatever I say is a mantra. It should have direct effect on you, and you should feel that effect, that penetration within you. But as if it is for somebody else, as if it is not for you. This shows there is no peace within you. Only the peace within can register whatever is auspicious, whatever is nourishing for your growth. So try to make peace with yourself. Do not fight with yourself, “Why should I do it?”, “I am so bad!”, “I should not have done it!” – all these we should not do. Try not to fight with yourself, first of all.
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi