331de4708b05e1c7e3d68a6f68a1dc3c24899f06 Sahajayoga- Meditation techniques acclaimed worldwide: Jan 6, 2024


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Saturday, January 6, 2024



Samarpan: Kuch bhi nahi karnahai (Surrender)

How will you go forward? Accepting that this event takes place towards consciousness and that consciousness itself makes it happen, we should stop trying to make any effort completely. When we are in inaction / akarma then only this consciousness happens. That means you don’t have to do anything at all. This is a very difficult task for human being. If nothing else, man keeps thinking. But when this event takes place then your thoughts stop as well because till now whatever sadhana (daily spiritual practice / effort) you have seen involves some kind of an action from you, and these actions/efforts take you outwards. Sahaja Yoga is an event that happens inside. When people ask how do you surrender, it is straight-forward, you do not have to do anything, then you are surrendered.
Human beings have never walked on this path or in this direction, so this is a new thing and a new way for man in which he does not have to do anything. Instead, things happen on their own. Because man has done a lot and has gone very far away from his inner self, and that is why it is very difficult to pull such a person inwards. That is why someone’s Kundalini gets awakened instantaneously and they get their self-realization, whereas for some even their awakened Kundalini falls down again. Not doing anything, that is what surrender is. If you reach that point where you don’t do anything, where you are wordless, thoughtless. But this also is an action. For human beings, even this is doing something. So leave it all to the one who will do it. You do not have to do anything. Just leave it.
If someone new has come and asks what do we need to do, then just open your palms towards me, that is it. Just keep your hands straight like this and it will happen. For those for whom this does not happen, these people here will help you afterwards. Today there are so many Sahaja Yogis here and each of them have achieved their self-realization. Not only that, they have a very deep knowledge of the Kundalini science / shastra. Each person seated here is proficient in the Kundalini science and can raise the Kundalini of thousands of people by just using their hand and finger movements, and not only that, they can also give them self-realization. And you may ask why don’t they do it then?
The reason is that people do not come to Sahaja Yoga very easily. It is very difficult for a human being to come to such a place where it is told that you don’t have to give any money, where you don’t have to do anything, but just have to sit in silence. But when they are sinking, then they come. That is why Sahaja Yoga cannot work too fast because you have to give up some things in Sahaja Yoga. Meaning that all the time thinking we have to do something, we have to think about something, or we have to stand on our head or we have to perform some dravidi pranayam (Hatha yoga) or we have to read some books or we have to memorize some texts or we have to say some mantras, just leave all of this. Then after getting your self-realization you become deserving. Then whatever needs to be done happens.
Akarma / Inaction only comes into action, karm rath (karm = action, rath = chariot) takes place. So how? See for yourself. Whatever has to happen will happen and whatever should not will not. There is no compulsion in this, no arguments. For whom it has to happen will happen, and for whom it doesn’t have to it won’t. If someone has blockages in chakras preventing self-realization so be it. These chakra blockages can be cleared but not argued with. People have various issues. People say we did not do it. But if they have issues then they do. These issues should be cleared. Now look out for your own swartha / selfishness. Know the meaning of Swa (Swa means self and artha means meaning).
This is not going to benefit me, it benefits only you, fully. Only you are going to get all the benefit. Understand this and open your palms like this. When the event takes place, then first the kundalini rises and crosses the agnya chakra. When this happens you become thoughtless / Nirvichar. It can be called Samadhi, but Samadhi does not mean being unconscious, going into trance. But instead, you are totally conscious and aware. You are fully alert but at the same time you are thoughtless and silent. But you are listening to everything and there are no thoughts arising inside from your ego or superego. You are in peace and joy. And when Kundalini pieces your Brahmarandra / Fontanel bone then inside you these chaitanya / vibrations, about which Shankaracharya has spoken, start flowing. It is so straight-forward. You don’t have to do anything in this. Like one lit lamp can instantaneously light another, and takes the lamp from the finite to the infinite, this happens in the same way. There is no role of intelligence in this.
Everyone keep your hands like this and sit comfortably. Those who have not received their self-realization yet should keep their eyes open for some time. If you have a problem sitting down, you can sit on chair. Are you sitting comfortably? If someone’s hands are shaking then keep eyes open, otherwise keep your eyes closed. Even with the eyes closed if the eye-lids are moving then you can open your eyes. Those who are swimmers they will first teach you how to swim. So keep sitting peacefully. Don’t move your hands or feet. They will come and teach you. Close your eyes. Close your eyes. Are your eyes moving? Do you have any guru? Jay Shri Mataji!