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Monday, September 17, 2018


 Ganesha  - Lord of Muladhara Chakra

Ganesh Festival is the important festival of hindus.  Particularly in Maharashtra state of India and the Pune city it is celebrated on a very large scale.  Ganesh Festival of Pune is well known world event now.
The festival starts from today the Ganesh chaturdhi and lasts for ten days.  Therefore it is well in order to know about Lord Ganesha and the Mooladhar chakra in our body.  Sahaja yogis all over the world knows it well.

In practice of yoga, people come to know about various chakras  present in our Body.  Chakras represents the energy centers in body ,  There are seven chakras in our body, from the base of our spine  ending at the crown of the head.  Muladhar chakra is the first one and Sahastrar is the last. Muladhar is the root chakra in our body. It is symbolized by a red, four-petaled lotus with a yellow square at its center. Muladhar chakra monitors and infouence the energy of the body part near its location  like the reproductive organs, excretory system , pancreas, lymphatic system, glands etc.

Each chakra in our body governs a particular area and is also associated with particular deities.   When the chakras open , then flows  energy which facilitates balanced and healthy life of human being.  Kundalini resides in the Muladhar chakra in the dormant state.  It needs to be activated.  In ancient time only few Rishis knew about it. In ancient years very rarely with years of practice of yoga and dhyana could  activate the mooladhar chakra.

 But now for the benefit of all human beings, mataji Nirmaladevi has activated the kundalini of lakhs of people all over the world, irrespective of age, caste, color, nation or sex.  Mataji, the incarnation of Adi Shakti is very to all human beings in this world.  Mataji had been doing this work till completely freely all her life and even today this work is done freely by Sahaja Yogis.

Lord Ganesha the foremost important diety of hindu religion governs the Mooladhar chakra.  This chakra is also associated with element of earth in our body.  Lord Ganesh is having elephant head, human body and big belly.  His work is to clear obstacles.  For uninterrupted progress, work, life etc. lord Ganesha is worshiped.  Rather without his pooja, hindus cannot worship any other diety.  He has been given first ranking, and no one can move forward without performing pooja of Lord Ganesha. 

Jai Shri Mataji.  Jai shri Ganesha.