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Sunday, October 24, 2010

Surya and Saraswati Puja

On Vasant Panchami, the Godess of knowledge,music and art- Saraswati is specially honoured with Puja . People pray for real knowledge, wisdom which will remove darkness from their mind,darkness of every kind- known and unknown to human being.

Following were the feelings expressed by Mataji Nirmaladevi in one of her lecture on Vasant Panchami on 14th Januray 1983 at Dhulia, in Maharashta from India.


"With love all kinds of creative action takes place. The basis of all creativity, of Saraswati, is love. If there is no love there’s no creativity. It’s even in the deeper sense, you see. People who have created all the scientific things are also out of love for the masses, not for themselves. Nobody has produced anything for themselves. If they make something for themselves it has to become for universal use, otherwise it has no meaning.

Now Saraswati's blessings are so many, and the Surya has given us so many powers. But how we go against Surya and how we go against Saraswati. The main thing that one has to achieve through Surya is Vivek - the light within. And if Surya chakra at the Agnya level is occupied by Lord Jesus Christ then it is even more essential that the purity of life, what we call ‘Niti’, is the morality of life.

So many qualities Surya has got. It dries up everything that is wet, dirty, filthy. It dries up all these places, which create parasites. But so many parasites are created in the West. Not only parasites, but there are horrible cults and horrible things which have come into those countries which are supposed to be full of light, and in that darkness they exist. Darkness about their Spirit, darkness about their own knowledge and darkness about love. These three things have taken over in the places where you are supposed to love light. Light doesn’t mean, light doesn’t mean what you see with your gross eyes. Light means from within - the Light of Love. That one should understand – Light of Love. And it is so soothing, it’s so sweet, it’s so beautiful, it’s so enamouring, it’s so abounding that unless and until you can feel that light within you - that light which is of pure love of purity, pure relationships, pure understanding. If you can develop that kind of a light within yourself, then the whole thing will be cleansed. 'Wash me and I shall be whiter than snow.' This is what happens to you when you are completely cleansed.

If Saraswati is within us, She gives us Subuddhi, wisdom. And that is why to worship Saraswati, to worship Surya; we must have that clear vision as to what we have to be. What we are doing. What filth we are living in. What our mind is getting into. After all we are here for emancipation and not for just for pampering our ego and living with our filth that is with us. So this light has come within us and we should try to rise above our own mental filth, which is being created around us.

Saraswati has a Veena in Her hand and that Veena is the primordial instrument, which She plays like music, and the smusic penetrates into the heart. You don't know how it goes into you and how it works out. And that's how we should permeate other people’s personality - like music.

She has so many qualities, as I told you, which cannot be described in one lecture. But one of the greatest qualities of Hers is that She ends up into subtler things. Like the Mother Earth will end up into fragrance. Music will end up into melodies, like that whatever She creates ends up into something greater. Matter, whatever She produces, ends up into aesthetics. If matter does not have aesthetics then it is gross. Like that everything. Now you will say what is water. Water becomes the river Ganges. These are the subtler things. So the matter gets into subtler thing because it has to permeate, it has to permeate. So everything whatever it is. And the best of all is the air. That air becomes the vibrations.