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Sunday, September 30, 2018

Shoe beating for discarding Negativity.

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Shoe Beating:

Sahajayoga is mainly associated with cleansing of body and mind .
One of the way advised to geat rid of negativity by Mataji Nirmaladevi is Shoe Beating. 

 This Technique, taught by Mohammed, is used tocombat the ego.
This is an ancient 'cleansing' technique from Islam, used by Sufis to offer negativity or evil to the Mother Earth. It entails drawing a circle on the ground with the index finger and symbolically writing into the circle, something that is of concern. Then removing ones left shoe, the circle is 'hammered' gently with the heel of the shoe.

This in no way presupposes an outcome to the problem, but is a way of surrendering it to Mother Earth, to be dealt with in the best possible way for all concerned.
First you have to draw a circle with your right hand finger on the ground in front of you. Then write the name of person, or problem or thing which you want to be treated with shoe beating.  Then give bandhan seven times to the cirle in front of you. 

Now take the left shoe, and whilst putting your attention to the sky, beat the thing that you have writtenon the ground 108 times with the heal of your shoe. There is no need to useShoe Beating:

Now take the left shoe, andwhilst putting your attention to the sky, beat the thing that you have writtenon the ground 108 times with the heal of your shoe. There is no need to useexessive force or make a racket. When complete you can do the same for any
other negativities that are attacking yourself or another person, or any other problems requiring improvement. When completed, remember to finish with a shoebeat of yourself once more. Finish by raising Kundalini and putting yourself in bandhan.

Shoebeating is to be done regularly on a daily basis, and may be done even more often for difficult or intractable problems.

 courtesy - http://www.sahajayoga.ca/Meditation/e