331de4708b05e1c7e3d68a6f68a1dc3c24899f06 Sahajayoga- Meditation techniques acclaimed worldwide: Oct 26, 2022


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Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Adorn yourself with Modesty


To adorn oneself modestly.
So what is our decoration? This is humility. This is simplicity. Cleverness, not arrogance, humiliating others, not showing off, but complete surrender, giving up all your egoistic qualities.
Let your virginity be reborn within you. From today you all have to take a resolution, it is New Year's Day for us- that we will all give up our fearful nature, possessive nature, assertive behavior, ego-oriented rigidity, domination. I don't know what is its use. Unless you surrender to it, Lord Ganesha, the Lord of virginity, will not be able to crown your agya chakra. What we have done so far, it should give us just this: if our past can give us an idea of ​​how humble we should be with each other, with all Sahaja Yogis, how kind we should be, how loving , how universal it should be.
The Virgin cannot accept ideas that are not universal, she cannot! It is a sign of a Virgin because she is universal in nature. All bigotry, all casteism, caste system, all these things which artificially separate man from man, woman from woman, nation from nation, all will end as soon as you become innocent.
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. 17-Oct-1982



"This is Ritambhara Pragnya. I wanted it very much today. So this morning I was telling you about this new awareness – Pragnya. ‘Gnya’ means the knowledge and ‘Pra’ means the awakened knowledge. Which comes out of meditation, sustenance of meditation, and then the Samadhi is the effect of that. It’s a kind of a fruit ripening. When this ripens, then you get the taste, the sweetness of character, and then you start seeing around, how the Nature, the Divine, is sweetly playing with you.
This state must be achieved. For every Sahaja Yogi, it is important that they must achieve this state, because unless and until you have minimum achieved this stage, you’ll be still in a dangerous zone, which, as I told you, upsets Me very much.
So everybody must decide to reach a state where you everyday see the blessings of God manifesting. That means you have entered into the kingdom of God. This is the kingdom of God, in which you are looked after, protected, guided, and properly taken to the place of heavenly bliss. Through material manifestation, through mental manifestation, through financial manifestation, through relationship manifestation, through so many things, and also the natural manifestation by which you see the sun, the moon, the stars, the heavens, and all the five elements help you. This state, all of you must achieve, all of you. Again the word is ‘all’ of you should achieve. And then only the higher ascent works out."
23rd JULY 1983