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Tuesday, August 22, 2023

You Better Have Faith in GOD


For human beings the future, past, present exists, but for God it does not. So for Him to plan and to organise and arrange is a very easy stuff because, if you do not have such demarcating things, you just organise things much better. And His methods are because of His own awareness, status, almightiness; or it’s just His nature that He’s like that, that He can manage things very well. And you cannot explain them with one event after another event, how He has managed and how it has happened. He does it just because He is capable of doing that. He need not do it, all that, with understanding or thinking about it, as human beings do, because he does not have to think either, because He is that. He is the power and He does everything. He is the consciousness, so he does everything without putting any effort into it. And is a very different state, which perhaps you can understand, as Sahaja Yogis that, just you move your hands and you find the Kundalini moving the other side! And you may say, “Why is it moving?” after all, you must think about it. You are realised so you can do it, but not a person who is not realised; if he put’s hand like that a hundred times nothing is going to work out. Only you can raise the Kundalini. The reason is: your awareness is different and his awareness is different; your powers are different and his powers are different.
So, in the same way, God, who is All Powerful, for Him, even [by] moving His finger He can move the whole Universe, after all He is God. AND THAT'S WHY FOR HUMAN BEINGS IT IS SAID THAT YOU BETTER HAVE FAITH IN GOD, because that’s the best way you can solve your problem.
26 - 01 - 1977