331de4708b05e1c7e3d68a6f68a1dc3c24899f06 Sahajayoga- Meditation techniques acclaimed worldwide: 08/01/2018 - 09/01/2018


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Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Mataji’s contribution to the Freedom Struggle of India

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Mataji Nirmaladevi and her parents were actively involved in the freedom struggle of India.  When her parents were jailed for participation in the freedom struggle, she was just eight years old. Even at that tender age she took responsibility of looking after her younger siblings.  The royal family was forced out of their home and then she adopted a Spartan lifestyle.  For freedom of India along with her parents she also suffered.  She even lived in huts, slept on the floor going sometimes even without food. However she was sure that her parents were doing the things for the freedom of the country, and did not thought of little comforts that children are used too.

Mahatma Gandhi had a great impact on her and her family.  She became the youth leader in Mahatma Gandhi’s Quit India Movement of 1942, while she was studying at the Christian Medical College in Lahore. She was often tortured, arrested but she remained determined with her goal of India’s freedom.
The efforts, fighting and lives of many succeeded in India’s freedom.  However the cunning Britishers divided erstwhile India into three different countries – India, Pakistan and Bangladesh.  The era of post-independence was much complex. Even at that time Sheri Marajo opened her home for Muslim refugees.  She never discriminated on the basis of religious background and rather encouraged integration of all communities.

After getting national freedom, her promise to Mahatma Gandhi resulted in getting mankind “Freedom from Within “ i. e. Sahaja Yoga founded by her.

  On this Independence Day we bow our heads with great respect to your contribution to this great nation and humanity at large.
Jai Shri Mataji.

courtesy - http://shrimataji.org/site/life/biography-from-nirmala-srivastava-to-shri-mataji/shri-mataji-college-years.html

Saturday, August 11, 2018

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Experience Miracles with Sahaja Yoga.

Those who are practising sahaja yoga for months or years  experience various miracles.  But how can it happen ??? It is because of the power of the Mother of this universe, the Adishakti Mataji Nirmaladevi and with her blessings and good wishes nothing is impossible in this world.

Just have a look at few experiences of new sahaja yogis from south Africa, who have experienced and explained them as under . 
These are miracles of very new sahaja yogis from Soweto.

 In a weekly meeting one of the new sahaja yogi lady came and   responded, ‘I have brought these papers to thank The Mother’. 

She then explained that for five years she had been struggling with various government departments and officials, trying to apply for a disability grant for her daughter who is totally blind. And now since she started meditating last week, things had suddenly opened up. Officials had gone out of their way to help her. She had been telephoned by a top government official from the Social Welfare department in Pretoria, a white woman - she emphasised - who had said she would personally see to it that the case was attended to. The very next day, she saw a car standing in front of her home, and she thought the people in the car were perhaps lost. No, they were not. They came into the house, asking for her, and she realised these were government people from the Social Welfare department. They had brought her papers to her house! For her to fill out and hand back to the offices in Soweto. Something unheard of in the  townships. At the very offices where the whole thing had been turned down for years, and where she was suspecting it was because of corrupt officials.
What was amazing was for this lady, Patience Kumalo, I think she said was her name, was that she immediately connected what was happening with Shri Mataji. One would not have expected that from someone who so recently got in touch with Sahaja Yoga. Like usual, we had sort of mentioned in passing the previous week, that as soon as people started meditating they would see changes in their lives. We were most really expecting something like this, ourselves. So everybody was besides themselves with joy - and recognition. Yes Mother did this for this woman and her child. And we hope they were well received at the offices. We all did a bandhan for that, explaining what it means - and how it all works. And for the older ones, who have been coming for some months, this was just another story they could tell.

Nompi Sithole had been struggling for years without a proper place to stay. In the past few months she has been traced by an old man, totally unknown to her - who claimed to be her grand-father’s brother. He has offered her his house, as he realises he is about to die and had no children nor anybody close to him. The paper work has all been completed last month. Now Nompi and her children have a home. They recognised from the onset who was responsible for this. The Mother. Nompi and Nonhlanhla and a few others are becoming the core group around whom Sahaja Yoga is growing in the black communities of Soweto.

Courtesy - https://www.sahajayoga.co.za/news/testimonials.html

Sunday, August 5, 2018

Sahaja yoga  for healthy and stress free life

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It is proved by various studies and researches conducted at different places in the world that Sahaja Yoga helps in reducing and coping stress and also provides healthy life i.e. physical and mental health. 

Sahaja Yoga founded by Mata Nirmala Devi, that is gaining greater acceptance worldwide for calming the mind and busting stress, contributes to promoting mental and physical health, according to a new study conducted in Australia.

Ramesh Manocha, senior lecturer of psychiatry at the University of Sydney Medical School,  from Australia has told that  sahaja yoga has great potential to improve the physical and mental health of the people who do it regularly. Manocha was referring to his latest study on Sahaja Yoga, which focussed on meditation as mental silence, involving more than 348 people, conducted with colleagues Deborah Black and Leigh Wilson at the Sydney Medical School.

Manocha`s stressful life as a medical student turned his attention towards meditation and Sahaja Yoga. "I found the experience of mental silence distinctly powerful. The traditional western ways of dealing with stress, such as alcohol and tobacco consumption, were damaging my health," he recalls.
Since western scientists had overlooked this phenomenon, Manocha decided that he would subject it to scientific evaluation to determine whether it could help people in the west facing common mental and physical problems.
"We have actually done considerable research on the impact of Sahaja Yoga on work stress, bronchial asthma, menopause and mental health, involving hundreds of participants in many different contexts, all of which indicate its effectiveness," Manocha told .
Jai Shri Mataji for your kind gift to the humanity. 

Friday, August 3, 2018

Sahajayoga  Meditation Seminar 

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Many countries and states in this universe have Sahajayoga centers spreading the light of sahajayoga.  It helps the seekers to enlighten one and get a new start in the life on the guided path of the master of this universe.   Self-enlightened person, i.e. sahajayogi, gets immense love and affection the process of life and can face the life with great calm and balance of mind.

Here is an opportunity to join the seminar and learn the meditation in Sahajayoga.  Detailed program is given below with requisite invitation.

Shri Mataji, Founder of Sahaja Yoga

You are invited to a free Sahaja Yoga Meditation seminar at the Gidgegannup Meditation Centre on Saturday 4 August, 2018 at 3.00 to 5.00 pm.

The centre is at 1254 O’Brien Road, Gidgegannup (located 45 minutes north-east of Perth)

Please join us to experience true inner silence and connection to our spirit through the process of Self-realisation. Sahaja Yoga Meditation is simple and spontaneous.

Our Gidgegannup Centre is set amongst Nature’s beauty and tranquility to help you experience inner peace.
Suitable for absolute beginners and regular meditators.
Getting to Gidgegannup

From Perth, turn left from Reid Hwy or right from Roe Hwy into Toodyay Rd. Travel for approximately 10 minutes on Toodyay Rd until you reach O’Brien Rd.
O’Brien Rd is on the left immediately after Roland Rd (on the right) which goes to Parkerville. Set your speedometer as you turn into O’Brien Rd and then travel 12.2 km to the turn in at 1254 O’Brien Rd, which is the Sahaja Yoga Centre. As a guide there is a one-lane bridge at the 11.2 km mark, just 1 km from the centre. (See Google map)
More information
·  Everyone welcome.
·  Light refreshments provided.
·  No charge. Provided free by our experienced team of volunteers, as a non-profit community service.
·  No physical exercises, postures or special clothing are required. Chairs are provided.
·  Enquiries: Call Kitty on 0405 305 145
·  Free weekly classes available around Australia and Worldwide
·  Our News & Events