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Thursday, September 29, 2022

The Faith is the strength of Sahaja Yoga


The faith is the strength of Sahaja Yoga.”

The understanding of Sahaja Yoga is not mental. ..You cannot understand it through brains. If you try to understand it through brains, you get away from it. Because you cannot explain how it works out. It’s a miraculous thing. It’s a mystery. It’s a mystery. God is a mystery for man, will remain a mystery to a point, but he can become His power. He can become an instrument of His power.
So you cannot comprehend the complete thing through your brains. You cannot even comprehend a little bit through your brains. Only thing is when you see it happening, you see it working out, the effects of that experience which are put on your brain, that gives you faith.
How do you have faith in a man? Say there is a man who is very astute, straightforward. You give him ten pounds. He spends nine pounds three pence, returns the rest to you. Then you give some more money. Again he does the same way; he returns all the money that is due. By mistake he forgets, he again comes and says, “This is it.” So you develop that faith in him. It has not come out of your intellectual understanding of the man. A man may be very good, maybe a very great cheat, could be a ‘very fine’ gentleman, very well dressed. Mostly I have seen sometimes when I see these pictures where they show the bank robber, especially the gentleman, is absolutely top class. He wears beautiful lined dresses you see, he walks with an umbrella, straight forward and he’s absolutely, you can see his face and I mean it’s chiselled completely! It’s beautiful figure and extremely innocent face and all that he puts it up, very well, that’s why he can befool! He can befool people very well and he can get things out of them.
But, in Sahaja Yoga, when you start feeling it, seeing it, how it works…when you saw this man, seeing the way he works, you have no faith in him anymore. You start seeing how Sahaja Yoga works and then you have faith in it. And that is faith, that is not reasoning…..
But the faith, faith in Sahaja Yoga, is the only way you can rise and understand and move and grow with it. The faith has to be so great that nothing should disturb you….
First sign of being a Sahaja Yogi is to have a very cheerful disposition. Look at the flowers, look at them. Have you ever seen any flower, which is not dead, not cheerful? If they are, even at the fag-end of their life, they’ll try to cheer you. That is the first sign, and all such signs should be expressed, not artificially, but really spontaneously, from within and nothing should disturb you which is trivial, useless.
If you have faith in Sahaja Yoga, then you must know you are here for a tremendous work of human emancipation. You have a very great responsibility. You represent that part of Creation which is the most important, the most vital. And if you fail it, it’s absolutely fatal also.
All this works out in such a manner that it builds up tremendous sense of security within you, that you know you are standing on the Truth. Hold it with both your hands. You’ll grow on it. You’ll enjoy yourself. Life will be so much better, much more beautiful. And it is only through you [that] the whole world is going to be saved. So strengthen yourself, strengthen your arms and strengthen your feet. The faith is the strength of Sahaja Yoga, not the brainwaves that you have about it….
But for faith you must have the quality. Only people of quality can have that kind of faith, not ordinary people. They’ll fall off. All the flowers do not get transformed into the fruit state. You are transformed into fruit state. But all the fruits do not come up to their maturity because they lack faith, the strength.
Gather up your strength. It’s all behind you. It is within you. It’s around you. Everywhere there is light, within and without. Try to work it out properly. Do not condemn yourself or condemn others, but know that you are something that you are standing on the Truth. And you are in for the Kingdom of God, which is promised to you, which you are in already walking in that. You are settled in there, just enjoy that beauty.
May God bless you.
H H Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi , Caxton Hall, London (UK), 8 September 1980.