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Friday, October 28, 2022

You should Develop and Move with a Balance


Going to extreme is not Sahajayoga.......

So the progress of a mind which wants to develop has to be such that you should move with a balance, with a witness state, and see for yourself how far you should go and how far you should not go.
So even if you find somewhere you go and find that there is no response, then you must know that, it is nothing wrong with Sahaj Yoga, nothing wrong with you, but perhaps you have not approached the right place or you have not approached the right way; you have not done the way it should have been. SO CHANGE YOUR STYLE. IN SAHAJ YOGA, WE HAVE TO GO ON CHANGING OUR DIRECTIONS ACCORDING TO THE NEED OF THE HOUR. You are not a fixed quantity, rigid quantity. Most of the people think that we are so rigid that we cannot move this side or that side.
The mobility of our movement is so great — I say three hundred and sixty degrees — because you are stationed in the centre in your Spirit. You can move any way you like as long as you are centred in your Spirit. BUT THIS IS AN IMPORTANT POINT WHICH WE MISS: THAT WE ARE CENTRED IN OUR SPIRIT AND WHATEVER MOVEMENT WE DO, AS LONG AS WE ARE CENTRED IN THE SPIRIT, IS NECESSARY FOR OUR GROWTH AND FOR THE GROWTH OF THE COLLECTIVE.
Now let us see certain emotional sides we have, how we can conquer, it’s very simple is. YOU ARE VERY FORTUNATE, I SHOULD SAY, IN A WAY, THAN ANY OTHER SEEKERS SO FAR, BECAUSE YOU HAVE BEFORE [YOU] ME, MYSELF SITTING. I am sitting before myself and I see myself as a good example of following. When you have someone like that, it’s very simple to see.
People didn’t have any such people or some leaders or somebody who was an ideal. So, it was all right that they went wrong. But [for] those who have something before them it’s very simple. THE SECRET IS LIKE THIS.
SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA, 10 - 03 - 1983