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Thursday, May 25, 2023

Mataji- sakshat Mahakali takes care of your worries. You need not worry


"How can you be worried when your Mother is sakshat Mahakali? She's the One who relaxes you, because She takes over all your responsibilities, She takes over all your problems. She's the One who solves all the problems. It is we who forget to leave all the problems to Her. If you just leave problems to Her, all your problems are solved. Not only that but you really feel blessed. It's not only physical, also it is mental, that She makes your mind absolutely free of worries.

She doesn't worry and She doesn't want you to worry. If you worry then She tries to show that by your worrying you are denying Her, you are not accepting Her. Worrying is something is very common, and people take great pride in saying, 'Oh, I was worried.' How can you be worried when your Mother is sakshat Mahakali? She can kill all the demons, She can finish all of them, She knows how to manage things; and when you are like a child before Her, how can you worry about it? So your worries are finished.

She worries about you, you shouldn't worry about yourself. That's the point of it. Her security is so great, She's so secure Herself that She gives you all the security that you need. You can hold on to Her Feet, you can hold on to Her image or to anything. You can even pray to Her. Many people are being cured only by praying to Her, because She cures you. She can cure your diseases which are very complicated diseases, She can cure."

Shree Mataji Nirmala Devi - 17 October 1999, extract from Navaratri Puja talk, Cabella, Italy.