Everyone has been talking about truth; since long we have been hearing that we have to find out the truth, and there has been an evolutionary process even in our spiritual seeking. As you must have seen how gradually we are built up and how the divine personalities came on this earth to give us a new awareness, a new dimension, a new understanding of ourselves within. All this evolved slowly one after another, outside as well as inside; but what we see outside sometimes frightens people. They see a person like Khomeini, they see a person like Idi Amin, then Gadaffi – they’re quite shocked. They think these fundamentalists are there, they can’t understand how these people can carry on with that kind of a fundamental idea in their head – that they are the best and they have a right to proclaim as if Mohammed Sahib was in their pocket.
But is true of every religion – they are very close, they are not sophisticated so we do not see their fanaticism, we can see this fanaticism but those who are so sophisticated, like I was born in a Protestant religion; I found they were extremely sophisticated and no escape was left for any seeker to come out of it – because only thing was to dress up nicely, go on a Sunday, attend a meeting and finished – pay for the parson, pay for the church – finished, you are saved once and for all. I used to think how they are draining all the seeking of human beings away, how, what is this going on? And then we had Paul – I was shocked to see him in the Bible; how he was there I don’t know. But he was never with Christ. He was actually an anti-Christ in a way because he was epileptic, he tortured people who were Christians – suddenly he sees some light and takes up the charge, becomes the leader, orders about, organizes God, Christ, everyone, Church.
Now today it’s nice that we see that second confrontation, now we have two groups of people – those who believe that Christ was miraculous, was Divine, and those now who believe in Paul that He was not. I say He was, He was the divine incarnation of the child, He was the Son of God – it can be proved now. Now the time has come to prove all these things. Hindus are the same, extremely fanatical. They have a funny custom of having a caste system which was never, never preached before, actually the one who wrote Gita was Vyasa, who was the illegitimate child of a fisher-woman. So how could you say that you are born as a Brahmin? Valmiki who wrote Ramayana was a man who was a thief, and also a fisherman and he became such a great saint. None of the incarnations took birth in the Brahmin family except for Parushamas, so the so-called Brahmins today who say that they are the ones who are the fundamental Hindus should know that they are not.
Brahmin is a person who knows the Brahma, the one who feels the power, the eternal power, the power that is all-pervading of God, the Brahma. If you cannot feel that then you are no Brahmin, you are just trying to proclaim like any priest does. Everybody has taken these beautiful flowers away from the tree of life, when they are dead they are calling this is mine, this is mine, this is mine. And they are fighting, they are militant. How can you be militant like these born-again people? You’ll be surprised that in Geneva they come with Bibles, Bibles in their hands to hit Me, and I was just laughing. They have a tape on that I say what Christians are coming nicely down with the Bible to hit somebody, I mean can you imagine such absurd things happening in the name of Christ, in the name of other great religions? Every religion has gone wrong – Buddhism has gone wrong to such an extent that Buddha did not want to talk at all about God because he thought if you talk about God everybody thinks they have become Gods. So best thing is tell them first Self-realization, I did that Myself for some years. First take your realization then I’ll talk about God. No God, nothing, first take your realization. That’s why he didn’t want to talk about God, that’s why they call him (Anishwar?), means he does not believe in God, he’s an atheist. He was not, but he saw the point. It’s better not talk about God, let them have their Self-realization and then we’ll talk about it. But Buddhists, they not only worship everything, but if you see the way they go on all worshipping they’re really maddening people. Really maddening. You cannot imagine how they could be so funny I have seen, in China, I was surprised with these llamas, that when I went to China, they showed us what they got from Tibet, because I knew Pahi, ancient things were there written, big, big plates of real gold and wine glasses and beer glasses all made in real twenty-four carat gold, thick ones. All were used by these lamas.
They had taken this money from these poor Tibetans. If you see the poor Tibetans, you’ll be shocked what sort of life they have lived in, and they have lived. I have no sympathy about communism as such but what I saw shocked Me – it was no publicity stunt because I know Pali. It all belonged to this llama, that llama, this person, that person. For ages they have been extracting money from these poor people who didn’t even have sufficient money to clothe themselves in that cold and they call themselves religious. Then it strikes you, you think why, why all this, how can God do these things? It’s only human beings – they really have such a knack of ruining everything that is beautiful if they want to. And this is what has happened.
Now when we stand in front of reality we realize what reality is – there is reality, there is God.
Where Are Religions Leading?
Royal Exhibition Building,
Melbourne (Australia)
Friday, March 15th, 1985