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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Sahajayoga helps to get rid of alcohol

Consumption of alcohol is very dangerous habit. Initially a person may take it out of anxiety, enjoyment or so on, but when he gets addicted to it, it becomes a total problem, for him, for his family and society also. Alcohol is criticised by every saint. Mataji also expressed displeasure about those who drink it, and made a rule that those drinking should not attend sahajayoga session. She explained that it is more dangerous than cigarette because it affects the person's awareness. Awarenesss is totally lost- so there is no control on thoughts and deeds, highly dangerous position.

Mataji Nirmaladevi has cleared spoken on this subject on various occasions in following manner.

All the saints in the world have said that alcohol is very dangerous for life. The reason is that it goes against our awareness, this is a fact, you know that after taking a drink our awareness becomes blurred or excited, it is not normal, that’s the reason they said no.”
(2nd Sydney Talk 27/3/81)

“Alcohol, as you know, has different variations depending on the habits of the person. … alcohol is very dangerous because it finishes-off your liver; it finishes off your awareness; it makes you very clumsy; your attention is fuzzy. … Because alcohol makes a person in such a way. That he loses all his dharma.”
(Advice on the treatment of virus infections, Pune, 1/12/87)

"Alcohol itself is such a left-sided nonsense."

“I think the greatest enemy of our Self Realisation is the drinking. Drinking, if people take to drinking, they become such slaves; their brains are not alright. So I think at Sahasrara (they) must be also spoilt with drinking. So drinking I think is the worst enemy.”

"Drinking is the best way to waste all your money."

However, if someone desires to give up drinking it is possible withe the practice of Sahajayogi. I have come across an interesting factual story in this regards, which i would like to share you all. See how Sahajayoga can not only help you get rid of alcohol but all those people drinking everyday have stopped it with sahajayoga.

In Oct 1995, there was a Drug De-Addiction Session organised in Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. A person who was refused by Hinduja Hospital on the ground that he will die soon due to heavy consumption of wine on regular basis attended this session. He followed Sahaja Yoga regularly and got cured completely. The same person - Mr. Gharat kaka - further brought all the villagers of Shelghar into Sahaja Yoga. All villagers who use to consume almost 10 tankers of liquor per day got de-addicted through Sahaj in last few years.
The Sheva police station authorities got completely surprised that how come the liquor consumption got stopped. They invited Sahajayogis and understood how it happened.
Further they requested to arrange the Meditation Session in their Police Station. On 25th August this year, a group of police personnel and few officers got their realisation. The session was conducted about the problems in police personnel daily life and how Sahaj is practical solution for all these problems. Further the in-charge of the police station also got his realisation in his office. Once he understood the importance of Sahajyoga Meditation and how it transforms the people, he immediately asked Sahajyogis to start the regular meditation and foot-soaking practise sessions in the Police Station on every Wednesday morning for next two months.

Read more: http://sahaj-az.blogspot.com/search/label/Alcohol#ixzz13WBCZfho