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Friday, April 28, 2023

Properties and Priorities of a realised soul are different


" As soon as you become a realized soul, you have to know that your properties and your priorities are very different. Your property is your Spirit and your priorities are where you can manifest your Spirit and can feel the Spirit of others. So the whole concept that was so far obstructing you and limiting your understanding changes into an unlimited area where you start thinking of the Spirit.
Now in that concept of the Spirit, the property of the Spirit is twofold. One in its nature, the nature of the Spirit is, as we call it, sat chit ananada, means it is the joy. Then it’s the truth. It tells you the truth all the times. It gives you discretion, Divine discretion, and chit, the attention that acts, that works, that gives you all the information. So you have got the nature of the Spirit thus felt within yourself. But on the other side, what does it want or what are its duties or why to be the Spirit is? Such questions arise later on when we are about to enter into the Kingdom of God. Why to enter into the Kingdom of God? So in outside and, we can say, all the manifestations of the Spirit is, that it is benevolent. It is hita cari. It gives benevolence to others. It gives you benevolence and it gives benevolence to others, also. The only joy in that is benevolence. And you think of all these material things, which are so important otherwise, as if they are for giving it to someone just to express your love. So the benevolence that comes through love, benevolence doesn’t come through oppression or suppression or by intimidation but it comes only through love, and if you have faith in your love you can work it out.
Sometimes it seems, many people have asked Me, “Mother, why so many saints have suffered and they had to undergo so much of torture?” Actually they never get tortured. They just played the game. They just want to see how far the stupid people can go. "
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Ganapatipule. 26-12-1988 .

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

The Doctrine of Veda


The doctrines of Veda

When you get your Atma-sakshatkara first thing happens, that you feel the cool breeze coming out of your head.
Then you feel completely Nirvichar – first is nirvichar samadhi is established, then you feel the cool breeze in your hand – all over you can feel the cool breeze; This is the beginning. Sometimes you do feel little heat because it’s liver problem, other diseases, then you might feel little heat but after sometime you start feeling the cool breeze. Then you must use. By using this you’ll be satisfied that you have got these powers. One may go to samadhi and have bliss there …You see, Veda declared ‘Satyam Gyanam Anantam’; these are the doctrines of Veda. – That’s why, that’s why – Satya is Truth, Gyana is knowledge, Ananta means endless. This is Your state. When this is the state in the state of samadhi, one have, have a little amount of bliss while in samadhi. – When he comes back, when he comes back, you’ll have to undergo the prarabhda..
It means you have read too much but not felt anything – that’s why but now either your prarabhda and your karmas all these things can be sucked in by Kundalini – She’s so powerful. How She sucks in that there’s the Agnya chakra – you see there…. today you want to know, I’ll tell you, that on the left hand side is the Ida Nadi, the right hand side is the Pingala Nadi. Ida nadi is the power of our desire and take us to our subconscious and collective subconscious. The right side is the Pingala Nadi which caters to our supra-conscious and collective supra-conscious – the future. Now, left side is the one which is the Ichcha shakti, is the power of desire and the another one, that’s the Pingala Nadi, is the one is the reaction. So, when you’re doing something and you feel you are doing it, doing …then that ego accumulates and forms an institution, as you see there, on your head. Here all the conditionings – the kusanskaras – also form another institution which is called as superego but you can say mana, so we have two things. On one side is the superego, another is the ego. They cross each other at Agnya.
When the Kundalini rises, then She sucks these two things by which your prarabhda, your karmas, are sucked in. It actually happens because when these two are joined, this fontanel bone area becomes a calcified but then the Kundalini rises, they open out like this. The limbic area is in between this…It opens out like that and when it pierces through that, you get your Self-realization. But it cannot pierce through unless and until sucked in. It sucks in quite a lot in the first beginning but later on it goes on sucking more and more so you become ego-less and all your prarabhdas and karmas are sucked in; That’s the work of Kundalini – She does it. It’s not question of how much you have read. It’s the question of experiencing – you must experience. ..
H H Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Bangalore, India 12-02-1990

Monday, April 24, 2023

Becoming Capable Instruments



First I used to say, “Count your blessings” because that was the best way to make people understand that there are blessings in Sahaj Yoga. Now I would say, “Count your deeds.” What have you done for Sahaj Yoga? Sahaja Yoga has done so much for you. To say that Paramchaitanya will look after is absolutely absurd. If Paramchaitanya could do everything, why should it create human beings? One Adam and Eve were sufficient. You have to do it. Unless and until you become deep, it cannot trigger. It is helpless. It’s only through you it is going to work out.
Now if there is no instrument, electricity cannot work, can it? Now you should say, “The electricity itself must come before me and must do everything.” You have to have the instrument and you are the instrument and if you do not want to do it, how can Paramchaitanya do it? It will be something like saying, as I told you, that “Let electricity do the job, we will not have any instrument.” Can I work it out? Can you work it out?
So Paramchaitanya has its own style. It can only work if you people want to work it out. It’s an energy and you are the instrument. But the instrument is more busy with the job, with the family, I don’t know, all kinds of nonsensical things. Now supposing this instrument, which is meant for My lecture, forgets what it is and acts like a ladle in the kitchen because it’s fond of food, say, for example, then what’s the use of making this useless instrument. It doesn’t do what it has to do. It doesn’t know what it has been made for. It has no purpose at all. It’s such a useless stuff.
So I feel there’s a kind of a lethargy, a kind of a very subtle lethargy working out, could be like this that, “We’ve done our job. Let the young people do it now.” You are matured and the mature have to do the job. “We have done our level best.” What have you done so far?
So much to be done still. And somehow or other, I don’t know, we have to touch that area where such people remain like yesterday’s player. He is not doing God’s work. He’s an artist and he’s working so hard to achieve perfection. He will get the same amount whether he’s perfect or not, but he’s practising at home, he’s listening to it, he’s trying to develop it, all the time working it out so that his performance should be excellent. So he’s seeking an excellence. Mediocrity has no place in Sahaja Yoga. Only through excellence you’ll enjoy. Only through excellence you will really become Sahaja Yogis.
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Sunday, April 23, 2023

Nobody can attack You, You are under complete Divine Protection


" This is what it is for us to understand, that for a person who is detached he can never be attacked.
We are attacked by so many we have. Firstly our family, then our country, then our religion, then all kinds of thing, racialism. All these identifications really make us weak, because they attack us all the time and put confusion into the minds of Sahaja Yogis, I have seen.
The reason is, you must have confidence in Sahaja Yoga and confidence in yourself, that you are on the right path and that you are now saved, and nobody can attack you because you have the complete protection of the Divine.
People may follow any religion, they may follow any guru, they may follow anything, but they have fear all the time that we’ll be attacked, and they’re afraid to say things, which they should say. They have no discretion even to know what is to be said.
With the proper understanding that you are the pure Spirit, if you believe in that then you’ll be surprised that you will be very confident about what you are doing. "
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Australia. 26-02-1995

Tuesday, April 18, 2023



Our existstance is Lord Shiva..............
God Shiva is existence. And this is the first form which emerges into all these forms. Like the seed emerges into the whole tree and becomes the seed, and ultimately at the dissolution point also it becomes Shiva. That is why it is known as Shiva, means the permanent form. It doesn’t go into any formations. It doesn’t incarnate. It is a witness which watches. That’s the aspect of God. So you have got three aspects of God. The first one which is the Shiva, which is the existence, the second one which is the creator, which is Brahmadeva and the third one which is Vishnu, which is the sustenance, which evolves, which gives evolutionary movement, which incarnates, which has incarnated ten times.
Talk on Chakras and Deities, Delhi, 1977
So I would like to give you a little idea about this picture that we have in front of us. Now whom we call as God Almighty, the One who is eternal, who doesn’t incarnate, who is all the time there watching the play of His power, the Primordial Mother, is manifested through Her Power into His three aspects here, clearly, within ourselves and within the Primordial Being who is the ultimate which all the created people have to reach. Now theres a difference between the two, the Almighty - God, as you call Him, the One who never incarnates, and the One who incarnates on this earth and occupies a position like this, just like a human being, and He's called as a Primordial Being or you can say the Virata. You can call Him the Virat. Actually, though He's called as Primordial Being, He's an aspect of God. So these are two things if you understand, I will be able to explain to you how the aspects of God are expressed in us.
So the first aspect of God is His desire to create, His desire to create and in His desire to create. ... So His desire to manifest, His desire to create, that's the aspect within us which is represented by this blue-colored line which is called as the Adi Ida Nadi, or you can call it the primordial Ida channel by which He desires. Now as the desire can be born and can be finished off, can be switched off, in the same way, His desire to create also can be over. His desire to create any more may be over. His desire not to create for the time being could be there. So if you understand your desires, you can understand His desire also to create and thats why when He does not desire to have it anymore, the creation He can destroy.
So He is the One through which we exist and through which we are destroyed, too. So He’s the One who manifests existence and destruction of creation. That’s why He is called as Destroyer. This aspect is represented by the principle of Shiva, which never incarnates because this principle is the one which is the germ, which is the beginning and which the end of everything. Like a seed becomes the seed ultimately, in the same way this Shiva tattwa, this principle of Shiva, germinates, creates and then it again becomes the same principle. That’s why the principle of Shiva never changes. It is called as Shiva, means it is permanent, it is eternal.
Talk 'How Aspects of God are experienced within us',
Caxton Hall, London, 1979

Friday, April 14, 2023

The Reason of Allergies


The reason of Allergies.........
“They [ie. left sided people] also get the lethargic liver which gives them allergies. All kinds of allergies come to these people through their lethargic liver.”
(Sickness and its cure, New Delhi, 9/2/1983. Nirmala Yoga no.25)
“Now, why the child has an allergy? …Left Nabhi will catch, now that means the mother, because the child is not yet married, so is the mother. That means mother must be having a left Nabhi herself. And that is why the child must be catching with that allergy. So instead of punishing the child, why not cure the left nabhi of the mother and left nabhi of the child. … What can we do to help the child get rid of it? Very simple. Anything that is left can be taken out on the little flame. Put your right hand on the left Nabhi of the child and your left hand to the flame and, finished.”
(Rahuri Q&A 13/1/1986)
Question: Why does cow’s milk make allergies and eczema worse? “Cow’s milk. Left side. Cow’s milk always gives you the left side, because she is the Mother. And you should not have cow’s milk because it is the left side. Whether it is cow’s milk or buffalo’s milk, all will give you allergies, but if you have animals which are smaller than you, like if you can drink, like Mahatma Gandhi, goat’s milk, you might not have the problem.”
(Rahuri Q&A 13/1/1986)
“Most allergies are caused from cold to hot, ie. taking bath in cold water and then hot water. To take coffee and then immediately take cold water. This sudden change, the system cannot adjust to. In the left Nabhi area is the spleen. The spleen is a speedometer and also an adjuster. When it adjusts and it is not properly done due to sudden change, it causes problem. So it has to suddenly provide its energies to either increase or decrease the flow of the red blood corpuscles. That’s how the spleen goes crazy.”
Shivaratri 1987

Thursday, April 13, 2023

Techniques for Improving MOOLADHARA



So we have to now understand what are our maryadas (limits) are, how we have to live within our maryadas, and I’m sure if you really work out your Shri Ganesha. For that the best is to meditate. Put yourself on some nice turf, grass. Sit on that. Put your left hand with the light, and right hand on the Mother Earth, and say Atharva Sheersha. If you can remember it by heart, it’s a very good thing. Otherwise, you can keep the book and read it, or say Ganesha’s mantra to begin with. It’s going to help you very much. It’s going to help you, your eyes, it’s going to your whole thing, is going to be very nice....
So it’s not a something very simple thing. It’s very serious. For Sahaja yogis very, very serious. They have to revive their innocence. They have to revive their maryadas. They have to delimit themselves. It’s very important. Otherwise, I would say that, if you have some wheat spread out everywhere, how can you reach the heights? You have to put them into some bags, some maryadas. Only by maryadas you can rise. Of course the kundalini will help. Of course Ganesha will help also. But we should also try to watch ourselves. There should be introspection, “Are we still in the same category?” I have told many people that it is better you walk with your eyes towards the grass, at only at three feet, because at three feet you can only see children, flowers and grounds, not higher than that. Nothing very beautiful is beyond that I think. Or raise much higher, so that you just see above the heads of people, nothing in between. And our whole style, lifestyle is so funny; I mean, I just don’t know how to explain it, but is accepted.
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
Apr 14, 1991

Tuesday, April 11, 2023



You have to work it out that you should feel peaceful within yourself. It is not that if you have too much of silence outside, you feel peaceful. The peace has to be within yourself. You have it. Your Spirit is absolutely peaceful – ‘avyagra’, without restlessness. There is no restlessness in your Spirit. Absolutely peaceful and steady. It is for you to feel it. It is not for anybody else to certify you. This is one thing.

Secondly, when I am telling you something, you think I am not telling you. It doesn’t register in your brain. You think I am telling it to X, Y, Z but not to you. You are not in it. That’s another sign [that] there is no peace. Because there is no peace, there is no registration. Whatever goes into your head, that is going to work out. But what I find [is] that people [who] have concave personalities, then they receive it. Those who have convex personalities, do not register anything . The registration is so poor that whatever I say doesn’t have any effect on them. Otherwise, whatever I say is a mantra. It should have direct effect on you, and you should feel that effect, that penetration within you. But as if it is for somebody else, as if it is not for you. This shows there is no peace within you. Only the peace within can register whatever is auspicious, whatever is nourishing for your growth. So try to make peace with yourself. Do not fight with yourself, “Why should I do it?”, “I am so bad!”, “I should not have done it!” – all these we should not do. Try not to fight with yourself, first of all.
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Saturday, April 8, 2023

Teachings from Christs Life


Now, the other teachings which are out of Christ’s life is that His message of His life is resurrection. But not His cross. He suffered for us and it’s the end of all our sufferings.
Now, on a subtler way, try to understand where is Christ positioned within us and then you will understand what I am trying to tell you. In this picture, if you see, the two sides, the left and the right side cross at a point where you see this red mark on my head, inside the brain. Where there is the optic chiasma, where it crosses, near the pituitary and the pineal body. There lies the principle of Christ. Now, if you see that the Kundalini’s door to pass through is that one, is the constricted part, is the door, that’s why it is said that Christ is the door and everyone has to pass through that. Because over-activity of the sympathetic nervous system has created this kind of a very, very solid type of attachment which cannot be crossed easily. Because of the ego and superego crossing over each other, they press on each other like two very hard balloons. This is the cross.
Now, what Christ has shown by His life, that eternal life is not killed by anything, by His resurrection. This was the greatest job, is to pass through that very narrow space, crucifying Himself, He proved it that life has to be resurrected.
On the Easter day, we give everyone an egg. But we don’t know why we do it. Now, this egg represents our state, of human state and from the egg, with transformation, you come out as the bird, as the second birth. So you have to become the bird after this egg stage because your ego and superego press you here and you get your own “I” ness, like an egg.
So this is actually the second birth which Christ has said that you are to be born again. But we just believe that we are born again and we just live in this faith which is dangerous.
By ascending through this door, which is the Christ, you reach into the area called limbic area in human beings, which is the Kingdom of God. But this portion also has to be pierced through to get out of it completely to feel the source that is around it. This is the reality of baptism. You can see with your naked eyes, in many people the pulsation of the Kundalini. If it is pulsating, that means there is some sort of an obstruction in the being. But if it is a normal body and a normal personality, then Kundalini shoots off just like a jet and comes up. This is what has to happen in reality if you want to have your second birth. It’s the subtler awareness that comes into you. You start feeling in your hands, the subtle all-pervading power around you.
Second Public Program Day 2, "Talk about Christ". Rome (Italy), 9 September 1983.

Having a Good Tongue


Having a good tounge....................

have told you that for a Sahaja Yogi the whole thing should be decided by the witnessing power. Now the witnessing power is silent, it doesn’t talk, if you are a very talkative person then it’s not going to help you much. You have to come in balance. For the first time in this incarnation I have started talking and I get so troubled because I’m not used to this kind of talking. So for you people, it is necessary that you should not talk unless and until you feel like talking. And very few sentences, conclusive. As I told you before, the tongue is the master of all the organs of distraction. If you could master your tongue, you are master of all of them, in a way. Because everything has to be palatable .... The tongue decides about it all. If you want to eat some food, if it is not palatable then you don’t want to eat that food. It has to be palatable. Then a thought also, a thought has to be palatable. If it is not palatable, you are not going to have it. So the deciding factor is the tongue, the roots of the tongue goes up to the Vishuddhi chakra, which controls your ego and superego, or you can say that the tongue is reflected in superego and ego in a way.

Through your tongue, when you speak, one can make out whether you are in the realm of the ego or superego. She expresses, she decides. But if you understand her, then you know how to handle her. She’s your friend and Saraswati herself resides in your tongue. If you know how to handle your tongue then Sahaja Yoga can rise really higher. Because when others meet you, as Sahaja Yogis, they also see how the way you talk, the way you eat, the way that things are palatable to you. It is the tongue that decides.
If you are really very much evolved, you’ll be amazed that if you eat some food that, immediately the tongue will throw it out. It won’t have it, if it is something wrong. If some prasad, so called, is given to you, which is given by some wrong kind of man, immediately your tongue will throw it out. It won’t be able to take it in. And even if you take some of the food down in the stomach, still the tongue will inform the brain that throw it out, and the brain will inform the stomach that throw it out. It will be unpalatable. So the action of Vishnu in the stomach up to the action of Shri Krishna, who is the same personality, is all just by your tongue.
You must know how pure, holy, your tongue should be. That when you take the name of your Mother with this tongue, you must know it has to be the holiest of holiest. It is very important how you use your tongue. Those who talk very bluntly are just the same as those who talk very sweetly, to get something out of you is the intention. As I have told you, it controls the ego and superego. Even if Sahaja Yogis understand that the witness is also here, at the Vishuddhi chakra. So your witnessing powers will increase and decrease according to your tongue.
Of course it controls sixteen sub-plexus. It also controls the muscles of the eyes. It controls all these muscles, it controls the palate, it controls the teeth. It controls the ears. But here, you hear something you cannot control it. Tongue you can, because that is the thing which releases, which goes out. With the ear you cannot give anything to others. That is just one way. This is double way thing, you can take in something and also can throw out. It has a double purpose, it is a very important organ. And that’s why we have to look after our tongue.

Talk to the Sahaja yogis,
Delhi, 1976

Friday, April 7, 2023

Message of Christ's resurrection


May be an image of 1 person and outdoors

Happy Easter to you all.

So we celebrate Easter to show Christ resurrected Himself. The Spirit that is Christ has to resurrect out of the material manifestation of the Divine Itself. The matter is manifested because we ourselves have created it. Not that we are born out of matter, our body, but we are attached to it, we want it, we want to have it. Whatever you want, that sustains itself, by your desire, because now you are on the stage. If you want to sustain the matter, if you want to keep the matter as the first priority, it will remain. It cannot disappear. It has to go out of your mind that matter cannot hold you any further.
Christ rose out of the matter, came out of the tomb which symbolises the matter which has enclosed us within, which has to be opened out with our spiritual power. Throw away the stone that is covering this grave. Get out of that and stand outside it. This is the message of Christ's resurrection.
The tomb that we have created, we have created ourselves, because we have allowed people to dominate us. We have allowed them to make these graves for us, we have allowed them to bury Christ within ourselves, because we were afraid. But Christ has to rise. So we create our own matter through our conditionings, through our fears, through our absolute wrong ideas about goodness, kindness and compassion. In the light of the Spirit you can see what we think as compassion is nothing but a kind of sympathy which leads you nowhere. But one should learn to see everything in the light of the Spirit. But do we use all the time the light of the Spirit? We do not.
For Christ it was not difficult, because He was the Spirit. But He has shown you the way. He crucified Himself to show you the way. All the ideas about sophistication, about our standing in the society, how we relate ourselves to other dignitaries, or to our country, to our politics, to our economics and the world at large, all of them can tie us down to that tomb. You belong to another category, I've told you a hundred times. And a category which is the Spirit, which can rise above 'all' the tombs and throw away everything. This way are you conditioned; all absurd ideas have been accepted, which you cannot explain why you were conditioned like this.
Why I talk more of conditioning, because of England. English are very much conditioned people. The others are Americans who are abandoned. I mean, you cannot talk to them about anything because they cannot be rooted into anything. But the English are too much conditioned people, and when they are too much conditioned they build their own tombs.
All these ideas are to be seen with a new dimension of awareness that you have. You are the Spirit. Why should you worry about anything else but your vibrations. Because you are saints. You should just worry about the comfort of your Spirit. Whatever is congenial to your- Spirit, just go on doing that, observing that, accumulating that and sucking within yourself. All conditionings will run away because these conditionings you accept because they look comfortable, but they are not. Christ is a great example and if He is the one whom you follow, if He is the one you have understood and recognised in the light of your Spirit, then you must know why did He go into the grave first of all. The Man who was so powerful. Who when He will come He'll reduce all of them into ashes-such a great personality like Him of Ekadasha Rudra. Why did Christ allow Himself to be crucified and to be buried into that? Because He wanted to stoop down to the level of other people, to come down to that level so that people should see that through His life they are shown that you can be resurrected. Now the Resurrection has taken place. Sahaja Yogis are resurrected no doubt, but still one foot is in the grave! And the second one I do not know whether it will be out or in--it is just halfway through! One foot is of course outside, no doubt, but still is not yet touching the ground, 'and the other cannot be lifted unless you push the ground, this matter, again, to push it up. If you live with your Spirit, you should have no fears, you should have no worry.
Easter Puja. Hounslow (UK), 8 April 1985.

Thursday, April 6, 2023

The Temperament of a Sahaja Yogi



Today was a very great day for all of you to jump in the river and enjoy yourselves very much. I remember the past of such days which I have also enjoyed before. But one must know that it’s not the outside that really gives you pleasure; it’s the inside. Whether there is outside or not, inside should be so elated. You can use this as a memory for yourself, whenever you feel dejected or depressed, and should try to maintain that moment of joy and happiness within yourself. I hope you were in the present at that time, so that it is completely recorded in your memory and that you will enjoy all that.
The sign of a good Sahaja yogi is that he has no complaints. He doesn’t give ideas, suggestions, and object to what Mother says and give new dimensions to it, doesn’t argue and thirdly, he’s always enjoying. If you are not enjoying, still your eyes are moving one side, brain on another side, your ears in the third direction, then you are not integrated. You are not yet a proper Sahaja yogi. So you have to be a very proper, sensible Sahaja yogi. In your ascent you will discover all these things. So try to be more in the center, in the present, and then only this will become a prominent feature within your heart. And on that will be seated your Spirit shining all the time. But the seat of the Spirit all the time wobbly and is not there; so Spirit does not know how to emit light in your life.
Now what I find is that our attention goes to all kinds of various activities, which we should see like the sea that was flowing. There was lots of stones there. And one can learn a lesson from that, that when the stones are there it makes a ripple, a sound, a reflection back, and the water is obstructed. In the same way, if we have stones in our head, then the flow of Kundalini get obstructed and then we get all kinds of, you see, reflections and we reflect back and then we try to give some suggestions or things, all that. We don’t allow the flow to go straight forward in a very smooth manner. So also it is very interesting and it makes a, you feel more interested because it helps the ego to grow more. But one has to learn that that’s not the temperament of a Sahaja yogi.
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
Jan 29, 1985