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Saturday, November 26, 2022

Sahajayogi has to be like Flower - Strong, never fading Flower


" When it is needed you have to rebuke yourself. When you have to glorify, you should glorify yourself.
So now you separate. You become the mother, the Spirit is the mother, and you, whatever you are which has to grow, is the child. Mother is the ideal, she is the inspiration, she is the power, and the child is the recipient. If the child is an obstinate fellow, then you can’t do anything about it. Also find out – you might be one of them. I know who are they like that.
There are many and you can find them out in no time. Obstinate fellows, if they live with ten people, suddenly we hear reports of their existence. They are quite eloquent, even if they are not talking a word people can tell you: “I had a fight with such and such. That person said such and such a thing to me, that person was so cruel to me, that person demanded this.” You know which person it is, where.
You see, as a diamond can be made out, thorns can be made out also; anytime you go near the thorn, anyone without exception, it will bite everyone. It is not going to spare, it’s a thorn. So a thorn has to be a thorn. But if you are a Sahaja Yogi you have to be a flower. And a strong flower and an eternal flower, that always grows, does not fade out. Always growing, never fades, such a flower you have to be. Then you will be surprised that you do not get into a trip of ego, neither you go into a complete collapse of super-ego”.
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, London. 06-11-1983 .