331de4708b05e1c7e3d68a6f68a1dc3c24899f06 Sahajayoga- Meditation techniques acclaimed worldwide: Jan 20, 2023


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Friday, January 20, 2023


We cannot meditate; we only can be in meditation. When we say we are going to meditate it has no meaning. We have to be in meditation. Either you are inside the house or outside the house. You cannot be inside the house and then say that: “Now I’m outside the house.” Or when you are outside the house you cannot say: “I’m inside the house.”
In the same way, you are moving in three dimensions of your life – of emotional and physical and mental being. You are not inside yourself. But when you are inside that you are in thoughtless awareness. Then, not only that you are there, but you are everywhere, because that is the place, that is the point where you are really in universal… From there you are in contact with the Principle, with the Shakti, with the Power that permeates into every particle that is matter, into every thought that is emotion, into every planning and thinking of the whole world. You permeate into all the elements that have created this beautiful Earth. You permeate into earth; you permeate into Akasha [sky, ether], into teja [light], into sound. But your movement is very slow.
Then you say: “I’m meditating,” that means you are moving in permeation with the Universal Being. But you are not moving yourself, you are just unloading yourself to be free from the weight of things that do not allow you to move.
When you are in meditation you must allow yourself to be in thoughtless awareness. There, the Unconscious Itself, the Achetana itself will take charge of you. You will start moving with the force of Achetana. The Unconscious is going to work it out. It is going to take you there, where It wants you to go. You keep to thoughtless awareness all the time. Try to keep to thoughtless awareness as much as you can. When you are in thoughtless awareness you must know that you are in the Kingdom of God and His people, His arrangements, His consciousness, is going to look after you.
Even when you are giving vibrations to other people, I have noticed that you are not in thoughtless awareness. If you give vibrations in thoughtless awareness, you will not catch anything because all these entities that enter into you, all these material problems that come into you, come when you are in those three dimensions. "
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, New Delhi.
30th March, 1976 .