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Friday, June 9, 2023

Spread the Fragrance of Life


" When this world was created there was no fragrance but in some areas there was, specially areas which we call as India and otherwise. It is unbelievable that here or anywhere abroad there are no flowers with fragrance.
So now you are born here, you have brought the fragrance, you are the people who are realised souls and you have got the fragrance to spread, so your responsibility – double I think – that you must spread fragrance. Fragrance is something very innate, even this soil which we should say is without fragrance, the people have fragrance in their character, in their behaviour, in their understanding and there is peace which they are aspiring
I don’t say they are peaceful but they are aspiring to have peace. This aspiration only suggests they are fragrant people, that they are very fragrant.
What is a fragrance in a human being is, his nature, his temperament, how he is and how he behaves towards others.
All the countries all over, still not aware that you have to become fragrant. If they were to be aware then all wars will end, everything will finish off and they will know we are all one.
We do not belong to different countries or anything which we have made. God has not made France. We have made that this is your country, this is their country and country-wise we fight. This country belongs to no one. This belongs to God. But people stupidly fight on the countries, that this is our country, this is our country. "
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Cabella. Italy.
24th June, 2007 .