The nature of the Spirit.”
Our religion stays outside, we remain outside. It has no control over us because the self-control is only our ego that controls. But the Self-control, means the control of the Spirit, is not there. Unless and until you become the Spirit and the Spirit comes into your attention, when you are completely enlightened then you just don’t do wrong; you cannot think of these things; you just, you become righteous automatically because you are in the light. Without the light within, in the darkness you cannot achieve that – whatever is promised….
We have to have this world full of peace, full of joy, full of friendship and brotherhood. That’s what we have come to. Now we have reached that point we don’t want to have any more wars. …
Either these religions have become money-oriented or have become what you can call the power-oriented. They are not Spirit-oriented. Let them become Spirit-oriented. None of them are Spirit-oriented. If you are just power-oriented or money-oriented then it will create problems. But still they think they are doing well, they are alright…Then we have lots of games connected with money. Then the power game is going on. How can these organisations be one with any government, with anything like that? What has government to do?
Only it is God’s government. It is his kingdom we should seek. Once you get into that kingdom you automatically become legal. You don’t have to read any laws, nothing; you become legal automatically because you become so righteous you don’t want to do anything wrong. But supposing they want to crucify you, they can. I mean, that’s different because they are crazy people. But otherwise it’s such a wonderful life…
I’ll tell you about the Spirit, the nature of the Spirit. The first nature of the Spirit is this: that when it manifests in your attention then your attention becomes enlightened and you can feel on your central nervous system this all-pervading power about which I told you yesterday which is the divine power which does all the living work; it’s the living God and his living Power. First time you start feeling – cool or hot breeze like waves flowing into your hands. That should happen. This is first things that happens when you become the Spirit, means the awakening takes place.
Then secondly you become absolutely thoughtlessly aware: thoughts cannot bombard you anymore. Because as you have seen here there is one side is your conditionings and another side is your ego, that covers …. Now, it is in between in the limbic area, in medical terminology it’s limbic area but we call it as Sahasrara – means “one thousand petals”. Now what happens: that when this centre – Agnya, that is the centre of Christ – when it is awakened, means Christ is awakened, it goes like this and this is sucked in inside that Agnya chakra. So you become thoughtlessly aware: means there is thought which just goes away. One thought rises and falls, again thought rises, falls and we are jumping on the cusp of the thoughts. But when this happens you are no more in the future and the past from where the thoughts come in but you are in centre – that is, you are in the present. So you can exist in the present…
the ego has gone away and you are connected with the Divine and you are getting all the inspiration from Divine which is the absolute; which is absolute. Because Spirit is the absolute, means you know the absolute truth. There is no difference of opinion between two persons or hundred persons. Whatever they know about others …. What you read, whatever are the precepts become your practices automatically. You don’t have to do it. I don’t have to say, “Don’t do that.”
As a result of this happening first of all, all bad habits drop off. .. But the Spirit when it gives you a complete, perfect idea of truth you just have to know how to overcome or how to correct your own centres. And that Spirit vibrates with this cool breeze. As soon as you are corrected you find all your fingers are flowing alright, it’s working alright and you feel extremely joyous because that is the nature of Spirit that it is joy. It is the ocean of joy. …
It is so wonderful that such a time has come now for all of us to take to our Self. This the way the Last Judgement is going to work out. Last Judgement doesn’t mean that we’ll be weighted; no, it doesn’t mean that. It means this kundalini will rise and she will tell herself what’s wrong with you. Even in Koran it’s written very clearly that when the time of Resurrection will come your hands will speak and they’ll give witness against you. This is what Sahaja Yoga is.
H H Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Brisbane (Australia), 21 February 1992.