331de4708b05e1c7e3d68a6f68a1dc3c24899f06 Sahajayoga- Meditation techniques acclaimed worldwide: 06/01/2021 - 07/01/2021


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Saturday, June 26, 2021

No need for Fear or Malice

Those who are blessed by Mataji and have experience  of rising kundalini  are always protected and need not fear or have malice.  Noone can harm real sahajayogi.  Mataji has said as under in one of her speech.


There’s a saying in Sanskrit ‘Vinaasha kale vipreet buddhi’ means, ‘Their destruction will start by their own stupid methods.’ [Those who will try to destroy you] will become stupid. And at every stage, you’ll see they are becoming stupid and by their stupidity they are destroying themselves, you don’t have to worry about that part. So that’s why you don’t need any destructive powers. It will all be done by this All-pervading Divine power.
So that part you have to give up. You just forgive that person. As soon as you forgive, the responsibility from you shifts and then Kundalini rises. You don’t have to carry any malice, anything against him but just laugh because they are blind, because they are stupid, they are foolish.
What do we do if you see an idiot? We may not laugh in his presence but we do, isn’t it, at his back because he’s an idiot. So, they become idiotic and you see them becoming idiotic and then you just start, you see that’s the humour of Sahaja Yoga. You have to have some humour also isn’t it? And then you start seeing these jokers, you see, behaving in that manner and the whole circus they do is nothing but jocular.
So, there’s nothing to have any fear from any human being; same about organizations or anything. Naturally you have to know one thing: that as you are Realized souls, you have seen the truth, you are in the light so they are going to oppose you, they are going to oppose you. They did this, isn’t it, to others; everybody suffered so much. But now no more sufferings to you, only thing you can enjoy the humour. Just understand this point, that nothing will destroy you, no one can touch you but they are there just to supply some humour for you. If you take such a light attitude towards them, all this fear and left side will go away.
What are these baddhas, and what are these bhoots, and what are these tantrikas? Nothing. You are so powerful. Just with one glance you can see them dancing on their heads, the other way around. As long as you’ll have fear Kundalini won’t rise because She doesn’t rise for people who are cowards.
Cowardice She is not going to support. If you are a coward She said, “All right”. You are walking on the street, normally people are afraid if there’s darkness, afraid that somebody might attack, but a Sahaja Yogi does not, if he’s a real Sahaja Yogi, because he knows there are ganas and there are angels around him. No one can touch him, and the one who will try, these ganas will make such a fool out of that person that you’ll have a nice chance to laugh at him.
Now you watch and see. So, this left side or this fear should go. Once this fear will go all your slyness, all your intrigues, all your jealousies will just disappear. That’s how the Kundalini will rise very well.
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi 21 Jun 1992

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Stay away from Fake Spiritual Masters selling you GOD

Pepole are always seeking and searching for God.  In this world there are many fake gurus, fake masters who claim to be gods and indulge in selling wrong notions, ideas, philosophy, in the name of God.  They often describe some dress code, charge high fees for discourse and for special darshan.  All sorts of dirty business they do.  

People from many countries of the world come to India in pursuit of dharma, religion, god and such things.  They often get trapped in the drama of third grade , criminal minded people, who often cheat them, loot them , their eyes are on the purse and belongings of the disciples.  Those cannot be real spiritual masters. Those cannot be real gurus. In india many of such fake gurus are today in jail for various offences including rape, torture, cheating and somany crimes.  So Beaware from fake gurus .  Keep away from false gurus, kugurus.

In one of the lectures Mataji nirmaladevi has rightly described as to how to recognise such fake spritual gurus, trying to sell God. Folowing is the text of her lecture on the subject -

First Question Is Know How To Identify A Fake Spiritual Master

- A false master leaves you no freedom to ask questions
- A false master has no knowledge of the mind.
<<The first question is how to identify a fake guru. First thing, I have to say it's a fake guru who won't give you all the freedom to ask questions, so you can't oppose it anymore. A guru who gives you no freedom to ask questions is not good. But you have to know that you can't pay for the truth. For example, I can see with My eye that there is a mat lying here. You know that. I don't have to pay I have my eyes. Similarly, now to know the truth you can't pay money.
The second point is that you must first see what is the quality of the disciples of the gurus. When you go to a store you want to buy something, first you ask those who bought what they have to say about it. You will be surprised that none of these so called gurus have any followers who have any idea of the truth, whether they don't know the Kundalini or have any knowledge of their minds. They also don't live a life that is right, that is holy. On the contrary they sometimes live a very bad life, if they don't live a bad life they are always sick people, they are in trouble. >>>>
Goddess Sri.
HH Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, 1990-0621 Public Program Day 2, Athens, Greece.

Real Yoga - Sahaja Yoga



Yoga is a blooming of Lotus with in
Attainment of our self realisation ,
An Enlightenment , a divine vision
An inward journey , a heavenly mission .
Yoga is not just a physical exercise
To stabilise or energise ,
It’s neither sitting in Meditation
With closed eyes .
Yoga is a union and communion
With our self and the spirit ,
It’s the strengthening of our connection
Yoga is an awareness of subtle energy
Overcoming indolence and lethargy ,
It’s the awakening of our own power
Blossoming us into a fragrant flower .
Yoga is the widening of our expanse
Of mind body and soul
That ultimately connects us to the whole .

Sahaja Yoga is real yoga wherein the seeker through the awakening of Kundalini gets connected with divine spirit, within own body. This enlightenment results in wide spread benefits reflected in the persons feelings, desires, acts, deeds and words too. He becomes just a living saint in real sense, free from all worries and happy, enjoying every moment of life within the kingdom of god.
Mataji Nirmaladevi has done this herculian task in a very simple , easy manner and changed the life of lakhs of people all over the world, without any kind of money in return.

Jai Shri Mataji.

Sunday, June 20, 2021

Dominance- A Mental Distortion

Adishakti Mataji Nirmaladevi had time and again expressed as to how the sahajayogi should behave.  How he should be different from other people, who have various mental disorders.  One of the common seen in many people is the "Dominance", craving for dominance over life partner, brothers, sisters, class mates, friends, neighbours, employees and in so many other forms too.

It is nothing but madness, it is just lust for overpowering others and is not fair by any means. Mataji has advised to give up such bad habits.

Following are her expression over Dominance -

 "Dominance"-'A Mental Distortion'

“We often see, lots of people are infected with the dreaded disease of ‘Dominance’, almost everyone tend to dominate other one in our human society irrespective of places on our planet.
Even we see some Sahjis too, try to dominate other Sahajis in the name of Seniority, Posts, Experiences, Protocols, Power, Money etc.
Such kind of people always point out other’s mistakes and try to let them down publicly or individually as “Shree Maa” has given them authority not only to scold other Sahajis but also to spread their bad name among Sahajis out of Dominance.
Actually, this disease of dominance belongs to Wild Animals as most of us have been recycled for thousands times in our previous life cycles as different species of animals so our genes are carrying this trait of animal even in evolved form of human.
We usually observe in our day to day life that most of the Animals use to fight with other Animals for unauthorised entry in their territory.
Either that new Animal has to surrender or that would be thrown out of the territory by the powerful one.
Complete surrender with Full devotion is badly needed in some of us to eradicate such kind of problems.
By maintaining connectivity at our Sahastrara and its acknowledgement into our Central Heart continuously, otherwise......?????”

Saturday, June 19, 2021

Worshiping Mahakali

Shri Mahakali is imporant deity .  But there are various misconceptions about her, just by looking at her rudra form. Mahakali (SanskritMahākāḷīDevanagari: महाकाली), is the much revered Hindu Goddess of destruction and doomsday. Mahakali is fiercest of the Goddesses of universal power, time, life, death and both rebirth and liberation. She devours Kala (Time) and then resumes her own dark formlessness. She is also the consort of Mahakala, the god of consciousness, the basis of reality and existence.

Sahajayogis have often seen Mataji Nirmaladevi in the form of godess Mahakali.  Matajai has explained many times that Mahakali is very loving, caring towards her children, disciples. 

in one speech Mataji Nirmaladevi has said that -

Sahaja Yoga*, as you know, has a double action, as the Mahakali has a double action. She’s extremely loving, full of joy, full of happiness and She’s the one who’s extremely cruel, wrathful, She’s the one who’s the slayer of all the demons and the evil, and those people who try to do evil. So once you are thrown out into the left side then you can imagine, you can develop any kind of left-side diseases to begin with, Mooladhara diseases are the worst, you develop diseases like mellitus, this, er, er, you must have heard of the disabilities caused by the muscles getting degenerated. All muscular degeneration comes from this problem. So at any cost that must be avoided. But if you are not in the collective, if you do not understand the collective, and if you are out of the collective you’ll be surprised that negative forces will join together and they’ll pull you out. So this is one of the things that happens, so be very careful that don’t avoid the collective programmes

The, another problem about Mahakali is that, that She’s the one who gives you the feeling for your wife, for your husband, She is the one. Now there also, the same problem. If both of them are alright, She’s alright but if She finds any one of them going astray She’ll throw that person out and out and out and the, another person, if that person is attached to that person also will be thrown out. So this business of falling in love, this nonsense that we have here, that you fall in love, but the word is all right because you fall really in love. It’s a real falling happens. So what happens when you start falling in love, there’s a kind of a maya of this Mahakali and you just get infatuated, your ego gets pampered, or something like that, or you have certain ideas of a wife or something and then you think ‘Oh, that’s the one for me. So in these cases only two things can happen; either you can be lost completely because of your wife or your husband whom you adore and admire and you, you’ve finished, I mean your personality is finished. Or else, the another thing which is even more serious is that, that you’ll completely break forever and hate each other. …

In another lecture Mataji Nirmaladevi has described Mahakali as under -

 Many people asked me that Oh mother how can Devi have furious form? If she is mother, how can mother be in furious form? why not? To make her children all right the Devi has taken furious form also. The Saumya form (compassionate and peaceful) can be harmful for her children some times. Therefore, the Rudra form (furious) is necessary. They cannot be corrected other than this.

But the Devi did not harm any body with her Rudra form. Like before when she incarnated as Mahakali she killed this, she killed that, she pulled out the tongue, she did this, she did that, nothing of that sort. Today’s Mahakali’s form that is Rudra, now, it is not required to do all those things.
Human beings get afraid just by seeing this form. When he sees his Rudra form his diseases get cured because the negativity inside runs away. So there is no need to cut some body’s throat or to cut some body’s tongue or to take out the eye. If Mahakali’s form is not used then we cannot do the work of Sahaja Yoga because all these negative forces block your chakras and without curing your charkas, Kundalini will not come up. That is why the Mahakali form is very much to be worshiped and to be praised which does not harm physically, emotionally or mentally. Only the bad thing run away by its form.
Adi Shakti Puja. Jaipur (India),
11 December 1994.

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Spirituality is not for sale

As per oxford dictionary spirituality means  the quality of being concerned with the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things

Spirituality involves the recognition of a feeling or sense or belief that there is something greater than myself, something more to being human than sensory experience, and that the greater whole of which we are part is cosmic or divine in nature. ... An opening of the heart is an essential aspect of true spirituality.

By awakening of the kundalini, the real path of spirituality opens up for the human being. Mataji Nirmaladevi had been doing this for so many years in various countries of the world. People from all walks of life, religions, nations, financial standing, having different education etc. have really benefiteed in this process.  

Sahajayoga by Mataji Nirmaladevi helps people to get connected with the divine spirit in own body.  When kundalini rises, she being your mother, protects you, guides you, helps you in every possible way .  Only requirement is that you need to be connected with kundalini every day through meditation.  Spiritual progress is possible only through kundalini awakening  through sahajayoga. 

Sahajayogis are fortunate to get Adishakti Mataji as their own guru to impart this knowledge.  People must be away from false gurus, self proclaimed gurus who are crooks and criminals at time, whose eyes are on peoples purses and properties.  Those are not dharmatmas . they are Kugurus.  Please save yourself by such devils in the forms of gurus . 

Get self enlightment from Mataji Nirmaladevi, free for life and enjoy the spiritual ascent. 

Mataji has always said that "Spirituality cannot be bought and sold ".

following is the text of speech given by mataji nirmaladevi in this regard.

Spirituality is not for sale!

I bow to all the seekers of truth. I do not know how to thank the mayor of Oakland and mayor of Berkeley for being so kind to give this certificate to Me. I must say this is a wonderful country where people recognize something that is doing good work. Really remarkable it is. I had been here before, to Berkeley, because everybody tells Me that there are lots of seekers of truth in Berkeley. This is the thing that attracted Me very much. But first of all we should know what are we seeking all these days. Once you start seeking it goes on like a rat-race of seeking. Or have you been able to find something? So what do you have to find in your seeking? As you know, in all the scriptures it is been told that you have to know yourself. You don't know yourself, you don't know what problems you have within. People get into diseases without knowing until it develops into a very serious trouble. Also they go on hurting others, being jealous with others, being in tension and stress. All kind of problems come to them, and they don't know why it happens, why, what is the reason?
Now for that, there is placed within us a beautiful thing called Kundalini which lies in the triangular bone, which is called as "sacrum". That means Greeks knew about it, that's why they called it a sacred bone. In the triangular bone it lies at the base of your spine and this is the one which is going to give you a real ascent. This is the one which is going to connect you to the All Pervading Power of Divine Love. They have all talked about God, Power of God, Divine love, all kinds of things, but we don't know where it is, where does it exist, how it works. If really it is there or not, also we are not very sure. So this power lies within your triangular bone, can you show them? All of you have this power within you. It is not anyone who belongs to any nationality, or to any culture but everyone has this power within himself. But you'll be surprised, how people have made such a horrible picture of Kundalini and they say that when the Kundalini rises you may go mad, you may shout, you must do all kinds of things. Because they have no authority to do it, because they don't know how to do it - that's why they make up a story like that and tell you, because they don't want you to ascend, I think. Or they don't know, they are incapable of awakening the Kundalini. But I must tell you that She is your Mother. She is your individual Mother. She knows everything about you. It is all recorded, whatever was your past, whatever mistakes you committed, whatever aspirations you have, everything She knows about it, it's all recorded there in the 3-1/2 coils. But She is your Mother, your own Mother and when you were born, your Mother took all the trouble upon Herself. She didn't give you trouble. In the same way when this Kundalini rises, She doesn't give you any trouble. Now people are afraid even to talk about Kundalini because those who talked about Kundalini were, I don't know what sort of people they were, and it was such a misleading thing that they thought, it's better not to talk about it. But talk is talk, talk is not everything.
What has to happen is the awakening of this Kundalini. It's an actualization, it is not just talking, giving lectures, you do this, you stand like this, put your hand this way, your legs that way, it's not that. It is very simple, that this Kundalini, which is responsible for your last ascent, your, I should say, the last step in your evolution, this Kundalini is your own Mother and She cannot harm you. She can never do that. This is the fact I would like to tell you first of all. Because I know in America all kinds of people have come from India, those people also they were released from jail, wore some sort of a dress and came here. They are all minting money, that's what they are doing, they are good at it. So if you have any understanding about Divinity you must understand that you cannot sell it and you cannot purchase it. If you can purchase some person then such a person cannot be your master, he can be your servant but not your master. So onc
e you understand this point, it is very important for you people to know that it is not saleable because you know this is a consumer society, and everything has to be sold. But not spirituality, you cannot sell spirituality. And those who sell spirituality are spurious people, they are not real, they are absolutely bogus people as they call them, and you don't waste your energy and money on them."
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi June 5, 2000 Public Program Berkeley, Ca. U.S.A.

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

What we get out of Meditation

Mataji Nirmaladevi has always asked to do meditation twice a day to every sahajayogi. She has also told many a times that only through mediatation you would be connected with me. If you do not meditate, i cannot have any relationship with you. So Meditation is most important thing of life for every sahajayogi.

following is the text of some of her speech on the subject .

 Good............Morning..........to all our Souls,...........))))))))))))

“It is very common among some of us that we have to encounter with the most common questions of new people who are completely indulge in their materialistic life which is related with the benefit of meditation in our day to day life.
They usually ask, ‘What we will get out of meditation?,
Why we should do meditation,
whereas we are already happy in our life ?
Then we often tell them that, “Your health will improve, your diseases will be vanished, you will gain mental peace & satisfaction.
You will grow in spiritual field, you will rise in financial aspects and so on.
But these sayings hardly works on them then they usually question us, ‘how you are living,
Are you people happy in your materialistic life ?
Are you leading a disease free life? Don’t you have any problem?
Then we become bewildered to answer them because we too, use to be suffering from different kinds of problem in our human life.
If we tell the truth then we might feel ashamed before them and they might lose their interest for adopting Meditation.
But somehow we try to convince them so that they could meditate but internally we use to be thinking about our routine genuine problems which are engulfing our happiness.
So it is better to tell them that, ‘ Through Meditation we perceive ‘Divine Energy’ (which look afters the whole universe) to improve our understanding related to Materialistic World'.
So that we could make our life more peaceful and happier as well as it enhances our faith in ‘Divinity’ so that we might have a rapport with ‘Almighty’.” ---‘Impulses’
....Jai Shree Mata Ji

taken from one facebook post by kripa narayan.

Friday, June 11, 2021

Miraculous Escape from Car on Fire

Experience of one of the Sahajayogi as described in one of the facebook post.  It clearly shows how Mataji Nirmaladevi takes care of her children in every calamity.  Matajis love and net of protection is great support to all disciples. 

Experience of miraculous escape -

 Paulina experiences a miracle On a recent grey Friday morning, I came to a rental car office to pick up my rental car. The young woman behind the counter gave me Ford Renegade, because it had fewer miles than the other available vehicle and I had 550 miles to go. The Renegade had just a bit over 28,000 miles on the clock. I loved the car, promptly dashed home to pick up my luggage, my husband’s suitcase and some other bits and bobs that I thought would be needed. With NPR on the radio, WAZE GPS on the phone and mirrors fully adjusted, I was ready to whistle all the way to Charleston, WV. The GPS put me on i78W and like an obedient child I followed every instruction to the t. I was in the middle lane of the three lane express side of the highway, no more than 30-40 minutes outside of the city of New York when I heard an engine noise. With trucks zooming at 75 mph all around me, going under an underpass, I could only assume that it was a rumble of a passing truck. It took me no more than a few minutes to realize that the noise came from my car! Initial thought of getting off at the next exit was inexplicably replaced by a need to get of the highway immediately. Cutting across the other lanes, without giving any thought to surrounding truck traffic, I barely managed to edge to the shoulder when flames exploded in front of my face, thankfully on the other side of the windscreen.

The hyperawareness of one’s surroundings is a bit like an out-of-body experience, or, more precisely, of a totally detached witness, at the same time being fully aware of the surroundings and, most importantly the source of my miraculous help.
After the firemen put out the flames, there was only a burned out metal carcass that remained. I had an unexplained urge to get to the car, but the policeman would not let me near. After badgering the firemen, I was allowed to see the remains, but only in the presence of the professionals and not too close.
There was nothing left the car but burnt metal and ash. I walked around, starting from the back and going clockwise. I was kept several feet away from the car, but when I got to the front window on the passengers’ side, I though I saw something peeking from the black char. It was a white corner edge gleaming on the seat. I lunged, grabbed the edge and pulled Shri Mataji’s photo out of ashes. The frame was slightly burned, but the smile was unmistakably there and the photo largely undamaged!
The only things that survived this disastrous event were Shri Mataji’s photo and me!
Paulina Rosenstein.

Thursday, June 10, 2021

The Mystery of GOD


“The Mystery of God.”

Music plays a very dynamic role in human life, one has to understand that. One of the mysteries I was describing to you, last time, also, created by naad, they call it ‘naad’, you can say the logos or the first sound, the Om, the Brahma. The sound, first time, the sound that was created, when the Primordial Mother, or the Primordial Power, of Divine Love, the Power of God, separated from God Himself. God was the Witness; Witness of the Play of the Divine Power.
There is no difference between the two. God Almighty, and His Power are just like the sun and his rays. For us, for human beings, this is impossible to conceive the mystery. Moreover, in our ego, we think that we can understand Him, is another mystery for me. But, to me it’s a very sweet thing to see human beings trying to comprehend the mystery of God. It’s like a little child trying to understand the table work of his father; or could be much more.
But this sound, the first sound, which is described as also ‘logos’ I believe, is the sound of this Primordial Power, of this Divine Power, that has created the whole universe. Now one may say that, “How are we to believe that this sound exists?” Of course, one should not believe. But whether you believe or not, it exists! So why not discover it. Instead of discarding something, why not discover it? Is a better way of looking at things. You should keep yourself absolutely open, and see for yourself if it is true or not.
For any scientific man, it is important to be an open-minded person. If he is bound by some traditional ideas or some sort of old-fashioned ideas or some sort of hypocritical ideas, or fanatical ideas, such a person cannot be a scientist. For any scientist it is important to be a very open-minded man, objective and not subjective. You remain subjectively very controversial when you are not Self-realised. Before that every. subject is a different subject. ....
Everybody is a different person subjectively. Some person like a blonde lady, someone likes with the dark hair, and everybody has a different idea. There’s nothing like absolute among people, naturally, because they have not reached their absolute. So you are absolutely subjective. For music or for anything, whatever you like, is all subjective..
But still it is subjective depending on the conditioning of people. I mean for example Indians like a particular type of colours and English like another type; everyone likes different. So some absolute has to be found out. So everything that is subjective is useless for a scientist, no doubt, but scientists have not reached their absolute either......
There’s something illusory about the whole thing because what you think today as the truth doesn’t remain as the truth tomorrow. So there’s some sort of an illusion that is working in between. Something you like in childhood, you may not like it in your old age. It’s all the time changing. The subjective mood depends on so many things: your family, your treatment, your childhood, your parents, your relations, the country you are born in, the culture you are brought up in. Everything gives you this personality which has that subjective feelings or subjective understanding....
Everything may change in this world but that Truth remains. If you have this faith within you – that He loves you – despite the fact that you have had bad problems. It’s all human beings who create problems for you, God doesn’t create any problem for you. You do not know how much He looks after you. How many problems you have created for Him so that there is a barrier between His grace and you. People have created mountains and mountains between Him and themselves! They don’t want to have Him. He’s there to pour down all that He has and here such a big balloon of an ego carrying you through without receiving a single drop of that grace.
So, we have to understand, that we are still children, and children have to behave like children. Not to say that we know everything. Actually you don’t know anything, I would say, till you have got your Realisation.
His love never changes. Then His love is victorious – victorious.
H H Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Caxton Hall, London (UK), 8 June 1981.
from facebook post of Ram Prasad Meena.

Thursday, June 3, 2021

Daily Meditation and Foot Soaking very important

You must get up early in the morning.  In the morning, after getting up early and taking your bath, one must sit for meditation.

There is not much to be done: just meditate and keep yourself clean, keep your physical side clean. However, for you I have told you one important thing. As it is said that everyone must go to bathroom and clean oneself after getting up in the morning, similarly, for Sahaja Yogies, it is extremely important to do foot soaking for at least five minutes before going to bed. However highly evolved you may be, and even if you may not be getting caught, but it doesn’t matter: you must do foot soaking for at least five minutes. Even I do foot soaking sometimes, so that my Sahaja Yogies will imbibe this habit. It’s a very good habit. All Sahaja Yogies must do foot soaking for at least for five minutes every day. All Sahaja Yogies should light a lamp before the photograph, apply sindur , dip their feet in the water and sit in this fashion, opening out both the palms towards the photograph. If you do this, more than half of your problems would be solved automatically. Whatever happens, it is not difficult to spare five minutes.

--H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - May 29th, 1976, Mumbai

Following are various benefits of meditation and foot soaking as found on various health blogs.

The emotional benefits of meditation can include:

·         Gaining a new perspective on stressful situations.

·         Building skills to manage your stress.

·         Increasing self-awareness.

·         Focusing on the present.

·         Reducing negative emotions.

·         Increasing imagination and creativity.

·         Increasing patience and tolerance.


Even as reflexology demonstrates, your entire body is represented by and connected to your feet. Therefore, caring for and nurturing your feet can bring health and well-being to all of your limbs and organs. Here are just a few health benefits that result when you immerse your feet in a relaxing hot water bath.

Foot baths increase your overall body temperature, which can relieve muscle and mental tension, alleviate stress and increase white blood cell activity. All of this boosts your immune system, which prevents sickness and increases your overall health and well-being.

Foot baths are naturally soothing, and just one foot soak has the power to calm the mind and the body into a state of relaxed bliss. This improves cognitive function, helps boost creativity and work habits, leads to better sleep and improves your overall mood. Adding aromatherapy or essential oils to your foot bath can increase these health benefits, leading to ultimate tranquility and a wholly satisfying way to unwind after a stressful day.