331de4708b05e1c7e3d68a6f68a1dc3c24899f06 Sahajayoga- Meditation techniques acclaimed worldwide: Nov 10, 2023


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Friday, November 10, 2023



Coming to the point of Maha Lakshmi, we have to understand what does it do, what it’s help is that this Maha Lakshmi channel or the Maha Lakshmi’s powers have created within us a proper balance, a proper route for Kundalini to rise.
Left and right has been balanced and She is the one who creates and makes a wider path for Kundalini to rise. This is the path of compassion and love.
Through that compassion and love She creates this path because She knows that if the path is not wide enough the Kundalini cannot rise. Ultimately, one reaches a state where you start seeking and when you start seeking, your Maha Lakshmi principle has been awakened. That is awakened and sometimes it is very strong. Then you start seeking in a mad way. I am sorry to say that many are already lost in seeking, but there are so many who have now come to the right path and to the right ascent.
Another thing this Maha Lakshmi principle does is to allow the Kundalini’s power to go to different chakras also. To make a way to different chakras and corrects all the chakras. She is a very flexible force, I should say, which guides the Kundalini into different chakras and She understands which chakra needs the help of the Kundalini. So you must have seen that when the Kundalini rises how She pulsates, where She goes, where She shows the need is of your awakening.
All this works out because She is full of compassion and love that you should get your absolute truth.

But you must get rid of all these things and today is a day, also of Maha Lakshmi. The first thing is, I think, this madness about money. This should be understood that it’s real madness. Those who are rich have no money. You ask a rich man, he’ll say, “Oh, I have no money.” Why? What is all this? “This is no money”.
You ask the poor man, he has no money. A rich man has no money. So it’s a kind of a greed which is never satisfied, which never helps you. All these little, little things have to first drop out. Then your work should cleanse you. In your work you will know whether you are cleansing or not.