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Monday, November 26, 2018

Sahaja Yoga Meditation - Audio Talks

Sahaja Yoga Meditation - Audio Talks

The relationship between the chakras and the physical organs

Posted: 26 Nov 2018 03:36 AM PST

Please enjoy the following extract from a talk by Shri Mataji, founder of Sahaja Yoga, at the University of Sydney on the 4 March 1992 .


“Now, as you are students I will be able to tell you something about what problems you might feel. It is very important that if you understand it, what problems a student can face when he is studying very hard, and it is very important that he should study, but with Sahaja Yoga these problems won't arise.

Now there's a centre here, the second centre as you see, the yellow one is the centre which has many functions to do. It has to look after your liver. It has to look after your pancreas. It has to look after your spleen. It has to look after your kidneys and it has to look after your bowels. All this has to be done by this one centre. But the most important thing for it is to supply energy for the use of brain, because when you are using gray cells, these gray cells get worn out and to replace them with the energy you have to have some mechanism in your body, and this is the centre that converts the fat cells from the body and gives it to the brain. So you must know that the brain is made of fat. That of course you must be knowing. So this conversion takes place and when this conversion takes place you will be amazed that how much energy you are spending in reading, studying and working. With this thing only we have been able, with this principle only, we have been able to cure so many diseases. If you apply this disease you can find out.

One of the persons who did work on asthma, one of the doctors, has used the same theory, and it has worked wonders. So many people are cured of asthma. Now, so what is the principle? We must keep an open mind as students. When you come in the university you have to keep an open mind but if you are already worked up it won't go into your head. So please listen to me. This center – of course these doctors do not know of course. I have done medicine myself. They don't know this, but in a subtler way you can know many things. Now this center you use too much, all the time. After all, you are studying, working very hard, thinking too much. As a result you might develop a bad liver, a heated liver. The liver, you see, is the worst enemy of human beings because it absorbs, the liver absorbs all the heat of the body and releases it. That heat comes as poison into the blood stream. But supposing this liver is neglected because of the over activity of this center. For thinking people, for futuristic people, studying people also, this heat can start rising higher. As a result of that, this centre that you see on the left side of the heart gets heated up, and that is the center which looks after your breathing, and that's how one can develop asthma. This heat can even reach your heart and can really engulf the heart so badly that if there is a heart attack in young age it's always fatal, even the first one.

Supposing some people are working very hard as students, also playing very hard, because the right side is affected by too much physical and also by too much mental activity and drinks, plays tennis or some sort of a very fast games, plus studies, is very hard and puts too much pressure on his right side. Then what happens? Then this heat starts traveling to the heart also on the left side and completely gives you a massive heart attack, and at young age these heart attacks are always fatal. You cannot save people from this. Very seldom it does happen. Another thing is this heat now travels to your pancreas. As a result the pancreas goes out of order and people get diabetes. In India, in villages, unless and until you put so much sugar that the spoon has to stand at a perpendicular angle, they don't think it is tea. They drink so much of sugar in the villages but nobody gets diabetes. Only the bureaucrats and sedentary people who sit and write and think too much and plan, plans which never come through and work out lots of this thinking and rigmaroles, they are the ones who get diabetes. Or the ones who plan too much. Even the housewife. She is a big planner; she might get diabetes.

Then the third disease is even worse because of the spleen. Now spleen is a speedometer in our lives and it has a certain rhythm. Whenever we are in emergency the spleen liberates or creates lot of RBCs, means red blood corpuscles, for the use of emergency. But if a person is a hectic type, as our life is very hectic. Say, early in the morning you get up after a hang-over maybe, I don't know how, and then you start just somehow or other dressing up, getting into the car, you have not taken your breakfast or you are carrying breakfast, eating it at the same time. Then you see a jam. Then you get again upset. But if you read newspaper it is even worse. So the whole system is in a jeopardy. Not only that, it's so hectic, the life is so hectic that this poor spleen doesn't know how to carry on with this crazy personality which suddenly starts becoming very emergent. Suddenly it demands more RBCs; so, it becomes vulnerable and any attack from the left side you can get blood cancer. You will be happy to know Sahaja Yoga has cured many blood cancer patients. Has cured. I'm not saying I have cured. It's your own Kundalini, and one of the boys has got MD in that subject.

So it is already recognized in India because this is an ancient science from India. This is the science of the roots while you have the science of the whole civilization. But you don't know the roots. We have to know the roots and if it is coming from India it doesn't matter. Not only in India it has been said, even in the Bible. Tree of life is mentioned and appear before you like tongues of flames. These centers look like really beautiful, very soothing tongues of flames. We call them as petals in India. So then this heat can travel up to your kidneys and the coagulation of the kidney takes place. When the coagulation takes place they put you on the dialysis but I assure you nobody can be saved out of it. All your life you go on spending money on this dialysis. It's a horrible thing, and after some time they have to die. It has to be accepted. Then the worst is the bowels. You get into a funny situation where you might get a bilious temperament where all the time you feel nauseating, you can't eat food and you vomit out some bile all the time. Your attention is never happy. Then the last one is this constipation because of the heat.

All these things are because of one center. So it is very important that we should understand about our being inside and get into balance, and must know how to get it cured and how to work it out. It's all our knowledge and is our body and we can do it without going through that MBBS course which takes you out like [unclear]. It's very simple to keep yourself all right. But with this you develop a new awareness which we call as collective consciousness, and this collective consciousness gives you the complete indication of pure centers because of selfhood and self-knowledge on your fingertips.”

HH Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

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The all-pervading Power

Posted: 26 Nov 2018 03:36 AM PST

Please enjoy the following extract from a talk by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, founder of Sahaja Yoga, at a Public Program at the University of Sydney on the 4th March 1992:


“I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset we have to know that truth is what it is. The absolute truth cannot be changed, cannot be conceptualized. Above all, unfortunately, at this human awareness we cannot feel it and we cannot understand it. Now, whatever I am going to tell you about yourself you have to take a scientific attitude and keep a open mind. If it is proved, then you have to accept as honest people because this is for your benevolence, your emancipation, for the emancipation of the whole world.

We have science, all faculties of sciences, but all these human endeavors have boomeranged on us in the way we have produced hydrogen bomb, oxygen bomb, atomic bomb on one side and on the other side a lot of artificial things which are dangerous for us. So where did we go wrong? Why should it happen to us – because the mental process is linear. It moves in one line and after some times it gives way and turns round. So, it has to be something beyond that mental process that should give us the wisdom and the balance, and that’s how we have today so many people who are seeking the truth honestly.

Of course, some are identified with some dogmas or something and want to carry on like that. That’s a different point. But there are some people who are intelligent enough to see that there is something wrong. We have to find out what’s wrong. And if you see all our problems, like ecological problem, political problems, economic problems, family problems and all types of problems which can be very secret also. Physical in the sense, sickness. Why these problems are there when human beings are at the epitome of evolution? Is it that our evolution is finished? Or still we have to go one step forward? If somehow we can transform human beings into higher state of spirit, as all scriptures have said. All the scriptures have said, “You have to be the Spirit.” Then maybe some solution could be found out, and it has worked out in many countries now that there is a power within you which passes through six centers and gives you what we call as Self-realization. Can’t hear me, can you? All of you can hear me? All right. Now the truth is that you are not this body, mind, your ego, your conditionings, intelligence, emotions, but you are the Spirit. That’s the truth and that’s what we are seeking, knowingly or unknowingly.

Another truth is that there is an all-pervading Power around us which does all the living work. I call it the all-pervading Power of God’s love. This living work is done. You see it every day. You see these beautiful flowers here, but we accept them, take it for granted. We never even think how these beautiful flowers are grown; how the trees are grown up to a certain height and no more; how they are kept in control completely. Look at our eye also. Look at our brain, which is such a great computer. The eye is such a great camera. We take it, everything, for granted. But is it that there is some power which is working it out our evolution from amoeba to this state? By law of chance you could not have achieved even a state of a reptile. So how is it in such a short time you have been able to achieve the state of human beings? If you start introspecting it then you will understand that something we have not yet known which we have to know. And that knowledge is possible because the whole ocean of knowledge is within yourself. Only thing, a very part of your brain is exposed which has no connection with your heart, and has no connection with your attention.

Now this is a mechanism within you which works out the last connection. Like this instrument is here. It’s all built in, but it has to be connected. Unless and until you are connected to the mains you have no meaning. Young people especially find it very difficult to find their identity; so, they stick on to this or to that, sometimes fundamentalist, sometimes to some sort of a group – something. But it is only because they want to belong to something. That’s human nature. But to belong to reality and to truth is the best way to be a universal personality because Spirit is the universal being within us.

Now Sahaja Yoga has been working in about sixty-two countries ─ I must say I am surprised at it ─ and there are fifty countries at least, or fifty one countries, who have lots of centers working it out. I was surprised at Russia. I never expected that they would be so sensitive to reality. Russians, whatever their governments were, whatever they did to them. One thing for definite, they are extremely sensitive to spirituality, extremely. Of course, I knew one thing. If you read Tolstoy or if you have read “Crime and Punishment” or any of these books written by the Russians you will find they are very introspective. Even the hero, if he falls in love with somebody, he introspects, “Why? Why am I doing this?” That quality of introspection is so great that even the scientists… Two hundred scientists were in the conference with me, and when I started talking about science they said, “Mother, no more science. We want to know about spirituality.”

HH Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

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Monday, November 19, 2018

Sahaja Yoga Meditation - Audio Talks

Sahaja Yoga Meditation - Audio Talks

Going beyond the mind

Posted: 19 Nov 2018 03:36 AM PST

Please enjoy another extract from a talk by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, founder of Sahaja Yoga, at a Public Program at Newcastle, near Sydney on the 28th February 1992.


“Sahaja means with you is born. This yoga means the union, the union with this all pervading power of God’s love. It exists or not, we have never bothered to find out. We see these beautiful flowers, very beautiful flowers and everything around. When I came from Sydney I saw the beauty, the nature had just spread for the pleasure of human beings. We never even think how it has happened, what has worked it out, all these living things. We don’t even think how this eye of ours is such a beautiful camera, how it has been made, how is it this brain, which is such a great computer, how is it made. Who has made it? They may say it is autonomous but who is this auto? We have never tried to find out. That there is this all pervading power of God’s love which has done all this living work, and now for us it is to feel that, that is the yoga, is the union with that Divine. It’s not physical, it’s not mental, but it is spiritual, where you start first time feeling this all pervading power. Then only you have to know how to use this power which flows through you. But it moves very slowly and people, you see this is not a plastic work that you can go on producing many and we don’t have any organization as such, we do not organize people and we do not take any money at all, you cannot. How much can you pay for this divine work? How much do we pay to Mother Earth for what she gives us all these beautiful flowers? She doesn’t understand money, so you cannot pay for it. But there are many, many organizations afloat, which are taking money, which are giving you mental heat and people run after them, they like to go on working out that yarn that they have spun for you.

One has to go beyond this mind to feel the spirituality. With this mind, that is human mind, you cannot understand it, you have to have divine mind. But once you get your realization your mind also gets enlightened, and when your mind is enlightened, you can perceive, penetrate into every situation in such a deeper manner and the way you can improve it. I can tell you a simple analogy to understand. Supposing you are standing in the sea and the sea is rough, you are afraid of the waves, very much afraid. But supposing somebody puts you on the boat, and then you can see those waves and enjoy them. But supposing you learn how to swim then you can jump in and save them. It is not any brainwashing or any sort of a bombardment of words, but it is something that happens to you. You become something, as you have become human beings, you become realized souls as a result of this last breakthrough of your evolution. This is happening everywhere no doubt and it’s working out very well in, I think they told me, 62 countries but at least I know of definitely of 52 countries where there we have got very strong centers where it is working out.

Now whatever we are telling you here you need not accept blindfolded. Blind faith is of no use. First of all you must experience. Just like a hypothesis I am putting this before you, but you should have an open mind of a scientist. Just open your mind and see for yourself it works. If it works then you have to accept. If you are honest you have to accept. If it works with many, why not try and work it out. Most of the people do get their realization. I have seen it.

It’s a wonderful thing that is happening that masses of people can get realization. Depends on also certain places like Russia I was amazed. Where they have not heard the name of God they have never heard the name of Christ. They were not allowed to read Bible or any book, they had no religion at all. They believed in no religion. Where thousands and thousands come to my program and they all get their realization. In a small place called Togliatti there are 22 thousand Sahaja Yogis practicing Sahaja Yoga. Can you imagine it? I was so amazed. Same about Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, Poland. I was amazed how these people, Czechoslovakia, how they have taken to Sahaja Yoga so fast, just like fish to water, how they realized it, and nobody else, all these false people, could not go there, nothing could work out. Only thing that has really worked out there is something that is genuine. That is Sahaja Yoga.

One has to realize that as we are not in the absolute state, we have to reach to the absolute state. That desire should be there. If that desire is there it works out without any difficulty. It is your own power which manifests and gradually you can manifest them in such a way that you can do so many things like giving realization to others, curing others and also enjoying it, because when the attention is filled with the light of the Spirit, it fills you up with complete joy, and joy has not two sides like happiness and unhappiness. It’s singular, it’s absolute and you are then, they say they are swimming in the ocean of joy. So beautiful it is.”

HH Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

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Reaching the absolute state

Posted: 19 Nov 2018 03:36 AM PST

Please enjoy the following extract from a talk by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, founder of Sahaja Yoga. This talk took place at Newcastle, near Sydney, Australia on the 28th February 1992.


“I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset you have to know that truth is what it is. We cannot change it. We cannot transform it and we cannot conceptualize it. Also unfortunately at this human awareness we cannot feel the truth, so something has to be done, something has to work out in our human awareness in the evolutionary process. We have become human beings from amoeba. How did we become? And if we are human beings have we reached the absolute state? We have not. If we had reached the absolute state then there would have been no problems because everybody would have seen the same thing, would have understood the same thing, and felt the same thing, but because we are living in a relative world we have all these problems. As it is, most of the problems are created by human beings. If you see ecological problems, if you see economic problems, political problems, physical problems, mental problems, family problems, all of them are related to human beings. So we have gone wrong somewhere, there’s something that’s a missing point which we have not realized.

The advancements we have made in our civilization, say in science, has reached such a stage that we had to create atom bomb, hydrogen bomb. So all these mental efforts we have put in also boomerang on us and create our destruction. In every way we get frustrated, and we start seeking – what’s the matter?

But now a new category of very honest people are there in this world who are seeking beyond. William Blake has called them “men of God”, those who will seek the truth and they will make other people also godly. That’s the time has come, this resurrection time has come we should say, or this is the Last Judgment. This Last Judgment is going to be done by this Kundalini, the power within you. This is your own power which has to be awakened and once it is awakened it passes through these centers as told to you and lets you know that these are your problems. These are the problems of your chakras. They may be physical, may be emotional, they may be, could be also spiritual, and once you know these problems and if you know how to solve these problems you can be a very normal, sensible, balanced personality. That’s not the only thing that happens when you get your Self-realization.

Firstly what happens to you is that when the Kundalini passes through your Agyna chakra then you become thoughtlessly aware. If you see all the sciences they have created about religion, talks and the whole thing, it’s just mental. It’s not inside, it’s not innate, built within. So one thought rises, another thought falls. Another thought rises and falls down, some come from the future, some come from the past, and we are jumping on the cusp of these thoughts. But if you say now, this is the present, stop your mind at the stop, the point which is the present, you can’t, you just can’t do it. Between these thoughts there is a gap. This gap is the present, but it’s so small, it’s so small that you cannot find it. But when the Kundalini passes through, then this center, then these two institutions as you see them, the conditioning and the ego are just sucked in. As a result you become thoughtlessly aware. Means there is no thought. But you are absolutely aware, very much more aware. For example if you look at this beautiful hall with the thoughtless awareness, then the whole picture becomes clear like a photo in your mind, whole thing is stored up into every detail so clearly because present is the truth, past is finished and future doesn’t exist.

So to come to the present you have to have this new awareness called as thoughtless awareness. But when she crosses over and pierces through your fontanel bone area which is the actualization of your baptism. Just people talk of baptism, “Come along I’ll baptize you.” It’s not possible that way. It’s just an artificial ritual. Try to understand, this is not going to render that actual happening within you which is going to make you grow spiritually. So the actualization of baptism takes place and you can feel also from your fontanel bone area a kind of a cool breeze of the Holy Ghost coming in. You feel extremely relaxed. Secondly that you jump into another higher awareness which we call, as collective consciousness. This means that not only that you can you feel your own centers on your fingertips, because these cool vibrations, you can call them, start flowing through your own hands, you can feel them. But also you get the information about others as well as about yourself on these fingertips. Automatically you become like a person who is a computer. It starts working in such a wonderful manner that you can find out about any disease, any trouble without going through all the diagnosis or anything, and if you know how to cure these troubles, physically, mentally, you can definitely cure yourself and also others if you have reached that state and have permanently achieved it. This is what has to happen to us. All of us have to achieve that state which is your right to achieve it.”

HH Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

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Saturday, November 17, 2018

Dig out Depression with Sahaja yoga Meditation

Dig out Depression with Sahaja yoga Meditation

Image result for images of mataji nirmala devi

Depression is a phase of life in which a person feels various negative symptoms at a time.  The causes of Depression are simply UN limited.  It is totally personal. Some kind of fear or break up or divorce, Great financial loss or excessive anxiety over future life may make one depressed.

It is a state of mind, where the person in not balanced.  He is deeply bowed down.   The resultant effect is loss of appetite, loss of memory, loss of confidence, loss of creative instinct, sleepless nights, and lack of concentration, feeling of guilt or hopelessness leading many a times to thoughts of suicide or death.  

Study conducted at the University of Exeter, UK, proved beneficial therapeutic effect of sahaja yoga meditation on the symptoms of patients with depression and anxiety.  The group of patients treated with sahaja yoga meditation showed a statistically significant reduction in the symptoms of anxiety, depression and general mental health as compared to conventional behavioural treatment for the disorder. 

Sahaja yoga meditation is very simple to learn and follow every day.  It does not cost you anything except your inner desire to do it for self-betterment.  Get lessons of sahaja yoga meditation from any nearby centre and get rid of depression and anxiety for ever and enjoy the life fully with confidence and happiness.

Monday, November 12, 2018

Sahaja Yoga Meditation - Audio Talks

Sahaja Yoga Meditation - Audio Talks


Posted: 12 Nov 2018 03:33 AM PST

A talk on identity given by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, founder of Sahaja Yoga, in Sydney on the 22 February 1995.


“Actually there's such a big desire to have an identity, but the identity lies within yourself, not outside. For example, we can find clubs of any kind, cults of any kind. They wear funny dresses just to show that they have a special personality. The other day in Chicago it was very cold and I found a gentleman who came as one leader of one of the cults, was chanting, chanting, chanting like mad. I asked him, "Why are you wearing this dhoti in this cold? It is so very cold you are shivering." He said that. "My guru has told me that I should wear a dhoti so I'll get my Self-realization." I said, "Really?" I said, "Eighty percent people in India wear dhotis or they must be already there. You may not get any room there." Then second thing he told me – he had shaven his head and was having a, some pigtail behind – and he says that, I told him, "Why did you do this?" Quite a young man. He said, "My guru has told me that I have to shave my head and I have to have all these things. That's how I'll get my nirvana." I said, "Really? So Kabira, a great poet, has written that by shaving if you can go to heaven what about the lamb which is shaved twice a year? That will be there earlier."

So like this, you see, all kinds of stupid things have been told and people have been following it. I don't know in the West specially, people are very vulnerable. I don't know why. Not in India, you see. It's difficult. The people are solidly grounded, I think, in their tradition. For example now, if they say skirt which is six inches is in fashion, everybody will start wearing six inches skirts. All the long skirts will vanish from the market and what you find, all of them wearing six inches skirts. But in India they brought some mini sari. They said, "Get lost. We don't want all this nonsense here. It's too much for us we are not…" So like this, you see, we take to these entrepreneurs and things. It's sometimes so absurd I don't know how people accept all this nonsense. But I feel that once they develop their own being and understand how great they are, then they will have a proper divine discretion to do things which are very constructive. Normally we take to destructive things but with this discretion we do constructive things, not for ourselves only but for the benevolence of our family, for the benevolence of our city and for the benevolence of the whole world.

This is a special time, as I told you, very important when you should not miss it out. So in our awareness we have a new dimension which I call as collective consciousness, where you can feel others and you can feel yourself. You don't have to judge a person by his dress, by his gait, by his talk but his divine vibrations. You will know that what sort of chakras he has, what sort of centers he has, and thus once you know what's wrong with him you can – after certain development in you – you can cure yourself and can cure him.

So the second thing apart from the thoughtless awareness is that you become doubtlessly aware, doubtless. There's no doubt. Once you have learnt it, once you are an expert, you have no doubts about it. You understand what you are, what you are capable of and what you can achieve. There are no doubts left. So the second stage – some people get both the stages together – I have seen there have been so many seekers that they just get to doubtless awareness. But doesn't matter. It takes time for some people. Some people may not get realisation if they are, I would say, not well or maybe something, they have been to some wrong people. Also, maybe that they are doubting something, doubting themselves. So the first and foremost understanding should be that you are all capable of achieving this. You shouldn't doubt yourself. You must really respect yourself because you are a human being at the epitome of evolution. You are the highest. We have nothing to learn from birds or from dogs but we have to know that we can ourselves become so sensitive that we'll understand nature, we'll understand animals, everything we start understanding.

The sign of a Sahaja Yogi, that he is absolutely honest, he is very kind, tender and compassionate. This is the minimum of minimum a Sahaja Yogi has to be. Of course, because a door is open sometimes some mad people also walk in, can't help it, but most of the people who are taking to Sahaja Yoga – I was amazed – are so much changed. They have dropped all their bad habits. I never tell that. Supposing I say, "Don't do this," half of the people will walk off. Just I say, "Get the light of the Spirit within yourself." Then you will become your own master. Then you will become your own guide and you understand what is right for you, what is good for you and what is to be done. There is no rule or regulation like "don't" in Sahaja Yoga. But automatically you all accept it and do it together collectively also.

It is very remarkable that it has worked so well also in Australia. Australia is a special country. I call it a country of innocence. Uluru that you have is a symbol of that. Gradually in Sahaja Yoga you will learn about your country and you will respect it. As you learn about yourself you will also learn about this great country of Australia. I respect it very much and every year I try to come here. Many countries I can't go every year but Australia I always try to come here every year. I hope you all will get your Self-Realisation tonight. Now, only request is that it will take hardly ten, fifteen minutes, but if you want to go you can go now and don't disturb people when they are about to get their Self-Realisation. I will be thankful for that. Thank you very much.”

HH Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

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Becoming the Joy

Posted: 12 Nov 2018 03:33 AM PST

Please enjoy the following talk from a public program in Christchurch, New Zealand by the founder of Sahaja Yoga, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi:


“I bow to all the seekers of truth.

At the very outset we have to know that truth is what it is. We cannot change it, we cannot transform it and we cannot know the absolute truth at this human awareness. So we have to become something subtler. As Christ has said you are to be born again. Doesn't mean we can brand ourselves as born again but is a happening of becoming something else than what you are. And that something else is the Spirit. So whatever we are going to tell you today about this mechanism within you and the way you reveal the truth, you should not accept it with blind faith but as scientists keep your mind open. Take it as a hypothesis. If you think it is all right when you have experimented with it and you have experimented, and whatever I say comes true, then as honest people you have to accept it, because this is for your benevolence, for the benevolence of your country, and the whole universe at large.

It is to be understood that we are created as human beings from amoeba to this stage; it's not the ultimate. If it was there would have been all these problems not created by us. Start from ecology, to political, to economic, to all these problems; are the creation of human beings. So we have missed some point somewhere: that's what we have to find out, what is that we have to be.

If you look at the development of the civilization, of this modern civilization, you can easily find out that we have really outgrown ourselves without any sense of proportion and limitation. As a result even in science we have discovered horrible things like atom bomb, hydrogen bomb; all these horrible things which are just destructive. So somehow or other, whatever we try, whatever is the mental projection of human beings it boomerangs back. Whatever we go up to a point, comes back to you and is destructive. So what is the reason why we cannot reach that point where we are at the best and then stop there? This cannot be worked out because at a human level we always go to extremes. To understand yourself first of all you have to become the Spirit. We do not understand ourselves. We think we know ourselves; this is not true. Because we are made up of these seven centers which are subtle within you, and unless and until you know about these centers you cannot know yourself and you cannot know others as well.

Now then many people who are fed-up and are seekers. I mean this is a special category of people as William Blake has said that, there will be men of God who will become godly, and make others also godly. These are the seekers. Seekers which are trying to find out why, when we have done everything that is prescribed, we have acted according to what is written down, still why is it we haven't got the satisfaction and the joy of life, which has been promised? There is nothing wrong with Bible; there is nothing wrong with Koran; nothing wrong with all these great books, no doubt. But why it is not going into our heart? It's all mental….. You get lost in the net of words. But there is no experience of it, and that's why whatever we may follow. We like to follow. Everything that is given to us: all right, follow this, follow that, follow that, follow that, and then what? Anybody who follows any religion, any religion whatsoever which are absolutely all right, can commit any mistake, so they don't follow actually. That shows that it has not gone inside them. It's not ingrained; it's not innate with their being. So what is the reason why we cannot have it?

Those who were saints in any country; take it Lao Tse, you can take from Socrates onward this side Mohammed Sahib, Nanak Sahib; all of these people. You'll be amazed to find that all these people behaved in such a manner that we cannot find faults with them. I mean if you want to find, you may with your ignorance. But the kind of life they led; how is it that they were like that? What was so great? It was the divinity which expressed. While we all have this divinity within ourselves, we have all these powers within ourselves, only thing, we have to use those powers, we have to manifest them and for that manifestation it is important that we have to become Self-realized in the sense that you have to get your second birth.

In Sanskrit language for a realized soul they use a word called vijaha, means twice born. And also for a bird, they call it the word vijaha meaning twice born; first is the egg and then it becomes a bird. So our freedom is also limited. We do not have full freedom because we lack in our confidence in our wisdom, because the wisdom has also not manifested and has not shown us how it asserts in the right way, so most of the time we are living in the relative world, not in the absolute world. What one has to understand that there is something missing and that missing point we have to find out.

Now let's see what is the truth? The truth is, the first and foremost truth is, that there is an all-pervading power of God's Love, which is called as Brahmachaitanya in Sanskrit, Ruh in Koran and in every, every scripture it is described. Now this all-pervading power resides, which does all the living work. We see beautiful flowers all over; I saw the beautiful trees you have in the Botanical Garden, you have such nice things there, we never even think how this miracle has taken place; how this Mother Earth has done this job. How she got this power to sprout a seed? We just accept it. We don't think it's a miracle, we just accept it and without thinking about it, it becomes just a part and parcel of our life. Look at your eyes. Your eyes are also absolutely a miracle; they are such a camera. Look at your brain; it's such a computer, but we just accept it, accept our human life also just as if it's nothing great. Even the miracle to become from amoeba to human beings by any law of chance you would not have become a human being. But we just accept it and we don't want to think that there could be any power that could have achieved it. This is what one has to little bit project, and see for yourself that there must some power and if I say there is a power you have to feel it; we have to know it.

The second truth is that you are not this body, you are not this mind, you are not these conditionings, ego, and your emotions, no, you are the pure Spirit. This is the fact. That is the divinity within you. Unless and until you become that, no use reading books; by reading books you become fundamentalist. Absolutely fundamentalism has the basis in the books, because the book said so; so I say so. Everybody tries to read the books and just want to use it as a norm for oneself; is not true. Whatever is written in the book, whatever you have read in the book has not gone inside your heart and so there is a problem that today we are having the first problem not so much of political because thanks to Gorbachev who is another realized soul, that one problem is over; the second problem is of fundamentalism…..

And that is what one has to understand, that the religion is within us. It is like a valency. As carbon has four valencies, we have ten valencies, which are, we know as the Ten Commandments. Unless and until they are awakened within us, unless and until we become innately enlightened by them, we cannot, cannot behave in the manner that the scriptures wanted us to behave, but not only that but this. Religion that is within us when it is enlightened, you become absolutely aware of what the mistake people have been committing, what the mistake you have been committing, and that this God's love how it works. Also you become a witness; witness of the whole play. When the Kundalini goes through this centre of Agnya, you just become a witness. You start seeing the whole thing as a drama.

If you are standing in the water and there are waves in the sea, they come up and go and you are frightened of getting drowned, but supposing you are in a boat then you enjoy the waves and supposing you know how to swim you can jump back and get so many people on the boat. This is what happens to you that when you get your realization you reach a state of Self-awareness meaning not selfishness but the awareness of these centers, awareness of your Self, and awareness of others also. You can feel the centers of others on your fingertips, so you become collectively conscious. Then who is the other? You can feel anyone on your centers so easily…..

The third thing that happens to you is very interesting that you, you become the joy. You become the source of joy. Joy is not happiness and unhappiness but joy is an absolute thing and you jump into the ocean of joy. And when you jump into the ocean of joy you just start enjoying everything and the state that you achieve is first is thoughtless awareness. You are aware but without any thoughts. The thoughts will not bombard you. If you want to think you can think but if you don't want to think you can stop it. So the thoughtless awareness comes to you as a blessing first and then the second awareness is called as the doubtless awareness. This is all described in the Hatha Yoga that you get into Nirvichara Samadhi and then Nirvikalpa Samadhi.”

Talk by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, founder of Sahaja Yoga, in Christchurch, New Zealand, 26 February 1992

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Monday, November 5, 2018

Sahaja Yoga Meditation - Audio Talks

Sahaja Yoga Meditation - Audio Talks

Seeking the Truth within

Posted: 05 Nov 2018 03:29 AM PST

Please enjoy the following talk by the founder of Sahaja Yoga, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi:


“I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset we have to know what is the truth. There are so many seekers of truth in these modern times which has been predicted that there will be many people who will be seeking the truth now as ordinary householders. Their life will be completely transformed in these modern times. They call it in the Koran as Kiama. In the Bible it's called as the Last Judgment.

Every religion has talked about these modern times as something very fantastic that our lives will be transformed. So what is the truth we are seeking? We should know what is the truth we are seeking. Firstly, we are seeking peace within ourselves. Secondly, we are seeking something we do not know, and that something is the Spirit within ourselves. Many scriptures have described that you have to seek your Spirit and many are preaching about it. But it seems they are not very Spirit-oriented. They are more money-oriented or power-oriented, and that is why the whole attention of a seeker is diverted and deviated into something which is not really divine. So what we are seeking is the Spirit within us which is the source of absolute truth, absolute joy and absolute self-knowledge.

You have already heard about these different centers that are within us which are being built during our evolution as human beings. We have reached up to a point where still we have to have the last breakthrough in our awareness; otherwise, we cannot know the truth. At this human awareness it is impossible to know the absolute truth. If we had known the absolute truth there would have been no problem. Everybody would have seen the same thing. But there are so many ideologies. As you know, there are so many religions, so many types of preachings and also lots of false people. So, if you know the absolute truth then there cannot be another truth with it; it's singular. For example, I am sitting before you. You know I am sitting before you, all of you. There's no argument on that point…

We have to have now the last breakthrough of our evolution. Once it happens you will be amazed that we'll know the absolute truth. There cannot be any argument about it. And also these centers that you know here are a mystery to you, but you start feeling them on your fingertips. That is Self-knowledge. These centers are responsible for your physical, mental, emotional, also spiritual being within yourself. So all your personality, the totality of it, expressed through these centers. These are subtle centers within us, and these subtle centers are sometimes exhausted because of our extreme nature. So this power which we call as kundalini – kundala means coils, which is in three and a half coils within us in the sacrum bone. That means the Greeks knew that it was a sacred bone; they call it sacrum. This power is actually your individual mother and she knows everything about you. She knows about your past and she knows about your aspirations. It's like a tape recording, I should say, of ages within you in this coiled power. It is like a primule of a seed. When you put the seed in the Mother Earth then it sprouts by itself, spontaneously. That is what is Sahaja. Is all built in within you and you have every right to achieve this state of selfhood, which is in the fourth dimension of your awareness, which we in Sanskrit call as turiya, is the fourth dimension. All this is within you. All this power is within you. You are built in that way.

We have to understand that our Creator is the greatest organiser. See now, we have one channel here for people to come in. This is the channel which we have very nicely built up within ourselves, which in our evolutionary process has enlightened all these centers up to a point. Now this kundalini, this power, has to rise. I have read some books, some German books and things, where it describes that this kundalini awakening is extremely dangerous and it kills people, is fatal. Nothing of the kind. I have been doing this for the last twenty-five years. I never saw anybody getting sick even, but on the contrary, this awakening is so beneficial, so benevolent that when this power passes through all these six centers and pierces through this last center out of the fontanel bone area, which we can call the actualisation of baptism, actualisation, then all these centers get enlightened, enriched and this nourishment solves your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual problems.

So the first truth about yourself is that, you are not this body, this mind, these emotions, this intellect, this ego, these conditionings, but you are the pure Spirit. Now we see all these beautiful flowers around us and we take them for granted. It's a miracle that these different flowers have bloomed out of a seed in their own different identity. Who has done this work? Who changes the seasons? Or if you ask a doctor, "Who runs your heart?" He'll say, "It is autonomous nervous system." But who is this “auto?” These questions and many others cannot be answered. So there is an all-pervading power of divine love which is doing all these miraculous things.

Now you need not take for granted whatever I am telling you. We have had lots of problems with blind faith. But whatever I am saying, if it is proved, then as honest people you must accept. Not only accept but grow in your new awareness. Of course, you must understand you can't pay for it. How much did we pay to become human beings, and how much are we going to pay for becoming something higher? Once you realise that, that you can't pay for it, then you will drop out most of the false gurus and the false institutions who charge you for anything like that.

Now this happening is very simple, spontaneous, works out. As I said, it's like a primule of a seed, this kundalini. When you put the seed in the Mother Earth it sprouts by itself. In the same way, it works. You can't explain. Can you explain how a seed sprouts? In the same way your primule, which is this kundalini, uncoils itself and passes through these centers and gives you your Self-realization. In Sanskrit is called as atmashaksatkara. For you it is absolutely granted. You don't have to go to Himalayas. You don't have to stand on your heads. You don't have to starve yourself. Don't have to pay for it. It is all there which is your own power. Only when it happens you realise your identity, you realise how great you are, you realise how the Divine is within you and which is expressing itself.”

Talk on Sahaja Yoga by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Sydney, Australia, 22 February 1995

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