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Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Become Spirit - The Universal Being


Go beyond your physical, emotional, mental being and become the spirit. Because spirit is the reflection of God Almighty and spirit is the universal being within you.
When you become the spirit, you become a universal being. You become a universal being, doesn't mean that you take a certificate that you are a universal being. Not at all. But this state of being a universal being is manifested in you. It is manifested as an innate knowledge within you. As you have innate knowledge of colours now. You know this is this colour, this is this colour. You see it. In the same way, you become aware of you being a universal being. Means a microcosm becomes the macrocosm. Again I say becomes. It's not just a feeling that you have become. Like a drop becomes the ocean. But again it's not just a mental understanding, but it is a happening. And this happening takes place and you become a personality which leaves your boundaries, limitations and you start seeing yourself as a very loving, affectionate, compassionate personality.
When a child is born to a mother, she feels tremendous love for the child. From where does she get this love? It’s innately built within her and her love becomes doubled. Whatever love she had for herself starts flowing towards her child. But when you become a universal being, then your compassion takes a very universal personality. Then you do not think that you are an Australian or you are an Englishman or an Indian. But you just think that we are part and parcel of one universal personality.
Now this feeling sometimes can be confusing, the word is—feeling means I feel very happy, I feel very unhappy. It's all a mental projection but it becomes part and parcel of your awareness. This is the point I want to make very clearly to you. That it becomes just an awareness of collective consciousness. Then you can't avoid it, you can't just get rid of it.
As you feel for your family. Why do you feel? I mean some even don't feel that. But most of you feel for your family, for your children, for your wives, for your brothers, sisters, father, mother. So why do you feel for them? Because you have expanded your personality. So you just feel it. But when your personality is that expanded, then the whole world seems to be your family, your relations. Then you do not see a person superficially skin deep but you see a person as a part and parcel of your being. Not only that but as you can feel your own chakras on your fingertips, you can feel the chakras of another person on your fingertips. And then if you know how to correct, you can correct those centers and correct their problems
Public Program Day 2, Sydney (Australia), 17 April 1991