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Thursday, December 30, 2021

Spiritual state in the light of Sahajayoga


Spiritual state / maqaamt in the light of Sahajayoga

In the spiritual state, nothing can disturb you, nothing can overpower you, nothing can dominate you, because that state if you have, that means you are part and parcel of reality, then you are an honoured member of the God´s kingdom. Then you are the most revered personality. Then you are like a deity, then you are like a gana. In that state, when you are, it´s a state, again I say it, beyond the human state, you are extremely powerful.
- Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
As we all aware that just getting self realisation and feeling cool breeze is not much important , we have to attain certain state in Sahajayoga in order to understand depth of our self realisation.
maqaam or maqaamat (plural), translating to "state" in Arabic word.
Although the number and order of maqaamat are not universal the majority agree on the following seven: Tawba, Wara', Zuhd, Faqr, Ṣabr, Tawakkul, and Riḍā.Sufis believe that these stations are the grounds of the spiritual life, and they are viewed as a mode through which helps the overall attainment of union/ Yoga or oneness with Allah (Tawhid ).
According to sufi philosophy , state/ maqam is the one stage has been reached that the next stage may be attained. In order to reach a higher maqaam, one must continue to possess the maqaam below it ,in yoga ww called this as Pratayahar.
1. TAWBA - forgiveness ( Aagya chakra)
2. WARA - witness state( Visshudi chakra)
3.Tawaakul - trusting in God's plan ( Sahastrara)
4. RIDA - pleasure ( Heart)
5.SABR - patience ( Nabhi)
6.ZUHD - detachment of attention from material things ( Swadisthan)
7.FAQAR - faqar e faqat which means
Innocen or simple ( Mooladhara).
Haal -
One of the great realised soul Ali bin Usman Al-Hujwiri (formerly known as Data gunj baksh awliya - famous dargah of lahore , Pakistan) in his book Kashf ul Mahjoob: defines Hal as "something that descends from God into a man".
Above all the states Thoughtless awareness and doubtless awareness is what we have to achieve in meditation mentioned by mother in her talks many times.
May be an image of text

taken from facebook post of Aparna Gangopadhay