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Saturday, March 2, 2024

At the Lotus Feet of GURU


AT THE LOTUS FEET OF GUUR Composed by : Shri Adi Shankaracharya
Meaning in English:
One's body is handsome, wife is attractive, fame spread far and wide, wealth enormous and stable like mount Meru;
but still, what is the use of all these, if the attention is not centred upon the lotus feet of Guru?
Really of what use is all this, what use, what use?
One has Wife, wealth, sons, grandsons home and relations
but still, what is the use of all these; if the attention is not centred upon the lotus feet of Guru?
Really of what use is all this ?
One has mastered and memorised all the Vedas,
likewise, knowledge of all the sciences and the ability to write prose or verse is well gained;
Really of what use is all this ?
One is honoured even in far off places, held in high esteem in his locality;
and one cannot be surpassed in the paths of righteous conduct;
but still, what is the use of all these, if the attention is not centred upon to the lotus feet of Guru?
Really of what use is all this ?
One may be worshipped constantly by the kings and emperors of the world for his greatness and scholarship;
but still, what is the use of all these, if the attention is not centred upon the lotus feet of Guru?
Really of what use is all this ?
but still, what is the use of all these, if the attention is not centred upon the lotus feet of Guru?
Really of what use is all this ?
If one's mind may have turned away from external delights through dispassion and from attainments like Yogic concentration, possessions like horses and the like, the enchanting face of the beloved, in short, the entire wealth of the earth;
but still, what is the use of all these, if the attention is not centred upon the lotus feet of Guru?
Really of what use is all this ?
If one's mind does not dwell upon the forest nor at home,
nor in what is to be accomplished, nor upon the body's welfare.
but still, what is the use of all these, if the attention is not centred upon the lotus feet of Guru?
Really of what use is all this ?
Whoever reads, studies and recites the collection of these eight verses on Guru, no matter he is a holy person, ascetic, king, student or householder,
attains the desired goal of brahman.
Compus de: Shri Adi Shankaracharya