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Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Qualities and Powers of Shri Ganesha as explained by Mataji Nirmaladevi


But when Parvati made Shri Ganesha, He was the son of Parvati alone. There was no Father. Parvati Herself wanted to have a child of Her own. There were angels who were dedicated either to Vishnu or to Shiva, like ganas were dedicated to Shiva alone. So, She wanted to have Her own Son who can permeate Her powers on this Earth.

So to begin with when the Shakti created this universe and Sadashiva was watching Her creation, the first thing She created on this Earth was innocence and the embodiment of that innocence was Shri Ganesha.

The whole Universe was covered with innocence, which we call as Aumkara. This innocence protected all the creation of the world and penetrated into all that is matter. The matter is innocent. If you hit the matter, it will hit you back because it is built like that. It doesn’t want to harm you by any method except that if you try to hit it, it hits you back, in its own nature. So it was called as Jada, the one that acts according to the built-in nature.

Innocence in the animals is of another kind, where the animals do not know that they are committing crimes. Animals when they say, kill an animal, another animal, or trespass your properties, create nuisance all over, they don’t know they are committing a sin or they are disobeying some laws. (...)

But when going to a higher state, the Mother Shakti, the Primordial Mother thought of creating a personality who will protect the innocence of human beings. Above the matter, above the animals, She created Shri Ganesha. And you know the story of Shri Ganesha how He got the head of an elephant – symbolizing that Shri Ganesha, though He is a human being, He is like an animal as far as His head is concerned, that too of Shri Gajanana, in the sense that He has got the head of an elephant which is the wisest animal in the animal kingdom. So in such a head, which is innocent, the ego cannot develop. There is no ego. It’s an ego-less state. (...)

Shri Ganesha has four hands and the hand that carries the destructive weapon of Parasha is the one you have to be careful about. That is His job and if you neglect Him, that force will act and act so vehemently that despite your realization you may not be able to save yourself. Do not take your realization for granted. Unless and until your Ganesha is settled, your realization has no meaning at all. Watch yourself, have you got adulterous eyes? Have you got an adulterous mind? What is your expectation about Sahaja Yoga? So many think that in Sahaja Yoga God blesses you, then you must get a good amount of health, money, and position, power.

The first thing you must ask for is the pure Ganesha, Nirmal Ganesha within you. “Oh, Mother, please give us the blessings of the establishment of purity in our Ganesh principle.” In relationships, in attitudes, in behavior, try to judge yourself, are you innocent? (...)

When you have the power of Shri Ganesha, your eyes are radiant, you get a spark in your eye, a light in your eye. When He is enlightened in you, then you cannot look at anyone with lust and greed. But this glance is so powerful that even one glance is sufficient to purify thousands of people. Just the opening of the eyes are necessary and you find the whole thing changes into a beautiful morning from a completely dark night. Glance can awaken the Kundalini.

The Mother Kundalini cannot move, unless and until Shri Ganesha gives the permission. He is like the Vice-Chancellor sitting on all the chakras. He has to certify, “All right. Pass. Go” . [laughs]

On every chakra. And when the kundalini rises, Shri Ganesha is awakened, otherwise, Kundalini cannot rise. But then when He sleeps down, Kundalini sucks, is sucked by Him.

Now we think we have lost our innocence. That’s not easy to be lost. It is not destructible. Only thing, what you have done, is to cover it with something that cannot allow Shri Ganesha’s principle to manifest in us. You have pushed it down. You have brought pressure on it. You have brought loads and loads of nonsense on it. That’s all, but it never dies. It is an eternal principle of the whole universe.

Another quality of a person who is endowed with Shri Ganesha’s powers is that He removes all the hurdles. If one person of this nature is in some place, all the rest of the people who are nearby will be saved if there’s an accident or if there’s any problem, which is destructive, all of them will be saved. You will find this happening to you.

He being the Ganapati, He is now the Master of all the Ganas. He guides you. Sahaja Yoga cannot work out without Shri Ganesha. He is the one who is Sahaja. He is the one who creates all spontaneity of the world. He is the one who takes you to the right path. He is the one who gives you everything easily. He is the one who creates all the chamatkaras [miracle, astonishement], all the magic, all the miracles of the world. He is the Ganapati. He is the one who is sitting on Ganas, in the sense that He is like the king of all the Ganas. The one who has pleased Shri Ganesha has pleased all the Gods and Goddesses because all the Gods and Goddesses are pleasing Shri Ganesha, so what is the need? And Shri Ganesha is very clever, He knows : please His Mother is the only simple thing He has to do. To have all the powers of the world, just keep the Mother pleased.

There are so many qualities of Shri Ganesha, which can be described. He is the one who gives us the joy of eating. If you eat some food, you may like it, you may not like it but He is the one who will tell you this is made by Sahaja yogis, made by your Mother. That means He gives you the taste of love in the food, that is cooked for you. Because He is love. He gives you the ideas how to express your love. (...)

Now Shri Ganesha’s another quality is that he is extremely obedient to Mother. He does not recognize even Shiva, Vishnu, anyone. To him his Mother is everything. So he can fight with his father, Shiva, he can fight with anyone because to him is complete obedience and absolutely quick ‘Tatpar’, just quickly understands what is the desire of the Mother and he works it out. His style is otherwise very innocent, simple, child-like but His work is tremendous. Now these Ganas are also very innocent people, very innocent but when told that you have to attend to a particular problem, they are extremely quick and they are very fast.

The another thing within is that he respects people who are chaste, who have chastity as the prime thing in their life. Chastity is very much worshiped by him. It's not only in women but also in men, he expects chastity to be present. After getting realization you should be absolutely chaste people, you shouldn’t have your eyes rolling around everywhere and sort of what you can call a very bad method of communicating with young women and young men and spoiling your chastity. 

Another thing about Shri Ganesh is that he is created out of the Mother earth. He is absolutely created out of the mother Earth. So if he doesn’t like people of some country, who are doing black magic, or who are doing fundamentalism and where people are also having very bad morals. He creates problems for them. What happens that He tells the Mother earth to create the earthquakes. Earthquake takes place in places where there is no respect of chastity, also where there are fundamentalists and also where there are people who are worshipping the black magic. 


Monday, August 29, 2022



We have one problem: as we are born, we have the inheritance from the animal kingdom we should say, because we evolved out of animals. So, because of that, we still have many qualities that are coming from our inheritance. Firstly, the desire to get over somebody, to sort of grab things, or aggressiveness, all comes from there.
There are many things we have inherited from them.
But now we have another problem: because we think, and by thinking we justify everything wrong we do. And because of this, we continue with all kinds of aggressiveness and all kinds of tortures of others.
But this is not what we have to achieve being human beings. Now the truth is that we all can evolve out of this. For that we have to become the Spirit. So we are not this body, this mind, these emotions, this intellect, but we are pure Spirits. We must have faith in that. Actually, to overcome these tendencies of human beings, they started religions. But religions also are now money-oriented or they are power-oriented, they are not Spirit-oriented. So the problem remains as it is.
Now, what are we to do, is to just to understand that we are the pure Spirit. And this is a special time, very special time, I call it a blossom time, when there are so many who are really, really seeking the truth. They can’t go on with whatever they have. They want to change themselves, transform themselves. They want to change the whole world, the whole transformation – where there will be nothing but peace and Divine Love. So human beings are at an intermediary stage.
But it’s not difficult, because your Creator has created within you the power to become the Spirit. For which you don’t have to go into any ritualism, or any kind of punishment, nothing of the kind. As you are, whatever you are, only you have to desire to be the Spirit and you become. Because in you resides the power which will make you that. It is your own power. Which is the pure power. Other powers are not pure. Other desires also not pure. Now today you want to have something, you get it, then you want to have something else – that means your desires were not pure. Every time, desires you go on running from one to another. You work very hard to achieve some desire, and then again you have nothing to do with it. This is we have to understand why it is happening, because this is not the pure desire. Now there is a power within us – believe Me – which can be easily awakened. Especially when you are sitting under the sky, under these beautiful trees and on the Mother Earth.
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
Aug 29, 1999

Saturday, August 27, 2022

Story of a transformed Nestie


Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.”

― Leo Tolstoy

This is my story. I am a strong believer in self-change. I also think if I am able to change myself first only then will I be able to contribute to changing the world about which all of us crib all the time. Today, all of us indulge in self-destructive habits like smoking, drinking, cheating & other scams. Every day there is an outbreak of new never heard of diseases, disasters everywhere. These outbreaks are the impact of our doings. To overcome all of this I have started practicing Sahaja yoga meditation. This form of meditation helps in self-realization based on experiences. Even though I was a victim of all the addictions, now after practicing Sahaja Yoga, I am a free soul. It has also made me very composed. To give you an example, I also have a 10-8 job. There are happy days & stressful days. On stressful days I am more composed & even if there are people throwing bombs at me I am at peace.   And hence, I have been able to utilize my energy better and more productively. I scored 97.31 percentile in CAT this year with just 10 days of preparations. I have become a lot more confident about everything. I am very thankful for being introduced to this meditation technique. It is completely a life changer. 

What is Sahaja Yoga? 

It’s a unique form of meditation that uses a self-realization method. They believe that “there’s an awakening that occurs in every human being.”

Why you should practice Sahaja Yoga

-Immediate results

-Easy to practice

-Boosts self-confidence & self-esteem

-You become strong emotionally, mentally & physically

-Reduces stress & anxiety 

-Improves concentration


Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Sahaja Yoga - essential-medicine


“Within each individual the subtle energy system or subtle body is divided into 3 channels right, left and centre. The right side channel corresponds to right sympathetic chain of the autonomic nervous system and left hemisphere of the brain. While the left side connects to the right hemisphere of the brain and corresponds to the left sympathetic chain. If a person suffers a stroke in the right lobe of the brain it is commonly known that the left side of the body becomes effective. In line with the opinion of the psychologist sahajayoga identifies the right hemisphere of the brain has been responsible for the functions of the lateral, artistic, expressive thinking. Those functions traditionally believed to be more predominant in a females. The left hemisphere corresponds to functions of the linear, computational and mathematical logic traditionally considered to be predominant brain activity in males.

Dr. Carl Gustakh Jung well known analytical psychologist identifies the left and right side as the anama and anami with the collective unconscious lying in the central channel. Through the studies we observe that in every women there is a masculine aspect within her psyche the architect of the animus and for every men the feminine counterpart the anima. Jung was always aware of the imbalance in western culture in favour of the masculine seen in a preference for logic, analysis and external achievement. These are all claims for mascular side or right side of the psyche within all human beings. A right side channel also provides the energy needed for plan, act, analyze and predict. On the physical level it corresponds to liver and pancreas. “This power of action moves on the right side of the spinal cord and coming to the optic chiasma it crosses over; passes to the left side and creates an institution called ego. The institution of ego is a myth. What we do is to get something dead like some trees dead so make some platform or some furniture, we take some stones and make a hall and we think we have done a great job. Actually what we have done is to reconstructed the dead. But while doing it we get the feeling that we have done it something. That is how our ego develops.

In sahajayoga Tao refers to the balancing of right and left side. When this balance is maintained the healing energy is able to travel on the central channel to integrate and nourish all the energy centers and ultimately keep us in harmony with the balance of nature. “As we have two sides in our system of autonomous nervous system left and right which we call as left and right sympathetic nervous system. The left side caters for our emotions, for our past, our desires. The right side caters for our action physical and mental. If we indulge into one too much and go too far with it you develop an imbalance within yourself. In the centre lies the third power which we call as parasympathetic nervous system. This is channel which is the central path of ascent.
When the kundalini rises through it, it brings you in the balance because it rises in the centre of the system. So this is a minimum that happens that you develop your balance.” The ascent which is the awakening of this feminine energy coiled and sleeping in our sacrum bone nourishes and revives the subtle system. She is like the Mother Earth or our own Mother soothing, nourishing and sustained the powers of gentle and strong. She is the kundalini the very root of our existence.

Friday, August 19, 2022

Self Realisation is real Baptism

Those who do not know about Kundalini have written about Kundalini because this is the only area where nobody can control you. You can write anything about God, against God, or do whatever you please, who can check you? There is no law which forbids. You can write about Kundalini whatever you feel like. She is your Mother. She has been born with you several times. She is the one who is going to give you Realisation. And do you think your Kundalini is going to harm you by any chance? Is going to torture you? Is going to trouble you?

And if you have to achieve the highest through the Divine love of God, is it going to be torturesome? Did you get this nose and these eyes and mouth and everything that you have as a human being out of some tortures? You never even felt how it has happened! How gentle it is, how kind it is! It is your Mother who is sitting there waiting for a moment to rise.

Now the whole thing sounds very poetic to a scientific mind. But poetry is also a part of human beings. If it sounds poetic. It is the poetic work, of the Kundalini. God is not only science; he is also love, beauty. He is not only dry truth; He is also joy. He is joy. He’s joy, because he is truth, He’s truth because He’s beauty.

So, when the Kundalini rises within you through these six centres that are shown here, it pierces this area, which is called as the fontanel bone and gives you Self-realisation. This is called as baptism. You cannot go to a theological college and become a Baptist. Nobody can brand you a Baptist. You have to be realised. This fontanel bone area has to be pierced through by the Kundalini, then only you become one with the All-pervading Power, with that subtle power. It has to happen; this germination has to take place within you. You are still at a seed stage and just by branding a seed you do not become a tree.

So, it has to happen within us, and has to happen beautifully, and spontaneously, because it is a living process of evolution.

It was said that: keep in the centre, do not go too much left or to the right or you’ll get into bumps. Either you went into the left or to the right. And when you tried to correct your right you went into the left, to another extreme. To correct to the left you went to the right. By going to the extremes, you will be bumping your car. And this is exactly what has happened to us – doesn’t matter. The car has to be repaired; it has to be done. A little patience can work it out. There’s nothing to get annoyed with oneself.

When the car starts it goes very fast. Then you should know how to slow it down, how to organise it. Then you have to become the authority, yourself, of discrimination. I don’t have to tell you that this is not good or that is not good. How is it possible? Because you become one with the Divine, you become one with the Primordial Being, with the Great Being, with the Akbar, and you start acting according to that. A subjective manifestation of your awareness takes place by which you understand what’s wrong with you and what’s wrong with others.

It is so precise and correct. You just feel on your hands, on your fingers as shown, all the centres that are within you, which are created out of different elements. Immediately you know what is in imbalance, what is more, what is less, left is more or right is more, what is wrong with you. Even a born-realised child, say, of two years who can talk, can tell you what’s wrong, because it’s subjective. You start feeling it: this is happening, that is happening.

All this understanding comes to you because it is Self-knowledge. But when you know about yourself you also know about others, because you jump into collective consciousness. You ‘jump into’, I say. You become collectively conscious. It is not that I say, “We are all brothers and sisters,” have United Nations for it and use it for giving jobs to everyone. It’s not that way. It’s an actualisation that takes place: you just become. Jolly well you’ll have to feel it. You cannot get rid of it. It becomes your awareness. You just feel it and that’s how you correct it.

Everybody is a part and parcel of that Great Being. As this finger can feel this finger; and as, when it is hurt, this finger goes to sooth it, in the same way the whole is more important than individual.

So, when we are seeking our wholesomeness we have to know that, only through Self-realisation, by becoming one with the Self, you are going to get it.

Talks, talks, talks – we have had many. Let’s have the real and get it. You cannot argue about it. It happens, especially in this country I have seen, because you are great thinkers and analysers. Everything you try to analyse. But this is beyond your thinking. You go beyond your rationality. Because rationality is limited and you have to be triggered into something unlimited, so you have to leave that. You have to go into that space. You cannot explain it by thinking. But then, when it starts flowing through you, you use your rationality to understand, “Why this finger is burning?” It is decoded in Sahaj Yoga.

In Sahaj Yoga you know all the decoding of all the signals you get from the Absolute. Your computer starts working. But who has to decode the computer and the numbers? All that is explained. That is what you have to learn, that is known as gyana.

After Realisation what one has to do? Also, a point comes up sometimes. Supposing, I have enlightened this one (candle), now what have we to do? Is to give light. What a question! When you are enlightened, after enlightenment what do you do? Is to give light, that’s all. That’s your job, is to give light.
