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Wednesday, November 22, 2023



"First let us be humble about it then we can understand what is love of God.
Love of God is a power, it is all pervading power. It is the subtle power which resides in all the elements, in all the molecules, in all the atoms. The vibrations that you see, say in a sulphur dioxide, when you see the isometric movement of the atoms, then know it is the love of God which is watching it.
Now it is easy to say that it is not love of God. But this is not very scientific way of looking at things. If you are scientific minded then, you have to understand this is the hypothesis which I am putting before you. And if it is not proved then you can deny.
Up until now, I would have accepted that you said there is no God but that also is not scientific, because you have not seen yet. You have not gone into that direction. You have not tried to find it out.
How can you say there is no God?
Only because, in your small little brain, you have conceived an idea that there is no God.
So, secondly you have to have an open mind to understand God’s love. A very open mind open mind like a student who goes to the university doesn’t challenge a professor, but sits down to listen to find out what the professor has to teach.
Thirdly, we must understand that we know very little very very little, wee bit. We are using a very weebit of our brain to understand it. so, whatever so called knowledge we have got is absolutely a limited knowledge. May be it is just ignorance or may be something mythical. Let us keep it as a hypothesis. Now, I say that there is God and I say that His love is all pervading.
All the great saints, incarnations, prophets all the great religions have said this. I am not saying this for the first time. I am only here to prove that they have said it, is the truth and you can find out whether it is the truth or not.
But you should be the seekers of truth and not just intellectuals or some sort of argumentative personalities. Try to understand that at human level you have not been able to discover that great power of love, is a fact, must accept. You have not been able to feel God’s love.
Or you might have read a lot, but you have had no experience of God. You have never felt His love Then, one must know that we have been ignorant. The darkness of ignorance has been on us and in darkness we are eating each other, you have no idea as to how we are related to each other. It is a crazy world we are creating today because of this darkness.
This darkness has to go away. And for that the light of God’s love has to come. "
H.H Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
You Have To Have An Open Mind To Understand God’s Love
Mavalankar Auditorium, New Delhi (India)
November 4th, 1986