331de4708b05e1c7e3d68a6f68a1dc3c24899f06 Sahajayoga- Meditation techniques acclaimed worldwide: Dec 22, 2009


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Tuesday, December 22, 2009

SAHAJAYOGA - Divine Gi ft to Humanity

Find Sahaja yoga branch near you

Sahaja yoga is now practiced all over the world. In many countries and more important citities of the world you can find centre of sahajayoga. By visiting the site www.sahajayoga.org you can know the branch near you. You can the branch and get started.

Instead you can start on your own by visiting the sie www.sahajayoga.com ,where you will find various videos. Kindly pay attention to these videos , get informed well yourself and start practicing.

What is Sahaja Yoga

Sahajayoga is unique way of Meditation based on an self realisation (Kundaliny Awakening) that can happen with every human being.
By this unique way of self transformation, one becomes Moral, United, Balanced and Integrated.
One can experience the inner divine power through cool breeze, described in different religions by different names- e.g. Kundaline by Hindus, Ruh by Muslims and Holy Ghost as described in Bible.
Become enlightend Soul.
May Mataji Nirmaladvi Bless us all.

Sahajayoga- Divine Gift to Humanity

Sahahayoga is really a divine gift to humanity by Mataji Nirmaladevi from India. She is living God on this planet, as is believed by her followers worldover. People from all religions of the world - Hindu, Muslim Christians, Buddhist, Jains, even communists and many other have followerd her out of personal experiences. Now everybody believes that She is Divine Mother for all of us.
If one wants to know more about Sahajyoga kindly visit www.sahajayoga.com site. The most important thing is that she has offered this technique totally free to the world. Mataji never expects anything , she only gives and gives.
Let that golden day dawn in your life. Kindly know the sahajayoga and follow it. You will find total transformation within and outside. Try it and Enjoy it.
Let Mataji Nirmaladevi Bless you all.