Following is the extract of one of the lectures of Mataji Nirmaladevi to the seekers in Australia
Time to Prove the Existence of God
I bow to all the seekers of truth.
We have to realize that there’s something gone wrong with humanity. We have come to a level of awareness, which is a human awareness, which understands many more things than animals can understand. Like a horse can pass through a dirty lane but a human being cannot pass through that. We have developed lots of sensitivities after becoming a human being. We have a sense of beauty, we have a sense of creativity, of music, of architecture, everything that surrounds us, we’re aghast to see what human beings can do.
‘I’ll appear before you like tongues of flames’.
Now this is the mechanism within us which works out our Self Realization. It is related of course to the gross side also and can be explained, all these centers are expressed outside as plexuses which doctors know very well, but that’s only on the physical side. These centers represent our physical being, our mental being, our emotional being, our spiritual being and there is a path kept absolutely free for the ascent of the power that is the Kundalini. Now the Kundalini is the word, comes from the word kundala, means coils, that’s all.
This Kundalini is the power of pure desire within us. This is described as the Holy Ghost in the Christian religion but if you ask any priest what is the Holy Ghost, he’ll say I’m agnostic, I don’t know what is the Holy Ghost is. Holy Ghost is the desire of God and when reflected within us it is the Kundalini. The primal Holy Ghost is reflected within us as Kundalini and in our heart is reflected the Spirit which is the reflection of God Almighty.
The Ruh that is described in the Indian shastras(scriptures) it is written "saleelum saleelum", described very clearly. That is like a slow cool breeze, where is that? If you have not yet felt it then you are not yet connected with the Divine and this connection has to be established. There is no need to feel bad about it if you have not known so far, that’s not to feel even upset about it, it’s your right to get it. That is what sahaja is, sahaja means born with you, it’s your right, it’s your birthright to get this Realization and all of you who are human beings have to become yogis, have to become the people who are realized souls. As they say in Koran (…….unclear). Unless and until we become that we cannot understand God, we cannot understand Bible, we cannot understand Koran, we cannot understand Gita. In different ways, in different manners all of them have tried to tell us that you have to get connected to God. Like somebody certifies that I am now a person who is a realized soul. What’s the use of such a certificate? Have you stopped making mistakes, have you become righteous person, have you become virtuous like Christ, are you beyond temptations now, are you a satisfied soul, no. Why, because the power of Spirit is not in our consciousness, the love of the Kundalini is not in our consciousness. That is our own property, that’s our own.
This Kundalini is the mother of you as an individual and she’s loved you all her life. All her life has been much more that yours because she has taken birth with you many a times and she’s recorded all your past and she’s just waiting for a chance, for a moment so that you could get your Realization which is the real baptism. Not an artificial one that I just put hand on your head and say now you are alright, that’s not the way. It has to work out in a way that this Kundalini which is a natural process of evolutionary process, please understand there’s nothing artificial about it, has to rise and pierce through your fontanel bone area to give you Realization . It’s like sprouting a seed, it’s that natural. Of course in the olden times there were very few people who got Realization, very few, I would say that time the tree of life was just growing there were very few flowers, but today it’s a blossom time I believe and also I’ve discovered a method somehow with great meditative efforts, an effort by which thousands can get Realization and once you get Realization you can give Realization to others.
Once you get this power within you, you can cure others. Once you get this power within yourself you are absolutely at peace with yourself. Your mental, physical, emotional and spiritual being is completely integrated. Apart from that, it’s not like a mother who gives some chocolate on top of the caster oil, I’m telling you the truth. Apart from that, you don’t know the realm of God. The realm of God is so efficient, so kind and so great and so miraculous that’s there’s no end to its description, you have to just feel it and see for yourself how God has been kind to you, how His compassion and love is showered upon you and how you get your transformation into a personality which is so sure, so confident yet so humble.
My request to you is that keep an open mind like a scientist. It is a new knowledge for you or maybe you might say that it is from India. It is not but you may say so. So India has learned so much from you, your sciences, there’s no harm in learning something from India also for a change. For this you cannot pay, you cannot pay, this is a living process. Even one thing if you apply to all these professionals that we cannot pay for God, all of them disappear. Now you cannot put in any effort also. Some people say I’m trying, I’m trying, there’s nothing to try.
It’s a living process which works out automatically which will give you Realization. So there is no need to try for anything. We became human beings without any effort, did we try any efforts to become human beings? Nothing, just one fine morning we find we are human beings from monkeys. In the same way it doesn’t require any efforts but it does require a humble attitude, a desire, because Kundalini is the pure desire as I told you, all other desires are not pure because when that desire is fulfilled you don’t want anything. You are so satisfied with yourself.