331de4708b05e1c7e3d68a6f68a1dc3c24899f06 Sahajayoga- Meditation techniques acclaimed worldwide: Nov 19, 2023


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Sunday, November 19, 2023



"But we have to think about The One who has created us. Is he waiting for your destruction? Will he be happy with that? How much are we cooperating with Him? With what care, love, He has created us? With what hopes, whatever it is. What does He want to do for us, that we are sitting down and feeling guilty? And now I have to tell openly that it has come to you also through other vehicles apart from the psychologists, psychoanalysts. Psychoanalysts: the other day we had a girl, she came to see me. She’s French. Her English was wonderful, and she said, “Horrible psychologists! They make me mad!” I said, “Why?” “They said, ‘I have bad relationship with my mother, bad relationship with my father, bad relationship with every third person.’ I don’t have! I have absolutely pure relationship. They try to put that idea into my head that there’s something abnormal, pathological about me which I am not! And they are making my brother’s relationship also funny by telling him that I have bad relations with him!” This is it.
So, they hit at the point of pure love, disintegrate you. You can’t have good relationship with your own mother, with your own father, with your own sister, with your own brother, and nobody. Because you cannot love except for you are sex-points. You have just relationship of sex! Even animals have better relationship than we have if you have to accept the psychologists! And they take money to suggest all these nonsensical ideas into your head! There are some here sitting. I will face them later on. This is how they’re putting ideas, into your heads that, “You are a person who has no purity,” and that, “You are a sinner.” “You are a damned person and any person you look upon, you have only sex relationships, nothing else.” I mean, are we sex-points? With all this evolution, God has made us into a sex-point: that’s what we have done to ourselves, reduced ourselves to that point only. He has created you in your own glory and your own dignity. He has not created you to be only wasted like this."
~Her Holiness Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi~