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Friday, December 29, 2017

relieve stress with Sahajayoga

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Stress is the ailment of modern world. The life of even common man has undergone considerably change. Whether one likes or not, the changed circumstances around has direct,indirect impact on our personality, routine, life style and so many things. Today the life - each and every aspect has been grappled by competition, suspicion, financial uncertainty, cultural changes in society, and many things like these.

We naturally are bound to be under constant strain or stress under these circumstances. It starts even from early childhood- whether the child will get admission in best school, how would he fair in interview, how would he behave with others, will he be able to grasp and cope up with teaching etc. etc. So in short changing world has created new causes of tension, stress and strain.

After all what is Stress? It is a symptom, external indication that you are not o.k. You are suffering from fear, anxiety, curiosity etc. Try to find out why all this happens? The answer is very simple- We constantly try to relate ourself with either past or future, and both of these tendencies causes stress.

Past is gone, we have left it behind. We can hardly do anything about it at present moment. They why are we thinking about it, remembering all bad and good things, why remain in those historical events unnecessarily. It causes problems. Set aside the past, forget it completely. Never ponder over it or never try to relate it with present or future for drawing some conclusions,perhaps which may prove wrong in reality. If you want to relieve yourself from stress completely forget past.

Similarly the most common mistake we do in life is always thinking of future. Always planning somethings and getting disturbed when plans do not work accordingly. We must stop it. It is impossible to predict anything hundred percent correctly, because there is an very important element, i.e. Uncertainty. What role it will play, how much impact it will have, what factors will crop up at the eleventh hour- nobody knows. So I personally feel that the only certain thing in this world is Uncertainty . We have to fact it as it is when it occurs or presents itself in any form- thee is no excuse.

Then what is the key to stress- free life. Living in present. Enjoying the present. Concentrating on present- because it is going to build your future. It is the way to your future. If you do not just do anything in present and just think of future imagine what will happen. So do your work with sincerity in present, build yourself physically and mentally to withstand anything, have a positive attitude, never indulge in any wrong thing about which you will need to repent in future.

Sahajayoga Meditation is key to overcome stress, to remove stress, to lead peaceful life. How it happens ? It happens through Meditation . Sahajayoga Meditation is special technique, very easy to understand and follow. It is freely available all over the world through various centers and even various online sites and videos on You tube etc. Matajai Nirmaladevi, the living Godess, Adishakti, Adimaya has been extremely kind to the mankind to offer this technique of meditation. Practicing it result in balancing in your own body, various nadis and chakras which results in healthy body and mind. It does work of cleansing from within. It connects you to the Almighty, the divine power existing in you, of which you are unaware. When it happens there cannot be any problem for you, because the divine spirit winthin you is ready to guide you in every respect.

Then why not learn, know about Sahajayoga and practice it as early as possible.
Jai Shri Mataji.