How fantastic you are ? “
..So one has to understand that evolutionary process is absolutely free, without any effort and you can’t pay for your evolution. It is spontaneous. Like you have this Mother Earth and you put the seed in it, then it sprouts by itself. What do you do? Nothing. It is spontaneous and that’s what exactly happens to you, that spontaneously you achieve that state of the spirit.
When we say, “This is my body. This is my mind. This is my ego. These are my conditionings,” we’re all the time saying “my,” but who is this “I” to whom all these things belong? We have never questioned this. This “I” is the spirit.
So the first truth is that you are the pure spirit. And the second truth is that there is all pervading power of Divine Love which does all living work. ..
But one has to know that we are on this Earth to become the Spirit, to enter into the Kingdom of God. This is our purpose. That’s why we are here, and then to be the instruments of that Divine Power, which is all-pervading.
This Divine Power has been described in many ways. Patanjali has called has called it as Ritambhara PrAgnya. In the Bible it is called as the Cool Breeze of the Holy Ghost. Also it is called as the All Pervading Power of Divine Love. In the Quran it is called as Ruh. In the Indian scriptures it is called as Paramchaitanya.
..When this Kundalini passes through these six centers, it nourishes it, it integrates it. Also it enlightens them. By that, our physical, mental, and emotional, spiritual problems are solved. Most of the global problems are because of human beings, and most of the human problems are because of these chakras or these centers within us.
So, if you can cure these centers, you can definitely cure human beings physically, mentally, emotionally and also spiritually. But then it is connected. The yoga takes place with this all pervading power and the light of the spirit shines in your attention. Then so many things happen that you are amazed how fantastic you are. These are all your dormant powers, will start manifesting…
So what happens to you that you become a righteous person, you become you can’t do wrong things. You cannot do things which are irreligious. You just don’t do it. You don’t get tempted to do anything. On the contrary, you enjoy your virtues. Your attention becomes absolutely innocent, without any lust and greed. And such a person, even a glance of such a person can bring peace.
The source of all this is this All Pervading Power of Divine Love. So you are connected with that power. Once you are connected with that power, it starts flowing through and when it starts flowing through you, you can feel it. Then it makes you grow. As a result, you know the Absolute Truth on your fingertips. .. Thus, you can make out also your own centers, what’s wrong with your own centers. Is there any problem in your centre? Immediately you can find out on the fingertips…
H H Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Public Program, Philadelphia (USA), 15 October 1993.