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Sunday, December 25, 2022



😇 - He came on this earth – not only to save you – first to give you happiness, to give you joy.
" I do not understand why do you show Him to be such a lanky, panky, miserable creature. He was never miserable. Such people can never be miserable as you are. This is another concept of man, that He should be lanky, panky, tally, skinny, starved, bones coming out, count them one by one. Horrible! I tell you.
From His childhood to His death He was jolly person, He was happiness, He was joy. To pick you all happy, to give you the light of happiness by enlightening your source of joy, that is your spirit in your heart, that He came on this earth – not only to save you – first to give you happiness, to give you joy.
Because human beings in their ignorance and in this tomfoolery, are unnecessarily beating themselves and destroying themselves. When nobody asked you to go to pubs to get into trouble; nobody has asked you to go to races and become bankrupts; nobody has asked you to go to horrible gurus and get into troubles, but you seek your destruction morning till evening. Then He comes there, like a morning flower, to make you happy. First to make you happy, to give you joy. You see any child… You see any child. At least I know Myself, I don’t know about the funny people here I mean, for them flowers also look like thorns, I mean I don’t know how they manage that stuff, but you see a child anywhere, any child, such a joy giving thing it is.
And this is the child of the Divine – that comes on this earth as a child – is the most joy giving thing. And that’s why Christmas for all of us, for the whole Universe should be a festival of great joy. For He brought light for us by which you could see that there is someone called as “God”, there is someone who is going to remove this ignorance. This was the first beginning. "
- H. H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
Caxton Hall, London (UK),
10 December 1979