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Tuesday, October 4, 2022

We need Transformation to solve the World's Problems


To solve the World ‘s problems – what we need is a transformation. .”
The truth is extremely simple that you are not only this body, this mind, this ego, these conditionings, but you are the Spirit, you are the Divinity. And the second one is that there is an All-pervading Power of Divine Love which is doing all living work. For example, we take these beautiful flowers for granted, how a simple seed has created these beautiful flowers. We never even think about it. Even we don’t think how we have been evolved from amoeba stage to human level. There are so many things we do not think about and there are so many things which cannot be explained to us even by science. I think only 25 percent things can be explained whichever are very obvious. But the science cannot tell us how the periodic law has been constructed, by which intelligent Creator that He has put all elements in such a beautiful manner; which also indicates what new elements we are going to discover....
Now at this time when we call it a Kali Yuga… These modern times are already described as one of the worst times of darkness and ignorance, and people will be in lots of illusions. At these horrible times, when we see all other shocking things happening in our lives, in our countries, in the whole world, then we start wondering who is responsible for all these problems.
If we are a little humble we’ll find it’s we, the human beings. We have gone wrong. There’s been something wrong within us that we have brought forth all these problems upon ourselves. They may be individual or they may be collective. They may be national. Could be international. So to solve these problems – So what we need is a transformation. And the time has come for us to achieve that transformation which is described in all the scriptures. In the Bible it is described as the second birth. Even in the Hindu scripture it’s described as the Brahma gyan or you can call it again the second birth, Dwijaha. It is described in the Koran, is described in all the Buddha’s teachings, described by Mahavira, is described by Nanaka, by all the religious people. Even Confucius has talked about it. Lao Tse has talked about it.
Now what is that second birth is? Second birth is not just getting another certificate. We have this, we have that, we are that. We believe that we are Christians, we are Hindus, we are Muslims, we are this, we are that. Everybody thinks no end of themselves. If you ask a Jew he’ll say the Christians are the doomed ones. They will go to hell directly, as if God has told them very clearly that Christians are going to be doomed forever. If you are the Christian they will say the same about the Muslims or the Jews, and the Muslims will say about the Hindus, and Hindus will say about the Muslims.
But any one of them is capable of committing any sin. Nobody is bound by anything. Their religion is not innately built within themselves, as so many things are built within us in our evolution. Like if you want a dog to go through a dirty, filthy place, he can go, but a human being cannot go, because it’s built in within him in the evolutionary process that sensitivity to filth and dirt. But we have got the freedom. The freedom is given because ultimately you have to have a full freedom. So by using this little freedom you will be able to know what is right and what is wrong. But it is not so, because we live in a relative world. Some people say this is right. Some people say that is right. While running from one place to another, and find the story is the same for all of them. People are so much in tension, so much in trouble....
So what you need is the light of the Spirit within you. It has to shine in your attention.
So he has already told you about these centers that are within you, these subtle centers that are within you, and this Kundalini which is your Mother. Everybody has an individual Mother and She is the one who gives you your Realization. It happens in a very short time. A great saint called Ramadasa who was the master of one great king, Shivaji, was asked, “How much time does it take for a Kundalini to rise?” So he said, that tatkshana means “that moment”, but there should be a giver and there should be a receiver.
....William Blake has clearly said. Very clearly, he was a great saint, who was regarded as mad man in his days and later on also. But he said that, “Men of God will find God. And they will make others godly.” That is the time today. This is the time of your Last Judgement. God is not going to put you on to any weighing scale.
This Kundalini is going to tell you where are you wrong, what are your problems, what are the centers which are in trouble. And once She tells you that, if you know how to correct it, you are forgiven and you are perfectly all right, and you find that everything that is your being is working so well, and ultimately you are surprised to see that you become a divine computer. ...
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Public Program, Sydney (Australia)
16 April 199119

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