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Sunday, May 7, 2023

How to keep the Mind in the Soul


There are many ways to keep the mind in the soul?
(1) Keep your right hand in left your heart and keep your left hand towards me and repeatedly say twelve times at least mother, I am soul, mother, I am soul.
(2) If you chant seven times from left to right, then your heart gets awakened and after that if you chant the mantra of Lord Shiva, the center of Lord Shiva in your heart will get awakened.
(3) The second thing is that this Brahmarandhra on the Sahastrar is your place of Shiva always, so even if you take care of Brahmarandhra, then also your mind will remain in the soul, Brahmarandhra which is always the place of Shiva. Even if you go, your mind will remain in the soul. In this way, you should do it carefully.
(4) Apart from this, there are many greatness through which you bring your mind in the soul and ask God to pray, pray that, Mother, make us a soul, Mother, let our mind remain in the soul, prayer is a very big thing for a Sahaja Yogi. Such prayer should be done that Mother, give me self-respect, give me Niranand, when this kind of prayer is done, then your mind slowly moves inward because you are beyond, every word is a mantra for you, whatever you say in your every prayer. Fulfillment happens. Those who think that by your grace I have got the soul, they have moved ahead. Yoga should be complete only then your mind can remain in the soul. Yoga is done completely with the soul.
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, New Delhi 7/5/1983

We have to resurrect Ourselves


In the history of spirituality, it is one of the greatest days when we find Christ rose from the dead. It is very significant and symbolic that in Sahaja Yoga, also what we have done, is to rise from the dead – into life. It is to be understood that resurrection is the message for all of us, for the whole world. We have to resurrect ourselves. There was no need for Jesus to do that. But He was a model, model of a saint, model of a realised soul, model of a person who came all the way from the heavens to save us.
So this resurrection is also part and parcel of our lives. It is so symbolic, so very symbolic, that we were, in our consciousness, lost people. We had no control over ourselves as to know the way our mind told us to go. We had no balance with the mind and our physical being, no more balance of any kind in life and used to go at random, whichever way we thought was good. There was no wisdom about it.
As it is, Jesus was the incarnation of Shri Ganesha. It’s a very difficult task He has performed. He used to convince people who were absolutely ignorant about spirituality, who just knew about money and nothing else. He came in those days when people had no idea about spirituality at all, at all. But, somehow, it all worked out in such a beautiful manner that people have started understanding that He communicated that resurrection is the important point.
He knew when the resurrection takes place, the kundalini rises and connects you to the Divine Power, which is all-pervading.
Istanbul Turkey
Easter Puja