"These are special people, specially selected for a very special cause and you cannot waste your energy on small, nonsensical things. That is one thing you should know.
On this Diwali day you have to know that you have to burn yourself for the light of the Divine to absolutely spread all over. But don’t do it too much. Like some people came to me and told me, “Mother, we have given up our parents. We have given up this. We have given up that. Still we are not good!” So I said, “Why should you give up? You are catching onto something, then you are giving up, or automatically it is just finished?” “Ah, we were, you see, very much attached to our family, parents, country, this, that. And now we have given up some, but some.” Such half-baked people are no good, and don’t pay too much attention to them. They don’t deserve any attention. That is very much to be understood: that you should not be also like that, nor you should have friends like that, nor you should make them Sahaj Yogis.
A Sahaj Yogi is a special character of a soldier who fights for the truth. That kind of a personality, when you will have, there will be lights all over.
This Diwali day, I bless you all from my heart and I want you to respect yourself and understand what is the position of your being in this organisation, we can call, or in this movement of Sahaj Yoga, and how are we working it out. The attention should move from all these nonsensical, mundane things to your Self. It should be a very dynamic force that should work out. And I am sure next year it would be very different. We’ll have all the beautiful blessings of the Divine. We must do it collectively, understandingly.
May God bless you!"
Diwali Puja: Soldiers of Divine Love
"Diwali Puja. Lake Piru, near Los Angeles, California (USA) 18 November 2001."