331de4708b05e1c7e3d68a6f68a1dc3c24899f06 Sahajayoga- Meditation techniques acclaimed worldwide: Jan 6, 2010


Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bahrain, Belgium, Benin
Brazil, Bulgaria, Cameroon, Canada, Colombia,Cote d'lvoire
Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark,Estonia,Finland
France,Germany, Ghana, Greece, Hong kong, Hungary
Iceland, India, Iran, Ireland Israel, Italy, Japan, Kuwait
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Trininad, Turkey, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates,
United Kingdom, United States of America, Vanezuela

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Unique features of Sahajayoga

Sahajayoga is a wonderful, practical,experienced, and world acclaimed technique of Mataji Nirmaladvi to the world. The divine Mother has attempted to connect us with the Almighty, call it by any name. In this method the divind power in you, which is in subconscious state, is raised and connected with the super power of this world. When it happens ,you become enlightend soul. Then that divine power guides you in every respect. You don't need any Guru to learn anything. The supreme power of Almighty present in you guides you in every respect.

Self-realisation takes place automatically and you start feeling wonderful effects of it. Our awareness become multi-dimentional. Our outlook become broader, our vision becomes clear, and our deeds become ethical. A total transformation can take place.

Once the self-realisation takes place, we need to nurture it with regular meditation practice so as to develop it and guide us in our life. By conscious and continuous practice of meditation system you start growing further in the right direction.
Help yourself to grow further as enlightened soul.
Jai Shri Mataji.

For ready reference of people from USA the information about the places where it is actually practised and the site information is provided below.
visit- http://sahajayoga.com/worldwidecontacts/country.asp?ID=233
Americans can visit any centre given below.
Alaska Arkansas Arizona California Colorado Connecticut District of Columbia Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Illinois Indiana Kansas Kentucky Massachusetts Maryland Maine Michigan Minnesota Missouri Mississippi North Carolina Nebraska New Jersey New Mexico Nevada New York Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania South Carolina Texas Utah Virginia Washington Wisconsin West Virginia
Jai. Shri.Mataji.