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Tuesday, August 15, 2023

You are wearing a Banner of God - You have to be Pure, Clean, Beautiful and Loving People


Try to remember-you are wearing the banner of God.”
Yoga is to be established on two points. The sin against the Mother and the sin against the Father. Sin against the Mother is when you do not look after your chastity. Your attention has to be pure and purer and purest. And the sin against the Father is when you try to make money here and there: cut corners and try to save money and run after money and worry about it. Any such enterprise, any such thing: underhand dealings, high hand dealings, anything like that, is the sin against the Father.
You are the people who have started believing, also, that money is not important. So, according to them, if you make some frauds it doesn’t matter, “After all money is not important so what?” And they have reached such conclusions. But in the name of God, to take a single pie is a sin. In the same way, to mishandle even a single pie while dealing with God – be careful, I am telling you! And grace cannot help you there! And this is a very sensitive point. For you it may not be, but for God it is. Those who make money in the name of God are equally bad [as] those who try to do anything to hide money. It’s just the same.
This is the work of God and you have to be pure people, you have to be clean, beautiful, loving people, like children. Christ has said that you have to be like children to be able to enter into the Kingdom of God. But you have entered and you’ll be thrown back!
There is more attention towards gaining more power, like saying mantras after mantras, this, that, just to gain power. What power is this? The power is of innocence and of purity. There is no other power higher than this – of simple innocence and purity. And you know that from me. An innocent person can never be harmed. Try to be humble and ask for innocence to be re-established within you. A cunning man goes a very little way to his doom, very fast. If somebody cheats you it does not matter but if you cheat someone, you will be doubly punished because you are a yogi, you are wearing the banner of God. Try to remember this. I do not think you should….
H H Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, in Dollis Hill Ashram, London (uk) 27/08/1980

The Mistake and the Counter Mistake


Part One
We make mistakes. Sometimes we sin. And as we do so, or thereafter, we become aware of it. We know we have done something wrong. It is what it is. A direct mistake that has a specific nature and goes against an innate principle of our divine subtle being.
The counter-mistake though, is often far worse. What is the counter-mistake? Well, our reaction to our primary mistake. Causing a secondary mistake.
We witness our primary mistake and then, react with shame. Feeling we aren't worthy to some degree. We may even stop meditating. We may take Shri Mataji's photo down in our shame. We feel guilty. We may stop the flow of our love and qualities. And so a secondary mistake becomes a response pattern.
Negativity itself often makes great efforts to manipulate our weakness in the primary mistake. But why? It often does it to cause the secondary mistake. Because in the secondary mistake we turn our face away from our ascent. Be it for a few days, a few weeks, or a few years.
This is the meaning of part one, of 'The mistake and the counter-mistake'.
Part two and part three are very easy to work out. For they are simply; part two is that same but towards other individuals we judge in the same way. And part three is exactly the same but towards the collective.
The best stance we can have to... 🤔 Counter the counter-mistake is to be detached enough about our primary mistake and continue with love. And with understanding. Forgiving ourselves and not judging so harshly is the best shield we have. We must be transparent and caring. Patient. And rekindle our persistence to grow deeper into our ascent knowing full well that we Inevitably will make mistakes again.