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Monday, April 8, 2019

Sahaja Yoga Meditation - Audio Talks

Sahaja Yoga Meditation - Audio Talks

Lord Jesus Christ and the Agnya chakra

Posted: 08 Apr 2019 05:42 AM PDT

Please enjoy the following Sahaja Yoga meditation talk by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi.  It took place on the 18th December 1978 in Caxton Hall, London.


“And it is the most important incarnation because he is the principle. He is the principle of creation. The Tattwa as they call it in Sanskrit language. He is the tattwa. Ganesha, who resides in the Mooladhara gradually evolves to be Christ at this stage. From that red chakra up to this chakra he became the Christ. He is the principle. Now what is the principle? Within us what is our principle? Is say the kundalini you can say? In this the electricity is the principle of this one is. In the same way the creation, the whole creation if you take it as such, it is the principle and the support of this creation. He represents the essence, the essence of creation. Like we can say we have a family, husband and wife and the child. Now the child is the essence of husband and wife. He is the essence of the family, of the house. The whole thing is sustained for him, is created for him. Till they did not have the child there was no meaning to that house, no meaning to their life. But when they had a child then they had a meaning.

In the same way Christ is the essence, is the tattwa itself. He’s the Omkara as they call it. He is the first sound, first sound that was created AUM when the Primordial Father and Primordial Mother separated, They created this sound. And he is that sound which is filled into All-Pervading Power and looks after and support, actually it is more the support because looking after is done by the father you can say or by the mother. But is the support of all the universe. And because he is just the essence, the essence never dies. Say my essence is my Spirit, it will never die. The body dies or the creation will die but the essence has to be there. If the essence is lost then nothing could be there that’s why he is the most important incarnation. Because he is the support.
Now this incarnation is placed in this Agnya chakra of ours. Here in the center where the optic nerve or optic thalamus cross each other like this. In the center is a very subtle point which moves both the sides like this and like that and it creates two sounds Ham Ksham, Ham Ksham, Ham Ksham. Ham is on the right hand side where you have seen the superego is there and Ksham is on the left hand side where the ego is. Now these two sounds create two kinds of vibrations. The Ham sound creates the vibrations, which make you think, “I am, I am. Ham, I am.” This comes from our existence power that we know we have to live in this world, we’re not going to die. Any human being who tries to kill himself is abnormal. Normally every human being, why every animal or any living thing tries to retain its life. That is through this power of Ham that I am. Now the superego on the left hand side and ego on the right hand side is Ksham.
But now I’ll tell you about the right hand side superego. In this superego when you are conditioned by so many things, then you are frightened and you are worried because these experiences make you that type of a person which has fear in the mind. And this fear is all settled in your superego. This starts from your amoeba stage you can say and is still today is being stored there. You are afraid of police, you are afraid of that, you are afraid of this. Some people are not afraid of these things but are afraid of something else. Because whatever have been your conditions, whatever have been your experiences are all put down here. Moreover when somebody reads the book of “Dracula” now he’s afraid of the word Dracula but the children who do not read they do not know what is a Dracula is. If you say Dracula has come they say all right lets have a look at him. But those children have read about Dracula, they are literally frightened and they say, “Oh God, Dracula is coming, something terrible is going to happen.” So you see whatever you have read, whatever you have gone through whatever experiences you have had all is in the superego. So this superego in that this center sends message, I am, you are, you are Ham, Ham don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid, you are.
So the people who come to me, you have seen some people who come to me are victims of superego conditioning and these are the people, actually at this stage only you can really discriminate between the two types. One who are very aggressive, the other who are absolutely we should say subordinated, frightened. These people when they come to me I have seen, they go on crying and weeping, “Mother you know this has happened that has happened,” and I really get tired talking to them. And there are so many of this kind that really you have to pay attention to them as Sahaja Yogis because you’ll have to deal with them, how to manage them and how to work it out. Now at that time if a Sahaja Yogi says, now you go on saying Ham, Ham, Ham, Ham, a Sahaja Yogi if he says then the vibrations will drive out his fear. Even if you are under any fear and you are walking around and you feel that there’s frightened, you just say Ham, Ham, Ham. Now with this saying the vibrations will clear out this side very nicely. Apart from that, that is the way you can get help from the Divine by saying Ham. Now there are many things about Ham and Ksham but as the time is you know, so I do not want to go into great details about it. But I would say the mantra for the right hand side is Ham and for the left hand side is Ksham.”

HH Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

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