331de4708b05e1c7e3d68a6f68a1dc3c24899f06 Sahajayoga- Meditation techniques acclaimed worldwide: Oct 20, 2010


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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

You can cure- you can give realisation

Sahajayoga is such a unique living thing i have come across that it not only helps you to get transformed totally , but you can give realisation to other, you can cure others. The divine power within yourself can be used for curing others. Mataji Nirmaladevi has spread this sahajayoga with this intention only - that sahajayogis should spread this light, increase awareness in number of people, transform as many people as possible, and make this world a beautiful thing to live- full of pleace and silence, tranquility, sinerity etc.

Faith has great power. When anyone first comes to sahajayoga, it happens with many reason. Some wants to know it, some wants to judge it, some have anxiety, curiosity to know what is all this? Is it true? Is it beneficial? Does it works? Whether it has any side effects like other branches of medical science? and so on.

Mataji always says if one wants to get realisation, wants awakening of Kundalini, the person must come with open mind. Keep faith in Mataji , and then see what happens. That is the only pre conditions- if you come with pre conceived wrong notions about sahajayoga, it will not work and help, becuase you are not ready to accept it, to get into it, to involve from the heart. If you are ready with open mind. then anything is possible. You will get your first realisation from Mataji or from anybody in this world. Even the photo, image of Mataji can give you realisation. We have witnessed it happening all over the world.

Faith is the greates power. With the help of faith you can know so many things. You try to analyse your life, you will notice that number of things you have known or understood just because of faith- faith in somebody, faith in something- Your parent, your teachers, your neighbours, your friends, and so many others. Faith is the first step to understand anything. When you cross it, then everything is easy.

So first cross the first step, come forward from your present statw with a clear intention to get realisation, get awakening of Kundalini, to have complete transformation. Once you come in with open mind, everything else will come step by step. You will know so many things, realise everything arouind you, will be guided by divine power in all respect. So come forward and enter the world of faith- You will get everything. Not only that you will be able to give everything to others.

Jai Shri Mataji.