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Monday, November 15, 2010

Choose your food

Mataji Nirmaladevi had time and again explained the importance of balanced diet One can be vegetarian or non-vegetarian, it does not matter. Person needs to maintain balance of both types of food. Nothing is bad or nothing is wrong. So just do not be under impression that only vegetarians are good and non-vegetarians are bad or something of that sort. It is a matter of carbohydrates or proteins. Mataji has advised that western people should increase vegetable food and indians should increase non-veg. Excess of anything is bad for body.

Mataji has several times said that food is not that much important thing. She even had claimed that fasting does not necessary make you worthy person, or takes you near the god or something of that sort, as is believed by many people . There is no need to deprive body of its food. It is essential.

Food has relevance in life and must be taken with that spirit. Food should satisfy your hunger, thirst, your physical and mental needs. It has the important function to perform for you. It is the source of energy and so we must have it. Balanced diet is the best form of diet.

Right kind of food, sufficient and required quantity of food will nourish you properly as a balanced person.