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Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Negativity and Positivity - How We Perceive Everything


Negativity and Positivity — How we perceive everything **
"...Anybody who is complaining of nature is negative, anybody who complains is negative. I never complain, do I? Did I ever complain. I’ve been to all your programs anywhere, did I ever complain that the bed is not all right? Suddenly the other day I discovered the bed on I sleep is really hard like a rock, really. I just suddenly discovered because I sat on it. But I didn’t complain to anyone. I said, “It’s all right.” Because I’m quite comfortable Myself with it. So this is it that shows a person who’s not comfortable within himself is still negative and such a person should try to keep out of Sahaja Yoga. That’s the best way the person is going to be helped.
For negative people also you must remember you must try to keep out of Sahaja Yoga. Don’t try to show off, because such a person always wants to come forward. Why? Because he’ll be blessed, because he’ll be saved. It’s a kind of a, like a beggar coming to a rich man, but it’s not so!

In Sahaja Yoga it’s the other way round, everything is just the other way round, you can put everything the other way round, then you’ll understand. In Sahaja Yoga those who keep out of My sight are better blessed. Those who do not ask Me questions, whether I should have this or that are better blessed. Those who do not claim anything from Me are better blessed. Those who do not challenge Me are better blessed. Miracles happen. Like in My passport, this has happened before also, I did not know in Australia, but Mr. Shivastava told Me that My passport has expired, I must get the validity again sanctioned.

When I came here, Warren told Me at least three times, then I asked Warren, “Should I go to Delhi to get it done because if I go to Hong Kong how will I do it, without a passport?” And then I said, “Let’s see.” I opened the passport – it’s already sanctioned till eighty-eight. So, you see, for that one has to understand that we must know our priorities; we must know what is important. For Me it was important I have to go to Hong Kong, I couldn’t find any time when I could go there, at a time when it would not be very hot. And just it worked out for Me, I don’t have to go to Delhi first and I’m now ready to go.

It has happened so many times and even if something goes wrong with My passport or anything because of negative forces, I use it for an advantage. So even if somebody is a negative person, use it for a positive thing. Now, example: I was going to America and I had sent My passport for visa and My husband who is so meticulous had taken it. And they gave the visa for the year ahead. When I went to the airport they said, “What? This is the visa for the one year ahead.” One year ahead, they had given. So they said, “You can go next year, not this year, the visa is for next year.” So I telephoned to My husband, it was a Sunday, he just got out of bed, he ran up and down, poor fellow, he said, “How is it I didn’t see?” I said, “You didn’t see. What has happened is that you didn’t see. The fellow who did it was quite speedy I think, so he gave Me one year ahead, so now better find out.” I mean, this is what happens to the speedy people. They’ll give you visa for one year ahead. That’s another extreme positivity. Now, then as a result of his running up and down, they all got shattered, you know the Americans especially felt, “Oh God, what a mistake it was.” So they gave Me visa for five years.
[Laugter and applause]
So instead of feeling unhappy about the negativity and making miserable faces and making yourself miserable and Me miserable with that, best is to laugh it out and use that negativity for your positivity...."
(excerpt from Shri Mataji's address to Sahaja Yogis at Rahuri, Maharashtra, 14-01-1986)