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Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Darkness cannot enter into Light


Darkness cannot enter into light.”
As you know in Chemistry, that all the elements are put into a proper periodic law and in that periodic law, this period is for, say, Carbon, this is for Hydrogen – like that there are eight classifications, at a very gross level so, they were given different valencies. Ultimately at human level also, you were given ten valencies. As you know, in the matter there are only eight valencies and in the animals there are nine valencies but in the man, human-beings only, there are ten valencies which are told to us in a very gross manner – because, I think, that time human-beings were extremely gross – as ten commandments. But people listened and obeyed those days without questioning but when they questioned in these modern times, better to tell them in a very subtler way, that these are eight valencies within us which actually make us as human-beings and when we disobey those valencies, then we go either to the left or to the right and we become either sub-normal or abnormal. To be normal we have to have those eight valencies within us.
So, in sahaja yoga what I have thought of is this way that let them have their light first, let be they awakened – all of them should be awakened. Let them have their light because they’re all light, they’re all Spirit, they’re all glory.
Let them feel that glory, that peace, that bliss within themselves, then gradually in that light they will see what sort of a lamp I have got. and then they become their own gurus and correct themselves – I don’t have to tell them. It is they who look after themselves by understanding and this is the best method has worked out because I can tell you this much, never in this world on any time there were so many realized souls. …
Mohammad Sahab has said that, “Your hands will speak.”
He’s talked of resurrection much, much more than he has talked of doomsday but Muslims don’t want to talk of resurrection, they want to talk of doomsday because they can frighten people to get some money out of them. Same with Christianity – Christ has said that this will happen that, you will get your realization that Christ will be born within you and all these things have been already revealed to you. Even a great poet like William Blake* has said that, “Those days when there will be resurrection time, men of God will become prophets and they will have powers to make others prophets.” All those scriptures are to be proved today, everything has to be proved today and that is only possible if you become the light yourself otherwise in the darkness what’s the use of proving that this is red or this is black? Makes no difference to a person who has not seen the light. And that is why, I have to make a very humble request to you, that you first get your realization – that is the best way you can understand yourself and others. ..
– What is the source of the evil, where does it come from? – Evil comes from your choices. You see, you have got the freedom, you asked for the freedom – alright? Now, freedom is given to you. Then what happens that in your freedom you, you, you seek things which are not good for you, in ignorance, in darkness and when you are in darkness you start accepting all those bad things and you feel comfortable with them, gradually, because your ego is there whatever satisfies your ego, you try to do that or some conditionings that have come to you, you try to act according to your conditionings. So it’s a long story sometimes like for ages together, supposing in a family, people have been all their lives been evil – the mother, the grandfather, the great-grandfather – all of them have been doing evil things then what happens in that family even the dead who are forefathers and all that – even the dead – they hover on these people and teach them bad things and tell them how to do it and they become geniuses in this. There are many people in our country and in your country and everywhere, who, who learn this craft and create the evil.
Now in this world, I don’t know how many, at least I know sixteen horrible devils have taken birth. Out of them three are lead women of the worst type but there are many devils who have taken birth and they are trying to create evil in the world. So as, as there is God, there are also these evil forces which we have created. They have become from good people, some of them became angels and then fallen angels and then devils – in your freedom one chooses evil.
But it is a myth, in a way because if there is light, there’s no darkness – darkness can, cannot enter into light, it runs away. ..
H H Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, 13 August 1984
Public Program, Cambridge (England).