331de4708b05e1c7e3d68a6f68a1dc3c24899f06 Sahajayoga- Meditation techniques acclaimed worldwide: 09/01/2021 - 10/01/2021


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Sunday, September 26, 2021

Sahajayoga - Very Easy, Free, Portable, Result Oriented yoga making your life wonderful in true sense

Sahajayoga is now internationl movement, wherin people from various countries and religions participate without any fear, fee or compulsion. It is out of own desire to make personal advancement, to get real silence and peace in life, to start inward journey after long processing of seeking everything outside in external atmosphere. 

United Arab Emirates also follows and spreads sahajayoga and many of its citizens have been doing it for long time and reaped various benefits.  The website of UAE explain fully why sahajayoga  and all related questions. 

Following are important answers to all questions about Sahajayoga. 

It’s Easy

You don’t have to spend years living in the mountains to achieve enlightenment. You don’t have to give up anything or spend weeks in silence. You don’t have to learn mantras or wear special clothes or even try to clear my mind. The meditation simply happens spontaneously. The classes are easy and fun, and as long as you keep up my daily ten minutes of meditation you find you are able to achieve a deep and peaceful meditation on a regular basis.

You’re your own boss.

You meditate and introspect at your own pace. You don’t have to keep up with others, or feel pressured into doing things you’re not comfortable with. You are your own teacher, your own guru, your own master. This technique of meditation empowers you and enables you to help yourself. You don’t have to rely on anybody else. Of course, there are many people in Sahaja Meditation who can teach you a great deal about the meditation and its various techniques. 

It’s portable.

You don’t need to take anything with you to meditate: no mats, no potions, no special clothing or books. You can meditate anywhere – in a quiet room or on a noisy bus; at the beach or watching a movie. Thoughtless awareness (the state of meditation) is easy to achieve if you keep medit

ating daily, and it can be achieved in almost any situation.

You feel good.

Without fail, every time you sit down to meditate you feel better. Whether you manage to have a deep meditation or not makes no difference, and as a consequence your family and friends are reaping the benefits

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Real Spirituality

What is your take on spirituality in today’s world?

In today’s world, the understanding of the term ‘Spirituality’ is very distorted. Unfortunately, majority of humans, especially those with power/ authority/ education market ‘spirituality’ as something very ambiguous that needn’t be pursued at all. Rather they promote materialistic dreams to the common mass and define life and success as something to do with bank balance, number of bungalows and cars in one’s possession!

So those people who can work and be employed, have their priorities clearly defined by the world around us – esp. by the media, entertainment and advertising world! They create commodities and define fashion trends and also propagate the fact that if one is not following the current trend – however dumb that may be – is outdated and belongs to a backward society whose future is very bleak!
Therefore, afraid of being pushed into oblivion by the ‘supposedly’ trendy society, people tend to blindly follow fashion/ comfort/ luxury trends and make a complete mockery out of themselves and the society as well as the nation they belong to!
Although this is also true that India (and other parts of the world as well) is very rich in spiritual heritage but unfortunately it just remains as some matter of discussion by the intellectuals in their living room.

And of course there are charlatans in every country who are busy marketing superstitions and delusions in the name of spirituality. And because majority are quite unaware of the concept of true authentic spiritual science, they are easily duped by the frauds and they land up suffering endlessly!

What does spirituality mean to you?

In simple words, spirituality is the ‘science of the divine and as science is totally based on detailed understanding of any subject, so is ‘spirituality’ a very deep understanding of the techniques devised by the Creator (aka. God, Almighty, Allah, Eishwar etc) to run the Universe as well as experiencing the presence of divine blessings in the form of vibrations.

I came to know of the concept of manifesting your own divinity by reading various books on enlightenment written by our spiritually inclined and enlightened ancestors. It is through such books that I came of know about ‘Kundalini Shakti’ (coiled dormant serpent energy) lying at the base of our spine that needs to be awakened by a True Spiritual Master. Just like we have different body systems (respiratory, circulatory, muscular etc.) working in perfect synch with each other, so do we have a Subtle System, made of Chakras, Nadis (Energy Wheels and Energy Channels) and the dormant spiritual element (Kundalini Shakti) in all of us.

With sahajayoga, after awakening of your kundalini, you know what is real spirituality.  You  know you are Atma - and can know everything with the help of vibrations on your top of your  fingers.  You then know the hackers, merchants, salesmen of god fooling innocent people in the name of God.  You discard all wrong notions about religion  and associated dress code, behaviour, fasting, and all external manifestation of  code of dharma established by crooked  gurus.  You become your own guru.  Your inner voice, antaratma guides you on every issue of life, as kundalini in your body, is your real mother for many generations and knows well what is right for you.  So never neglect inner voice, which is real divine advice for you in given circumstances.

Mataji Nirmaladevi has enlightened thousands of  people who leading full life with power of love, compassion, brotherhood - the real teachings of any dharma or religion. 

Jai Shri Adishakti  Mataji Nirmaladevi. 

Sunday, September 19, 2021

Stay in the present, and stay balanced - real solution for stress management.


Remaining in balanced state is the main principle, objective or idea of sahajayoga. Person should not be right sided or left sided, as both have their own problems - physical as well as mental. Hence attaining balanced state of mind gives one peace within, for which he or she is wandering everywhere outside.

Following was the important message given by Mataji Nirmaladevi to a group of IAS and IPS officers on stress management. 

Many a head nodded in agreement as Nirmala Devi, spiritual leader and founder of Sahaja Yoga, said, "Don't be too harsh on yourself. Stop feeling guilty about what has happened. Forgive yourself andforgive others.''








She was speaking to the officers of Indian Administrative Service on "Stress and Tension Management'' at the Y.B. Chavan auditorium on Saturday afternoon.

She described the IAS and IPS officers as the "spine of the country'' and said that they should not be under any kind of stress or strain.

For Mataji as she is popularly known, peace lies within an individual and it needs to be discovered. According to her, it is essential to go into the meditative state to reach that state. "And it is just the beginning of a transformation that takes us to a higher level of awareness,'' she said.

Nirmala Devi noted that people were not aware of the subtle system that works within every being. Explaining the concept of "kundalini awakening'', she said that the kundalini was the energy that lay dormant in the sacrum (bone at the base of the spine). In a broader sense, kundalini awakening was the process of self-realisation, which helps a person overcome stress and heals the harried nervous system. She believes that self-realisation was a person's first encounter with reality.

According to the shastras also, she said, power resides within every human being. Sahaja Yoga uses this subtle inner instrument -- kundalini, to bring about a balance in the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual being.

"When the kundalini is awakened, it helps the person humble down. It also brings about self-realisation. The awakening itself is known as self-realisation,'' she said. She added that people needed to relax today, and that too was possible with this awakening.

In her book, "Stress Management through Sahaja Yoga", she has explained that the left sympathetic nervous system, represents the power of desire of an individual, while the right represents power of action. "And it is the left side that you can control," she said, adding that there should be a balance between the two.

Sahaja Yoga aims at achieving holistic health care for people with meditation. Elaborating on the benefits of meditation, she said that a person could attain a peaceful state of mind and still stay alert. "One feels compassion for humanity and is able to let go of anger, hatred, fear, resentment and other negative traits that inhibit a person's growth,'' she said.

Nirmala Devi started the propagation of Sahaja Yoga in 1970 and today over 85 countries the world-over, have Sahaja Yoga centres. Having been associated with the freedom struggle, she said, that this technique of self-realisation also makes a person patriotic. "As those who practice it are above materialism and can sacrifice anything,'' she noted.

Commenting on the human tendency to brood over the past, she reiterated that to feel bad about the past was inconsequential. "If you feel bad, you torture yourself. Learn to stay in the present and stay balanced,'' she said.


Thursday, September 16, 2021

Lord Ganesha and Mooladhar Chakra


The ganpati festival is being celebrated in many parts of India. Lord Ganesha is associated with this chakra in our body.  Hence this post to highlight the importance of first important chakra in our body. 

Mooladhar chakra

Innocence and Wisdom (Mooladhara) 

The deity of this chakra is Shri Ganesha. It is having four petals and is associated with excretory organs.

 Location. The Mooladhara chakra is located in the pelvic plexus at the base of your spine. The vibrations of this root chakra can be felt on the base of your palm.

Qualities. Your Mooladhara chakra forms the foundation of your entire subtle energy system. It represents eternal and indestructible qualities within you. These qualities only manifest to their fullest potential when your Kundalini energy has been awakened. This chakra is represented by a coral red color. It is closely aligned with the earth element.

 The fundamental quality of the Mooladhara chakra is innocence. Innocence is the basis of righteous (dharmic) character. Your innocence can never be destroyed, but it may be covered (or masked) by your ego and conditionings, just as the sun may be covered by clouds.

Negative societal influences can also muddy the pure innocence and wisdom that is part of your Mooladhara chakra. The good news is that meditation can restore them. When you rebalance your Mooladhara, you can renew your energy and priorities.

 Experience and Benefits. A balanced Mooladhara will help you maintain and increase your inner wisdom. You’ll be able to quickly distinguish right from wrong. The wisdom of this chakra will enable you to avoid action (or inaction) that is harmful to yourself or others.

A balanced Mooladhara chakra will also lead to improved memory, attention and focus. You’ll be able to manage your intellectual energy and make decisions quickly while maintaining emotional balance and stability.

Additionally, the innocence of this chakra will enable you to view other people and situations without prejudice or bias. Your actions will be pure as a result.


Tapping into your Mooladhara will give you the ability and authority to raise your own Kundalini energy as well as that of others who also wish to experience the benefits of Kundalini energy awakening. You will become better able to distinguish false information. You will not fall prey to those who would cheat you or “take you for a ride.”

Your Mooladhara chakra plays a role in helping you remain in harmony with nature. It also helps you to avoid unnatural or unhealthy lifestyles (those that may be considered “perverse” or “against nature”). Mooladhara allows you to respect your innocence and purity, as well as that of others. It is through the Mooladhara chakra that birth and creation continue their course.

When you experience a disruption of your Mooladhara chakra, many illnesses mayresult. Because it governs sexuality and the reproductive system, balancing this chakra will guard against a misuse of sexuality or sexual perversions. Mooladhara also governs your excretory system. When the chakra is balanced, your body will be free of diarrhea or constipation.

Left channel problems, such as depression or lethargy, can also be prevented by balancing the Mooladhara chakra. Right channel problems, such as aggressive behavior, excessive thinking, excessive planning and overindulging may also beeliminated.

Self-Assessment. If your Mooladhara chakra is out of balance, you may experience a poor sense of direction, poor memory, or a poor sense of balance (gravity). Other symptoms of disruption in this chakra include excretory problems, sexual disorders and reproductive difficulties.

How to Balance. Fortunately, it is quite simple to balance your Mooladhara chakra. To begin, you should sit directly on the earth as often as possible. While enjoying a peaceful moment outdoors, you may clear your left Mooladhara by resting on the ground in a cross-legged fashion. Place both hands on the ground beside your hips, palms facing downward.

If you are unable to spend time outside, there is another option. Soaking your feet in a bowl of warm salted water is also helpful in balancing the Mooladhara chakra


Source: www.sahajayoga.us and https://www.sahajayogabengal.com/mooladhara-chakra/

Friday, September 3, 2021

Mataji takes care of every sahajayogi

I am here for you

Adishakti Mataji takes care of each and every devotee and sahajayogi.  She is known as Dhanwantari, the Doctor of Gods as per hindu dharma.  So nothing is impossible for her , her ways are totally different.  She can cure people from distance too.  Following is one of the experience of sahajayogi,as explained by her.

In December 1984 I was taking part in the annual tour of India with Shri Mataji and about two hundred Sahaja Yogis. I had been very struck by the enormous respect and adoration in which the Indian Sahaja Yogis held Shri Mataji. In Vaitarna, a village some distance from Mumbai, the Indians had one day organized a procession in which Shri Mataji would be carried around the village on an ox-cart, decorated with garlands. The Sahaja Yogis, western and Indian, danced around the cart as it advanced through the village streets accompanied by local musicians.

I started to dance and gradually approached Shri Mataji’s ox-cart. Shri Mataji saw me and greeted me with the gesture of namaste. I approached the ox-cart and started to walk alongside. From the ox-cart, Shri Mataji extended Her hand and I approached closer to kiss it. At this moment the cart wheel, wooden with an iron rim, ran over my foot.  ‘It’s nothing, it’s nothing,’ I said to all those around who were looking at me, horror-stricken. Some people carried me under a tree where one Sahaja Yogini, a nurse, tried to stop the bleeding and an English doctor stitched my foot up. Mr. Pradhan, the leader of the Vaitarna Sahaja Yogis, came over to see me.

‘Shri Mataji is very sorry for what happened,’ he said. ‘She sends Her vibrations and tonight She will work on your foot.’
Mr. Pradhan returned to tell me that Shri Mataji was too tired. She would work on me the next day. I was taken in a jeep back to the bungalow where we were staying. Unknown to me, Shri Mataji was staying in the same bungalow. Next morning, I was sitting in my sleeping bag in the little corridor where we slept, suddenly everyone stood up. Shri Mataji was there. I also tried to stand up. Shri Mataji came towards me.

‘I am here for you,’ She said. ‘Come to my room.’ I followed Her, hopping on my good foot. The other had swollen up and I could not put my weight on it. Shri Mataji, conversing with me all the while, began to give vibrations to my foot. Having first assured Her that I could move all my toes, She put Her foot on top of mine, at first horizontally, pressing on the toes, and then pressing first on one side of my foot and then on the other, vertically. Her foot was completely pressed against mine and I not only felt the vibrations on my foot, but I had the impression that my foot had become a band of vibrations after some time.

‘Go now and don’t think any more about it,’ She said. Having entered Mother’s room hopping, I left it walking normally, without feeling any pain.
Sandra C.

reference- https://sahaja-yoga-experiences.com/i-am-here-for-you/