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Friday, October 15, 2010

Mataji's Qutes for self development

Many of us have a problems- Who I am? What is the purpose of my life? Where to find the peace? How to act in life ? and so on. These are very basic and common problems , which can be answered if we pay attention to the various quotations of Mataji Nirmaladevi.

I reproduce below few quotes for the benefit of all the seekers.

"You are not this body; you are not this mind – you are the Spirit. This is the greatest truth."

“Freedom is when you really get your own powers which are within you, in you central nervous system and in your conscious mind. You must feel the existence of the Spirit.”

“Kundalini cures you, She improves you, She bestows all these blissful things upon you. She takes you away from the worries of grosser level.”

“Meditation is the only way you can grow because when you meditate you are in Silence; you are in thoughtless awareness. Then the growth of awareness takes place. "

A star is shining within us and that is our Spirit."

"Either you lead a life which is luxurious on the material level or you lead a luxurious life of God's blessings. One of them you have to choose, the Time has come."

It is important for everyone to have that knowledge of the roots within ourselves. Sahaja Yoga allows the individual to become his own spiritual guide."

"Self Realisation makes us humble. Replace temper with compassion. The more innocent you are, the more blissful you will be."

"Discover the peace and joy within through the connection with your Spirit."

The greatest friend you have is the Divine Power which is looking after you and doing everything for you."

Jai Shri Mataji.

Surrendering is Best Policy

In one of her lectures during Navaratri in London, Mataji Nirmaladevi has impressed upon the devotees to understand the power of surrendering. Surrendering to the God has great value, unless it is done from heart, God cannot help you. When a devotee is attacked by satanic forces, it is done in subtle way, it creates confusion in the mind of concerned person. That is a peculiar situation of Kaliyug, that people get easily confused about the real things, doubt is created in their mind, leading to wrong thinking and actions.

The only way to come out of such a confused state of mind is surrendering to the God. When it happens, then all the satanic forces which have taken hold of you, disappear immediately. As they have no business to be there with you, when you have surrendered to the God, and they cannot surrender themselves.

To solve any problem the easiest way is to surrender completely to God, and then the path of progress will be visible to you. All your confusions and worries will be over, because the Almighty has taken charge of it. When you surrender you ego and superego, you receive the blessings, which will chart your way in future towards progress.

You with your logic, knowledge, wisdom, reasoning and whatever you have , you cannot get answers to all the questions. When you try to solve it, or resolve it , at times they become more critical and difficult and complex , so better wasy is to keep aside your ego, superego and surrender to the Almighty and see the miraculous way , how the question gets solved easily.

So why waste time. Just surrender yourself completely and witness the happenings.
Jai. Shri Mataji.