Today on Sahasrara day Mataji Nirmaladevi opened the shasrara and paved the path of love, wisdom, harmony and stress free life of lakhs of people all over the world.
Stress is becoming more common in society and in our personal life too. Everybody experiences it at some point of time in the life. The reasons for stress can be manifold, depending upon the person concerned, his family and social background, his career and so many such other things of life.
Whether one likes or not, has to undergo stress, face stress, overcome stress. Can stress be removed from our life. It is impossible. Then the alternative available with us is to face it calmly, overcome it, not allow it to disturb our peace of mind. How can we do it. Sahajayoga is a tool which helps us to face the stress without allowing it to cause us personal harm.
How Sahaja Yoga can helps reduce stress
Sahaja Yoga meditation is a unique solution to many problems we face in life. Sahaja Yoga is different than other yogas because this begins with self realization instead of this being the unobtainable dream of a distant goal. Self realization also known as - "Knowing thy self" can be explained as follows - better understanding of our inner personality and establishment of harmony with the external demands. This can be easily learned and mastered by regular meditation and knowing the foundation of our being which is present as The Subtle System within all of us.
1. The sense of inner peace acquired during sahajayoga meditation helps to boost our emotional balance, and helps us to face stress present and even coming in future over a period of time.
2. Daily practise of sahaja yoga meditation helps us revitalise energy, have optimistic attitude in life with peace and calm in mind and body.
3. It helps us to monitor our thoughts, deeds. It helps us to observe our own actions in right perspective, while we are well guided by the intutions and self introspection.
4. Sahajyoga has great positive effect on our personality. It definitely improves our skills, creativity resulting into right decisions leading to increased productivity and performance with self satisfaction.
reference - Article by Chandrima Sarkar, PhD, Engineering manager, Machine Learning at Splunk on Linkedin.