331de4708b05e1c7e3d68a6f68a1dc3c24899f06 Sahajayoga- Meditation techniques acclaimed worldwide: Oct 12, 2010


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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Sahajayoga- essence of all religions

Religion is the most dear thing to human beings and it follows the person from the birth to death. It is something, which he tries to understand in life, practice in daily routine, and attempts to get to some sort of relief, pleasure, joy of doing some ideal work - Satkarma in life. Religion essentially is a bundle of rules ,formed to control human beings, in their behaviour with everybody around .

But today in Kaliyuga, religion instead of doing something good to society is causing more harm. Battles are fought in the name of religion, inequality is perpetrated in the name of religion, certain dogmas, beliefs, rituals, practices are getting established and gaining acceptance as real religion. But it is not so. We must understand the essence of any religion, it is always the best practices for the human being to follow.

Sahajayoga is essence of all religions. It is build upon the unique awareness, self realisation generated within oneself . It implies and includes all the sacred principles to be followed in life - love, affection, brotherhood, sympathy, forgiveness, help, better relationship and so on. It is not associated with any kind of cult - like using dress of particular colour, wearing some mala or ring, or doing prayer on particular day, at particular time, fasting on particular occasion etc.nothing of this sort. If you observe clearly then you will notice that these are all external things, external manifestation of some acts, while the person concerned is not improved in any mannger, he rather behaves like an animal in life, which should never happen.

In Sahajayoga person understands real meaning of religion, its importance and practices it from within. Sahajayogi is in awakened soul, he on his righteous path becomes a pure soul, which is nothing but living dharma or religion in oneself. He is the self master , guru of his own. He can well guide others also with the help of this Kundalini power and make them realise real peace and joy of life.